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Evergreen Documentation Interest Group (DIG)

We welcome new participants and invite anyone interested to attend meetings, volunteer for tasks, and join the discussion lists. There's a role for everyone!

Activities of the DIG | Short-range Goals | How to Participate

Meeting Notes and Recordings | Participant Roster

Documentation Resources | DIG Scope and Mission | Email the DIG ——–

stuff to paste from

Evergreen Documentation Interest Group (DIG)

What you can do now

Future roles

We will be needing:

  • Writers—Even with all the great documentation that currently exist, there are still aspects of Evergreen which have not been covered. Once we have finished our environmental scan, we'll be putting together a list of topics that need covering.
  • Editors—We will need people to make sure that the documentation follows our forthcoming style guide and is clear and consistent.
  • DocBook editors—We will need people to transfer existing documentation to DocBook.
  • Test Drivers—We will also need people to take the documentation out for a test drive and make sure it’s accurate, thorough and makes sense.
  • Update Writers—When updates to the software occur, we will need people to update the documentation to reflect the changes in the software.
  • People to get permissions—A lot of documentation has already been written. If you have rights to such material, granting DIG permission to adapt these for the project is a huge benefit. Likewise, if you are aware of existing documentation, convincing those with the rights to them to allow us to use them would also be useful.
  • And more–It's a big project; we'll need help with things we haven't even thought of yet.


We generally meet every two weeks using GoToMeeting. Karen or Paul will set up the meeting and announce it to the listserv. It is not necessary to attend the meetings to be involved with DIG.

Next meeting

To be scheduled for the second half of August: draft terms of reference

Past meetings

August 6, 2009: agenda, Recording (.wmv)

July 17, 2009: draft meeting notes, Recording (.wmv)

July 2, 2009: agenda, meeting notes, Recording (.wmv)

June 10, 2009: agenda, meeting notes, webinar recording, action items

May 20, 2009: (Documentation Hackfest at the 2009 Evergreen International Conference 2009): slides, handout, lightning talk report

evergreen-docs/test-dig-frontpage.1250868863.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 (external edit)

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The Evergreen Project is a U.S. 501(c)3 non-profit organization.