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New Developers Working Group

Unit Tests

When new code is submitted to the Evergreen community for testing and approval, that code should either include step-by-step instructions on how to test bug fixes or automated unit tests to assist in validating new features or significant changes. A unit test is typically designed to test a single action (for example, testing that a new database row is created after a form is submitted).

Guidance on writing step-by-step testing instructions, as well as guidance on creating automated unit tests for Angular, Angular JS, Perl, pgTAP, and C code changes are available here:

QA Requirements for Evergreen Code Contributions

An example of a unit test created by Jane Sandberg during one of our new Developer meetings is available here:

Test for ISBNs with 979 Prefix


Things to add to this page:

newdevs/code/unit-tests.1689709292.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/07/18 15:41 by scl

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