Evergreen Outreach Committee Meeting
October 7th, 2020 2 p.m. Eastern, 11 a.m. Pacific Agenda
- Andrea Buntz Neiman (minutes), Equinox
- Ruth Frasur, Indiana State Library
- Rogan Hamby, Equinox
- Jennifer Weston, Equinox
- Community Spotlight (Andrea update)
- September - Jessica Woolford
- October - selection made & Andrea will contact them
- New nominees can go on the form
- Press releases (Ron)
- The press release about the hackaway did go out last month, and it was in Marshall Breeding's distribution on September 21st. I will do a press release when Release 3.6 is final, unless there's something interesting in the meantime.
- Image archive (Ruth)
- Looked into Flickr, now owned by Smugmug : https://www.flickr.com/photos/evergreen-ils
- ACTION: Ruth will either reactivate the EG account or restart it
- TODO: come up with a community way to store credentials
- 2020 Annual Report (Rogan & Andrea)
- Planning to commence shortly
WIKI Clean up Project
- On the start page, this heading is currently serving as a temporary holding pen for things that will eventually move to the zzz_archive namespace
- FAQs - where do they go?
- ACTION: Rogan will combine Evergreen FAQ & Features/Technical FAQ with the existing website FAQ, then deprecate the two wiki FAQs and move them to the archive
- Deprecate Open Source FAQs page
- Deprecate System Requirements page
- ACTION: Andrea will look at the Indexing page (ask Mike R.) and move content to docs; deprecate page in wiki
- ACTION: Jennifer is still looking at preparing to migrate page & will eventually move content to website
- Writing the Book of Evergreen moved under the archive heading
- ACTION: Andrea will chat about wiki cleanup at Hack-a-way
- Andrea's philosophy of community content loclations:
- If it's something that should be for new/potential users, it should be on the website.
- If it's something that is for current users, but content is relatively static, it should be in the documentation.
- If it's something that is for current users, but content is frequently updated (or updated by many people), it should be on the wiki.
Adjourned 3:10pm ET
outreach/meetings/2020-10-07/minutes.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by