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September 14, 2022

3pm Eastern / 2pm Central / 12pm Pacific

Meeting Info

Acq Working Group Wednesday, September 14 · 3:00 – 4:00pm Google Meet joining info Video call link: Or dial: ‪(US) +1 541-238-7957‬ PIN: ‪892 987 731‬# More phone numbers:

Recently Updated ACQ Bugs

Newly Added

  • Angularize Acq patron requests (LP1988993)
  • Add linkages to acq from Item source (LP1988430)
  • Ability to apply fund tags to multiple funds at once (LP1985980)
  • Better way to ID funds at warning/stop percentages (LP1984007)
  • Fund Details pop-up has display issues (LP1984130)

Newly Updated

  • Angular print service prints tiny text (LP1912504)
  • Sprint 4: Purchase Orders and Line Items (LP1942220)
  • EDI File transfer needs to be smarter (LP1836908) – not a patch, but a helper script

Signed Off

  • Claim Types should be the fourth tab in Claiming Administration (LP1947045) – included in 3.10


  • Recording notice
  • ACQ bugs
  • Demo of advanced receiving interface by Bill Erickson
  • Results of AIG interest survey
acq/minutes/2022-09-14.1663172014.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/09/14 12:13 by tlittle

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