Table of Contents
Acquisitions and Serials Interfaces
Bibliographic Discovery and Retrieval
Data Sources
- Z39.50
- Evergreen Catalog
- Atom Feeds
- Vendor Web Services
- MARC File Uploads
- Manual MARC Entry
- Evergreen Buckets
Interfaces and Workflows
- Common Workflow
- All interfaces will provide an option for naming the picklist at search time. If no name is chosen, a temporary picklist is assumed.
- All search/upload results go into the chosen picklist
- Search criteria are stored in the resultant picklist for later resumption
- Z39.50 + Evergreen catalog discovery interface
- Provide options to select which sources to include in the search
- Provide search classes. These should be a union of the search fields provided across sources.
- MARC File Upload
- Provide a web form for selecting the file to upload
- Parse the file inline or send to a local binary MARC -> MARCXML conversion web service
- …
Picklist Builder
- Presents a temporary list of results
- Options
- Add selected items to a new or existing picklist
- Convert the entire set to a named picklist
- Save the results as a saved search
Acquisitions Administration
- General picklist management interfaces
- Useful info to display
- Real-time fund information
- Information on how many of each item are already owned (at different org levels?)
- Options
- Searching/Sorting my PLs
- Removing items from a PL
- Batch delete PL
- Generate purchase order from PL
- When a PO is generated, bib, volume, and copy information is created for all purchased items
- bib, volume, and copy status information at PO time is based on local policy
- Generate PO per selected item or all PL items.
- PL Folders?
- Per-item purchase links?
- Does a PO require a PL?
Purchase Orders
- Ability to split a PO into multiple POs
Budget Allocation
- Allows the user to segregate budgets by amount or percent
Exchange Rates
Bibliographic Sources
General ACQ Policies
- Staff and Patron access
- what types of items have what sets of statuses at what stages of acquisitions (e.g. "books" are holdable at PO time, etc.)
acq/interfaces.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by