1. Oversight Board Member Introductions
2. Minutes/Actions from last meeting -
- Investigate OSS grants. (Sharon)
- Update the ROG git repo (Mike)
- Follow up with SFC (again) on ledger discrepancy (Amy)
- Amy did this. -gd
- Follow up with gmcharlt to get more ledger detail (Grace)
- Defer to next meeting.
- Add conflict of interest policy as an appendix in the git repo (Mike)
- Add housekeeping changes to ROG git repo as proposed by terran and approved (Mike)
- Work on a timeline for the EOB meetings at the Hackaway (Grace and Ruth)
- Send email to the EOB re: travel stipends (Grace)
- Vote completed.
- Request revision on the GPLS page to point to the evergreen-ils page for Evergreen trademark (Terran)
3. Financial Update (Galen)
4. Committee Reports
- Conference Committee
- Update on the 2017 process. (Grace)
- Outreach Committee Business (Kathy)
- Minutes from our last Outreach Committee meeting are available at Evergreen Outreach Committee Meeting Notes. Highlights from the meeting are that Rogan is exploring the possibility of using a new vendor Spreadshirt - - to replace the Evergreen Zazzle shop. We are also turning our attention back to creating a conference kit that Evergreen community members can use at conferences where they are speaking about / promoting Evergreen.
- The press release for 2.11 was sent to Marshall Breeding, Library Journal, ALA Direct and the ASIS&T Bulletin.
- Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, October 25.
- Release Manager's Report (Mike)
5. Other New Business
governance/minutes/2016-10-20.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by