Evergreen Database Schema - 3.10
Index of database - evergreen
- acq
- acq_lineitem_history
- acq_lineitem_lifecycle
- acq_purchase_order_history
- acq_purchase_order_lifecycle
- all_fund_allocation_total
- all_fund_combined_balance
- all_fund_encumbrance_total
- all_fund_spent_balance
- all_fund_spent_total
- cancel_reason
- claim
- claim_event
- claim_event_type
- claim_policy
- claim_policy_action
- claim_type
- currency_type
- debit_attribution
- distribution_formula
- distribution_formula_application
- distribution_formula_entry
- edi_account
- edi_attr
- edi_attr_set
- edi_attr_set_map
- edi_message
- exchange_rate
- fiscal_calendar
- fiscal_year
- fund
- fund_allocation
- fund_allocation_percent
- fund_allocation_total
- fund_combined_balance
- fund_debit
- fund_debit_total
- fund_encumbrance_total
- fund_spent_balance
- fund_spent_total
- fund_tag
- fund_tag_map
- fund_transfer
- funding_source
- funding_source_allocation_total
- funding_source_balance
- funding_source_credit
- funding_source_credit_total
- invoice
- invoice_entry
- invoice_item
- invoice_item_type
- invoice_method
- invoice_payment_method
- li_state_label
- lineitem
- lineitem_alert_text
- lineitem_attr
- lineitem_attr_definition
- lineitem_detail
- lineitem_generated_attr_definition
- lineitem_local_attr_definition
- lineitem_marc_attr_definition
- lineitem_note
- lineitem_provider_attr_definition
- lineitem_summary
- lineitem_usr_attr_definition
- ordered_funding_source_credit
- picklist
- po_item
- po_note
- po_state_label
- provider
- provider_address
- provider_contact
- provider_contact_address
- provider_holding_subfield_map
- provider_note
- purchase_order
- serial_claim
- serial_claim_event
- shipment_notification
- shipment_notification_entry
- user_request
- user_request_status_type
- user_request_type
- attribute_debits()
- audit_acq_lineitem_func()
- audit_acq_purchase_order_func()
- copy_fund_tags(new_fund_id integer, old_fund_id integer)
- create_acq_auditor(tbl text, sch text)
- create_acq_func(tbl text, sch text)
- create_acq_history(tbl text, sch text)
- create_acq_lifecycle(tbl text, sch text)
- create_acq_seq(tbl text, sch text)
- create_acq_update_trigger(tbl text, sch text)
- exchange_ratio(text, text, numeric)
- exchange_ratio(to_ex text, from_ex text)
- extract_holding_attr_table(tag integer, lineitem text)
- extract_provider_holding_data(lineitem_i integer)
- fap_limit_100()
- find_bad_fy()
- fund_alloc_percent_val()
- po_org_name_date_unique()
- propagate_funds_by_org_tree(include_desc integer, org_unit_id integer, user_id integer, old_year boolean)
- propagate_funds_by_org_unit(org_unit_id integer, user_id integer, old_year integer)
- purchase_order_name_default()
- rollover_funds_by_org_tree(include_desc integer, encumb_only integer, org_unit_id integer, user_id boolean, old_year boolean)
- rollover_funds_by_org_unit(encumb_only integer, org_unit_id integer, user_id integer, old_year boolean)
- transfer_fund(xfer_note integer, user_id numeric, new_amount integer, new_fund numeric, old_amount integer, old_fund text)
- action
- aged_circulation
- aged_hold_request
- all_circulation
- all_circulation_combined_types
- all_circulation_slim
- all_hold_request
- archive_actor_stat_cat
- archive_asset_stat_cat
- batch_hold_event
- batch_hold_event_map
- billable_circulations
- circulation
- circulation_limit_group_map
- curbside
- emergency_closing
- emergency_closing_circulation
- emergency_closing_hold
- emergency_closing_reservation
- emergency_closing_status
- fieldset
- fieldset_col_val
- fieldset_group
- hold_copy_map
- hold_notification
- hold_request
- hold_request_cancel_cause
- hold_request_note
- hold_transit_copy
- in_house_use
- non_cat_in_house_use
- non_cataloged_circulation
- open_circulation
- reservation_transit_copy
- survey
- survey_answer
- survey_question
- survey_response
- transit_copy
- unfulfilled_hold_innermost_loop
- unfulfilled_hold_list
- unfulfilled_hold_loops
- unfulfilled_hold_max_loop
- unfulfilled_hold_min_loop
- usr_circ_history
- age_circ_on_delete()
- age_hold_on_delete()
- age_parent_circ_on_delete()
- all_circ_chain(ctx_circ_id integer)
- apply_fieldset(query integer, pkey_name text, table_name text, fieldset_id text)
- archive_stat_cats()
- circ_chain(ctx_circ_id bigint)
- circulation_claims_returned()
- copy_calculated_proximity(vacl_ol integer, vacn_ol integer, vacp_cm integer, vacp_cl text, request integer, pickup integer)
- copy_related_hold_stats(copy_id bigint)
- copy_transit_is_unique()
- emergency_closing_stage_1(e_closing integer)
