1. Oversight Board Member Introductions
2. Minutes/Actions from last meeting -
- graced to have gmcharlt pull financial update next week and look for NC pmt credit
- On 12/20/2016 the Evergreen ledger was updated by the SFC with the NC pmt from April as well as several other outstanding payments.
- miker volunteered to update the git repo and web site with the 2.4 and 2.4.1 changes.
- rfrasur volunteers to assist with EOB election process on task force
- Grace sent recap of election procedures and draft timelines/emails to Ruth for review.
- rgagnon volunteered to draft the wording for the officer limitations and special elections.
- Review and vote on the proposed changes to sections 2.4 and 2.5 of the Rules of Governance. Proposed changes are on this email thread.
3. Other Old Business
- Related to old business (and specifically inserted here due to a time constraint of the vice chair) - Karen from the SFC had a phone call with Amy on 2/14
- At the Hackaway we created a Task Force to look at our options and assess our needs as an organization/project. (Tim)
4. Financial Update (Galen)
- Our balance with Conservancy is $67,944.78
5. Committee Reports
- Conference Committee
- Update on the 2017 process. (Grace)
- Outreach Committee Business (Kathy)
- Rogan and Kathy have begun coordinating tasks for the 2016 annual report. We anticipate doing another community survey, highlighting contributions made to the project, and providing an overview of events from the past year.
- To coordinate an Evergreen Community Meetup for the American Library Association Conference in Chicago this June, we need to submit a request for meeting space by February 28. I (Kathy) would like to request authorization to expend $120 to secure meeting space for the Evergreen community at the conference.
- The Outreach Committee has been on a brief meeting hiatus, but I will be pulling us back together so that we can continue doing good work to promote Evergreen.
- Release Manager's Report (Kathy)
- The deadline for new features to be merged into the 2.12 release is the end of the day tomorrow.
- The web client is making a lot of good progress. The important piece I would like to make sure is included in 2.12 is hatch, the utility that will allow workstations to do unmediated printing (no dialogs) to multiple printers, store workstation settings in a shared place, and, eventually, do offline transactions. I believe hatch will be ready for tomorrow's deadline. Many kudos to Bill Erickson for all of his work to make it happen.
- There are still more features yet to come, but some of the features that have made it in thus far include:
- the removal of advanced search limiters from the search box on the search results page;
- metarecord improvements that allow sites to set the 'Group Formats & Editions' search as a default, fixes to some metarecord searching bugs, and the ability to jump to other formats and editions directly from the record summary page (funded by a grant from EBSCO);
- trimming punctuation from the end of author strings to reduce duplication in facet and browse heading;
- the ability for copy alerts to appear on the in-house use screen;
- the ability to ignore hyphens and apostrophes when searching patrons;
- and the ability for the system to recognize client time zones, which are particularly useful for consortia that cross time zones.
6. New Business
- Evergreen Conference 2018 Site Selection announcement (Amy)
- Evergreen Logo needs to be updated to a registered trademark® and not just a trademark™.
- SFC Request for fundraising help
governance/minutes/2017-2-16.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by