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Table of Contents
June 14, 2023
3pm Eastern / 2pm Central / 12pm Pacific
Meeting Info
Time: June 14, 2023 03:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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Recently Updated ACQ Bugs
Since February 8 (yikes)
"Newly" Added
- Add option to also transfer holds when transferring items (LP2004019)
- Acq search support boolean operators (LP2004199)
- Angular Acq vendor record upload templates need to be shareable (LP2004677) – still New status
- Show sum of selected rows in fund administration (LP2006486)
- frozen header in purchase order interface (LP2006767)
- Add count of line items to Acq PO search (LP2006946)
- Patron requests should have their own cancel reasons (LP1970975)
- Acquisitions Sprint B: Angular Invoicing and Claiming (LP2006970)
- Extra perms block line items loading in PO (LP2007422)
- Add console logging for cached line items (LP2007428)
- Can't delete acq.fund_debit linked to acq.invoice_item (LP2009066)
- Line item alert comments and note text have the same id (LP2009093)
- Add ability to import call number prefix and suffix (LP2011448)
- Show cover in line item search (LP2011728)
- Other lineitem identifiers aren't populated (LP2013227)
- EDI order pusher fails if ordering agency has no mailing address (LP2016188)
- Accessibility and re-evaluation of line item status colors in Acq (LP2017593)
- Load MARC Order Records needs inline documentation (LP2018246)
- Unclear "name" label in create PO form (LP2018839)
- Line item checkbox IDs are numeric; need prefix (LP2019031)
- Keyboard support for links in PO line item list (LP2019032) – Fix Committed
- Move holdings subfields to admin pages (LP2019425)
- Load MARC Order Records screen Fiscal Year field only accepts current year (LP2021992)
- Year field on acq fund should link to acq fiscal year (LP2021996)
- Add support for manual acq fund adjustments / journal entries (LP2023425)
Newly Updated
- PO status does not automatically refresh on activation (LP1991801)
- better way to ID funds at warning or stop percentages (LP1984007)
- Acq Search: Should not try to cancel already canceled lineitem (LP2001704)
- Use 13 digit ISBN by default (LP1618199)
- Angular acq funds: Remove year auto-filter (LP1953181)
- Invoices with mixed status line item details can leave hanging encumbrances (LP1933859)
- acq cost not available as column in holdings view tab (LP1947202)
- Acq default owning lib library setting should use org shortname (LP2001705)
- idlQuery for acq providers needs to be more strict (LP2002425)
Fix Released
- PO Link to invoice should not retrieve closed invoices (LP1999268) - 3.10.1+
- Fiscal year end presentation (Jennifer Pringle, BC Co-Op)
- Acq bug review
Meeting Recording & Docs
acq/minutes/2023-06-14.1686588328.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/06/12 12:45 by tlittle