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Evergreen Outreach Committee

The goal of the Outreach Committee is to organize activities to increase the visibility of Evergreen in the larger library community. The committee will also establish a fund for activities that support this goal.

Outreach Committee Members

  • Ruth Frasur, Hagerstown Library, Evergreen Indiana
  • Ron Gagnon, NOBLE
  • Rogan Hamby, SC LENDS
  • Kathy Lussier, MassLNC
  • Chris Maas, Maine Balsam Libraries
  • Meme Marlow, Worch Memorial Public Library
  • Amy Terlaga, Bibliomation

Outreach Committee Charge

The following charge for the Outreach Committee was approved at the May 18, 2017 Executive Oversight Board meeting.

  • The Evergreen Outreach Committee is charged with the following tasks:
    • Organizing outreach activities that:
      • increase Evergreen’s visibility in the larger library community;
      • inform existing Evergreen users of developments in the software and community;
      • and support and encourage community participation from Evergreen’s growing base of users.
    • Raising funds to support the above activities.
  • The Outreach Committee committee should have a minimum of three members and is open to participation from anyone in the Evergreen community. At least one member should be a member of the Evergreen Oversight Board (EOB).
  • The committee will submit an annual budget to support Outreach activities to be approved by the EOB.
  • Any activities requiring expenditures outside the budget must be approved by the EOB.
  • The committee must provide regular reports to the EOB by writing to the mailing list and/or providing updates at the monthly EOB meeting.

Meeting Agenda/Minutes

outreach.1518022674.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:33 (external edit)

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