Acquisitions Ideal for Firm Orders
I would like to be able to search multiple sites including our catalog and vendor web sites at the same time. This could also be done by a clerk from a catalog that has item circled by the selector. Or alternately a selector could create lists on various websites.
When the title(s) are found we need to be able to have the bibliographic info pulled and put into a storage site (not entered into our catalog at this point) or loaded directly into purchase orders. A viable Marc record would need to be created at this time. The option to change tags and fields should be available. Also any price and vendor product ID information should be pulled into the 970 tag so that it could be loaded into the PO.
Many of our collection developers like to create lists. They create lists in vendor websites (both jobbers such as Ipage or Titlesource and publishers such as Recorded Books or Random House). They create lists from our library software of titles that need replaced. They also create lists on programs such as Word or Excel. To help manage these lists I would like an automatic multiple vendor search of all titles at once. The results should have availability and price displayed. A staff member could then place the titles onto a PO.
When the title is placed on a PO the library should have the option of adding the bib record to the library catalog and the option of displaying the record to the public.
POs would allow defaults and adjustable patterns for funds/discounts etc.
It should be easy to move an item from one PO to another.
PO lines would be tied to the bib and holdings.
Automatic “job list” of unprinted POs created as requested.
POs can be printed or sent electronically.
Electronic invoicing
Electronic invoice tied to receiving so that the same title that is being invoiced is the one that is received. (This is especially important when the title has been ordered on multiple POs.)
Ease of creating invoices and receiving items is important. Multiple options of creating lists to receive and invoice should be available. Warnings should be generated if the invoiced item is not on a PO linked to the vendor on the invoice. (Overrides should be allowed.) It would be nice to be able to add a note to both the invoice and the PO at the same time: for instance, the RTA number and titles of returned books.
We need to be able to print workslip notices. It would also be nice to be able to read any note that has been added to the PO line during the receiving or invoicing process.
It would be good to have the option of receiving and invoicing at the same time or as separate processes.
(Most books have a UPC/ISBN barcode. It would be great to be able to scan the barcode to pull up possible titles for invoicing and/or receipt.)
Continuous orders
Many vendors list the new books/media picks on their websites. I would like an option of downloading the records from vendor’s website as we make our selections.
Standing orders should be easily flagged and we need to be given an option of what PO they are placed on the next year. We also need a way to account for multiple items within the year and items that are only shipped every few years. Another need is to be able to easily handle standing orders with irregular printing schedules.
contributed by Carri L. Oviatt, Orem Public Library