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Evergreen Reports Taskforce Meeting Agenda: 2011-11-09

Time: 2:30 pm Eastern

Place: #Evergreen IRC channel. Anyone interested in reports is welcome to attend.

  1. Introductions and Volunteer for Minutes
  2. Review and approval of the October meeting notes
  3. Old Business and updates
    1. PINES/GPLS Reports RFP update, if any
    2. Documentation
      1. Please review what exists and submit what is needed to Jenny (jennifer.turner(at)
      2. Site-specific documentation can be linked to the DocuWiki Page. This documentation may be of use to other Evergreen sites!
    3. Jeff Godin and jasperreports
    4. Evergreen reports training pre- or post-conference at Evergreen Annual Conference
    5. Anything else from past meetings?
  4. New Business

Next meeting: December 14, 2011

Notes from 2011-11-09 meeting

evergreen-reports/meetings/2011-11-09-agenda.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by

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