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Angular Staff Catalog

UPDATED (11/4/2019): Angular Staff Catalog wiki page

Bill Erickson updated the wiki to reflect the state of the project after all the good 3.4 stuff was added. Except where otherwise noted, this document reflects features available in Evergreen 3.4 when the experimental staff catalog is enabled (via library setting).

Launchpad Bug Searches

See specific Launchpad bugs:

Launchpad Bug # Description Status
1823367 ItemAngular staff catalog post-3.3 omnibus – Includes links to several other related bugs for the Angular catalog Fix Released
1834665 Angular MARC editor pt.1 – Flat Text Editor Fix Released
1839670 Angular Staff Catalog identifier and publication info Fix Released
1840982 Angular catalog holdings view suffers from material icon formatting issue Fix Released
1837478 Angular staff catalog recent searches & search templates Fix Released
1839670 Angular staff catalog identifier and publication info Fix Released
cataloging/angular.1573584233.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 (external edit)

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