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Developer meeting: March 15, 2011

Held at

  • 09:00:00 a.m. Tuesday March 15, 2011 in America/Los_Angeles
  • 12:00:00 p.m. Tuesday March 15, 2011 in Canada/Eastern
  • 04:00:00 p.m. Tuesday March 15, 2011 in UTC

Last meeting: 2011-03-01


Meeting takes place on IRC on the #evergreen channel on Freenode. See the Calendar for specific dates and times.

Logs and minutes

  • Minutes will be supplied in this document after the meeting finishes

Prior to the meeting

  • Please fill out Who's who if you want to be identified more readily in the future


  1. Determine the taker of minutes: Ben Shum
  2. Determine meeting leader: Anoop Atre
  3. Review action items:
    1. Test OpenSRF 2.0.0 with Evergreen 2.0.2 for stability and potential adoption (fix for Unicode patron name problems) : Ben Shum (tbd), Jason Etheridge (, Bill Erickson (
      • STATUS: Testing underway; Jason reported updated with OpenSRF 2.0.0-rc2 & Bill reported that constrictor tests had been done as well. Next up is "live" tests.
    2. PostgreSQL 9.0 support on Evergreen 2.0: Mike Rylander committed a patch by Anoop Atre that seems to provide PostgreSQL 9.0 support
      • STATUS: Known issues (if any) are being resolved.
    3. Mike Rylander requested community testing for binary upgrade from 8.4 to 9.0 (via pg_upgrade)
      • STATUS: Missed agenda item, deferred to next meeting.
    4. Patch reviews:
      • Dan Scott to apply 'Missing examples for "interval" settings' patch.
      • Bill Erickson to review 'Patron Registration Customization Overhaul' and send thoughts to dev-list by Thursday March 3.
      • Dan Scott to apply and test 'Permission Profile Filtering in Patron Search Interface'
      • STATUS: All three patches have been committed to trunk for further review/testing.
    5. Google Summer of Code application: Galen and Dan put together an application and a project coding ideas page with some help from the community
      • STATUS: GSoC application submitted. Will receive results by March 18th. See full timeline
  4. Discuss Postgresql locale recommendations - are current recommendations of 'C' as locale inviting problems for libraries using primarily non-Latin character sets?
    1. There was considerable discussion, but eventually concluded that no change will be made in recommendation of using C for locale at this time. Further discussion to occur on the lists if necessary, but there was also post-meeting discussion that took place. See full log for details.

Patch review queue

We don't want to let submitted patches rot, here's a list of bugs with attached patches

  • ACTION ITEM: Dan Wells & Mike Rylander to review Thomas Berenzansky's patch for grace periods.
  • ACTION ITEM: Jason Etheridge to review patron opt-in patch.

Release statuses

How's that release process working out?

  1. Evergreen release status:
    1. 1.6.1.x (current release =
      1. Bugs targeted to
    2. 2.0.x (current release = 2.0.3)
      1. Bugs targeted to 2.0.4
      • ACTION ITEM: Mike Rylander to cut 2.0.4 this week to address serious bugs.
    3. 2.1 status
      • Any target date yet?
      • STATUS: Release Candidate target date of early April, with alphas/betas between now and then.

Next meeting

dev/meetings/2011-03-15.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by

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