- emergency_closing_stage_2_circ(circ_closing_entry integer)
- emergency_closing_stage_2_hold(hold_closing_entry integer)
- emergency_closing_stage_2_reservation(res_closing_entry integer)
- fill_circ_copy_location()
- find_circ_matrix_matchpoint(renewal integer, match_user bigint, match_item integer, context_ou boolean)
- find_circ_matrix_matchpoint(renewal integer, user_object asset.copy, item_object actor.usr, context_ou boolean)
- find_hold_matrix_matchpoint(match_requestor integer, match_user integer, match_item bigint, request_ou integer, pickup_ou integer)
- hold_copy_calculated_proximity(copy_context_ou integer, acp_id bigint, ahr_id integer)
- hold_copy_calculated_proximity_update()
- hold_request_clear_map()
- hold_request_permit_test(match_requestor integer, match_user integer, match_item bigint, request_ou integer, pickup_ou integer)
- hold_request_permit_test(retargetting integer, match_requestor integer, match_user bigint, match_item integer, request_ou integer, pickup_ou boolean)
- hold_request_regen_copy_maps(copy_ids integer, hold_id integer[])
- hold_retarget_permit_test(match_requestor integer, match_user integer, match_item bigint, request_ou integer, pickup_ou integer)
- item_user_circ_test(integer, bigint, integer)
- item_user_circ_test(renewal integer, match_user bigint, match_item integer, circ_ou boolean)
- item_user_renew_test(integer, bigint, integer)
- link_circ_limit_groups(bigint, integer[])
- maintain_usr_circ_history()
- purge_circulations()
- purge_holds()
- push_circ_due_time()
- summarize_all_circ_chain(ctx_circ_id integer)
- summarize_circ_chain(ctx_circ_id bigint)
- survey_response_answer_date_fixup()
- usr_visible_holds(usr_id integer)
- action_trigger
- alternate_template
- cleanup
- collector
- environment
- event
- event_def_group
- event_def_group_member
- event_definition
- event_output
- event_params
- hook
- reactor
- validator
- check_valid_retention_interval()
- purge_events()
- actor
- address_alert
- card
- copy_alert_suppress
- hours_of_operation
- org_address
- org_lasso
- org_lasso_map
- org_unit
- org_unit_closed
- org_unit_custom_tree
- org_unit_custom_tree_node
- org_unit_proximity
- org_unit_proximity_adjustment
- org_unit_setting
- org_unit_type
- passwd
- passwd_type
- search_filter_group
- search_filter_group_entry
- search_query
- stat_cat
- stat_cat_entry
- stat_cat_entry_default
- stat_cat_entry_usr_map
- stat_cat_sip_fields
- toolbar
- usr
- usr_activity
- usr_address
- usr_message
- usr_message_limited
- usr_message_penalty
- usr_org_unit_opt_in
- usr_password_reset
- usr_privacy_waiver
- usr_saved_search
- usr_setting
- usr_standing_penalty
- workstation
- workstation_setting
- address_alert_matches(billing_address integer, mailing_address text, post_code text, country text, state text, county text, city text, street2 text, street1 boolean, org_unit boolean)
- approve_pending_address(pending_id integer)
- au_updated()
- calculate_system_penalties(context_org integer, match_user integer)
- change_password(pw_type integer, new_pw text, user_id text)
- create_salt(pw_type text)
- crypt_pw_insert()
- crypt_pw_update()
- get_cascade_setting(workstation_id text, user_id integer, org_id integer, setting_name integer)
- get_cascade_setting_batch(workstation_id text[], user_id integer, org_id integer, setting_names integer)
- get_salt(pw_type integer, pw_usr text)
- insert_usr_activity(ehow integer, ewhat text, ewho text, usr text)
- migrate_passwd(pw_usr integer)
- org_unit_ancestor_at_depth(integer, integer)
- org_unit_ancestor_setting(org_id text, setting_name integer)
- org_unit_ancestor_setting_batch(setting_names integer, org_id text[])
- org_unit_ancestor_setting_batch_by_org(org_ids text, setting_name integer[])
- org_unit_ancestors(integer)
- org_unit_ancestors_distance(distance integer)
- org_unit_combined_ancestors(integer, integer)
- org_unit_common_ancestors(integer, integer)
- org_unit_descendants(integer)
- org_unit_descendants(integer, integer)
- org_unit_descendants_distance(distance integer)
- org_unit_full_path(integer)
- org_unit_full_path(integer, integer)
- org_unit_parent_protect()
- org_unit_prox_update()
- org_unit_proximity(integer, integer)
- org_unit_simple_path(integer, integer)
- permit_remoteauth(userid text, profile_name bigint)
- purge_usr_activity_by_type(act_type integer)
- restrict_usr_message_limited()
- set_passwd(new_salt integer, new_pass text, pw_type text, pw_usr text)
- stat_cat_check()
- user_ingest_name_keywords()
- usr_activity_get_type(ehow text, ewhat text, ewho text)
- usr_activity_transient_trg()
