1. Oversight Board Member Introductions
2. Minutes/Actions from last meeting -
- Follow up with the SFC on the NC check issue. (Amy)
- Request SFC reimbursement for Amy's Hackaway EOB meeting travel (Grace)
- Put forth (via email) final Officer election wording for voting (Grace)
3. Other Old Business
- At the Hackaway we created a Task Force to look at our options and assess our needs as an organization/project. Is there an update from the Task Force? (Tim)
- We have two other proposals for wording changes/additions for the ROG.
4. Financial Update (Galen)
- Our balance with Conservancy is $29,248.61
5. Committee Reports
- Conference Committee
- Update on the 2017 process. (Grace)
- Outreach Committee Business (Kathy)
- No update.
- Release Manager's Report (Kathy)
- The 2.12 schedule is set -
- We have a 2.12 roadmap at
6. New Business
governance/minutes/2016-12-15.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by