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New Developers Working Group


NOTE: The KPAC is currently being updated to a more responsive Bootstrap version.

The Evergreen KPAC (Kid's Catalog) is a mod_perl2 application that uses Template Toolkit for HTML templates. It uses vanilla Javascript and some jQuery, but is designed to function with JavaScript turned off.

  • Template Files: Open-ILS/src/templates/kpac/
  • JavaScript Files: Open-ILS/web/opac/common/js/

Things to add to this page:

  • Tips on customizing images and CSS
  • Location of Perl files / how they relate to each other
  • Point out special KPAC features such as the categories capabilities
  • Indicate where in the config files that you control how it filters juvenile materials
newdevs/kpac.txt · Last modified: 2024/11/01 16:04 by tmccanna

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