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New Developers Working Group

Angular Tips


Working with Angular development is a little different than working in other areas of the webclient. Normally you might make a change to a file, clear your cache, refresh, and instantly see your change. Angular is different; it also includes an additional step called compiling.

When you're actively working on a file or series of files, you will want to turn on Angular's watch mode. This way the compiler will keep looking to see if you've made any changes, and bundle up your Angular project so that it can be served up to the web. If you do not turn on the watch mode, you won't see your changes happen on the webclient. See the Angular documentation around ng build here.

To turn on watch mode, you will need to navigate anywhere within the eg2 file structure. That would be anywhere within Open-ILS/src/eg2/. See File Locations.

Then type the command ng build --prod --watch. (That's two hyphens together.)

To stop running ng build, type CTRL+C.

newdevs/angular.1606162982.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 (external edit)

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