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Developer meeting: January 4, 2011

Held at:

  • 09:00:00 a.m. Tuesday January 4, 2011 in America/Los_Angeles
  • 12:00:00 p.m. Tuesday January 4, 2011 in Canada/Eastern
  • 04:00:00 p.m. Tuesday January 4, 2011 in UTC

Last meeting: 2010-12-21


Meeting takes place on IRC on the #evergreen channel on Freenode. See the Calendar for specific dates and times.

Logs and minutes

Prior to the meeting

  • Please fill out Who's who if you want to be identified more readily in the future


  1. Determine the taker of minutes:
  2. Determine meeting leader:
    1. Dan Scott to continue working on his action items from previous meetings:
      1. Write release notes for OpenSRF 1.6.2
        • STATUS: Deferred
      2. Implement proper library versioning using autotools for Evergreen release.
        • STATUS: Deferred
    2. Mike Rylander to write release notes for Evergreen
      • STATUS: Deferred
    3. Jason Etheridge to update with RC1 to allow for more public testing.
      • STATUS: Done as of the morning of 2011-01-04
    4. Mike Rylander suggested: an "anyone can post" moderated list made up of the LaunchPad security team members.
    5. Adoption of the release checklist
      • Dan Scott has turned the release checklist into a wiki document so that it can be edited in one place
      • Mike Rylander to propose a release coordination mailing list on -dev and -general
        • STATUS: Deferred
      • From Community Meeting: Anoop Atre volunteers for "release-notes-writer" / "web-team-member" roles and Amy Terlaga volunteers for "communication-team-member" role.
    6. Dan Scott and Mike Rylander to fix Merging authority records does not change the attached bibliographic record(s) name (which looks like the only blocker for 2.0-RC1)
      • STATUS: Done; bug fixed
    7. Mike Rylander to cut 2.0-RC1
      • STATUS: Done
  3. Evergreen release status:
    1. 1.6.1.x (current release =
      • ACTION: Dan Scott to create a milestone in Launchpad
        • Status: Done
      • ACTION: Dan Scott to mark "Fix committed" bugs in Launchpad as "Fix released"
        • Status: Done
      • ACTION: Mike Rylander to cut a release upon request
    2. 1.6.2.x (current release =
      1. Bugs targeted to
      • ACTION: Mike Rylander to cut a release ASAP
      • Things that 1.6.2.x includes that 2.0 does not include:
        • Batch MARC update via staff client UI
        • Enhanced MARC merge interface (enables use of MARC editor, for example)
    3. 2.0
      • Bugs targeted to RC2
        • Maybe a review of recently reported bugs should fall under a general QA/bug wrangler section?
      • 2.0 is mostly in cleanup mode now, approaching readiness for a 2.0.0 release
      • ACTION: Mike Rylander to create a bug (and possibly fix!) for moving custom index definitions around during upgrade to make room for the pinned-ID indexes added in stock 2.0
      • ACTION: Dan Scott to backport some authority work from trunk to address see / see from references (somewhat)
      • ACTION: Mike Rylander to cut 2.0RC2 release after Dan's backports
      • ACTION: James Fournie to test 2.0RC2 and report back
  4. (10 min) Post-2.0 planning (carried over from last meeting):
    • Update Dojo from 1.3 (released March 2009) to 1.5 (out since July 2010)
      • No objections, we just need a volunteer; Galen Charlton noted that we're currently working around one bug in 1.3 that is fixed in 1.5
    • Move to git or some other DVCS for the official repository?
      • Mike Rylander expressed some reservations about DVCS in general, but wanted to keep the choice of DVCS open
      • ACTION: Mike Rylander to continue the discussion on the mailing list, started in this thread
    • Move to require a minimum of PostgreSQL 9.0
      • Mike Rylander has some functionality in the works that would be much simpler to provide if PostgreSQL 9.0 was the minimum
      • No strenuous objections were voiced
    • ACTION: Dan Scott to post a notice to the -dev mailing list to call for ideas and discussion about any other major infrastructure changes that we should consider for post-2.0
  5. Conference planning:
    • Dan Scott wondered whether he should tack on a day or two at the end of the Evergreen conference in the hopes of an in-person dev team meeting / real development session
      • Mike Rylander expressed support for that idea
      • ACTION: Dan Scott to post a notice to the -dev mailing list to find out if there's support / plan
  6. (2 min) Schedule next meeting
dev/meetings/2011-01-04.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by

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