- usr_delete(dest_usr integer, src_usr integer)
- usr_merge(deactivate_cards integer, del_cards integer, del_addrs boolean, dest_usr boolean, src_usr boolean)
- usr_merge_rows(dest_usr text, src_usr text, col_name integer, table_name integer)
- usr_purge_data(specified_dest_usr integer, src_usr integer)
- verify_passwd(test_passwd integer, pw_type text, pw_usr text)
- asset
- active_copy_alert
- call_number
- call_number_class
- call_number_note
- call_number_prefix
- call_number_suffix
- copy
- copy_alert
- copy_inventory
- copy_location
- copy_location_group
- copy_location_group_map
- copy_location_order
- copy_note
- copy_part_map
- copy_tag
- copy_tag_copy_map
- copy_template
- copy_vis_attr_cache
- course_module_course
- course_module_course_materials
- course_module_course_users
- course_module_role
- course_module_term
- course_module_term_course_map
- latest_inventory
- stat_cat
- stat_cat_entry
- stat_cat_entry_copy_map
- stat_cat_entry_transparency_map
- stat_cat_sip_fields
- uri
- uri_call_number_map
- acp_created()
- acp_location_fixer()
- acp_status_changed()
- all_visible_flags()
- autogenerate_placeholder_barcode()
- bib_source_default()
- cache_copy_visibility()
- calculate_copy_visibility_attribute_set(copy_id bigint)
- check_delete_copy_location(acpl_id integer)
- circ_lib_default()
- copy_may_float_to_inventory_workstation()
- copy_state(cid bigint)
- invisible_orgs(otype text)
- label_normalizer()
- label_normalizer_dewey(text)
- label_normalizer_generic(text)
- label_normalizer_lc(text)
- location_default()
- location_group_default()
- luri_org_default()
- merge_record_assets(source_record bigint, target_record bigint)
- metarecord_copy_count(transcendant integer, unshadow bigint, available boolean)
- metarecord_has_holdable_copy(ou bigint, rid integer)
- normalize_affix_sortkey()
- opac_lasso_metarecord_copy_count(transcendant integer, unshadow bigint)
- opac_lasso_record_copy_count(transcendant integer, unshadow bigint)
- opac_ou_metarecord_copy_count(transcendant integer, unshadow bigint)
- opac_ou_record_copy_count(transcendant integer, unshadow bigint)
- owning_lib_default()
- patron_default_visibility_mask()
- record_copy_count(transcendant integer, unshadow bigint, available boolean)
- record_has_holdable_copy(ou bigint, rid integer)
- set_copy_tag_value()
- staff_lasso_metarecord_copy_count(transcendant integer, unshadow bigint)
- staff_lasso_record_copy_count(transcendant integer, unshadow bigint)
- staff_ou_metarecord_copy_count(transcendant integer, unshadow bigint)
- staff_ou_record_copy_count(transcendant integer, unshadow bigint)
- stat_cat_check()
- status_default()
- visible_orgs(otype text)
- auditor
- acq_fund_debit_history
- acq_fund_debit_lifecycle
- acq_invoice_entry_history
- acq_invoice_entry_lifecycle
- acq_invoice_history
- acq_invoice_item_history
- acq_invoice_item_lifecycle
- acq_invoice_lifecycle
- actor_org_unit_history
- actor_org_unit_lifecycle
- actor_usr_address_history
- actor_usr_address_lifecycle
- actor_usr_history
- actor_usr_lifecycle
- asset_call_number_history
- asset_call_number_lifecycle
- asset_copy_history
- asset_copy_lifecycle
- biblio_record_entry_history
- biblio_record_entry_lifecycle
- serial_unit_history
- serial_unit_lifecycle
- audit_acq_fund_debit_func()
- audit_acq_invoice_entry_func()
- audit_acq_invoice_func()
- audit_acq_invoice_item_func()
- audit_actor_org_unit_func()
- audit_actor_usr_address_func()
- audit_actor_usr_func()
- audit_asset_call_number_func()
- audit_asset_copy_func()
- audit_biblio_record_entry_func()
- audit_serial_unit_func()
- clear_audit_info()
- create_auditor(tbl text, sch text)
- create_auditor_func(tbl text, sch text)
- create_auditor_history(tbl text, sch text)
- create_auditor_lifecycle(tbl text, sch text)
- create_auditor_seq(tbl text, sch text)
- create_auditor_update_trigger(tbl text, sch text)
- fix_columns()
- get_audit_info()
- set_audit_info(integer, integer)
- update_auditors()
- authority
- authority_linking
- bib_linking
- browse_axis
- browse_axis_authority_field_map
- control_set
- control_set_auth_field_metabib_field_map_blind_main
- control_set_auth_field_metabib_field_map_blind_refs
- control_set_auth_field_metabib_field_map_blind_refs_only
- control_set_auth_field_metabib_field_map_main
- control_set_auth_field_metabib_field_map_refs
- control_set_auth_field_metabib_field_map_refs_only
- control_set_authority_field
- control_set_bib_field
- control_set_bib_field_metabib_field_map
- full_rec
- heading_field
- heading_field_norm_map
- rec_descriptor
- record_entry
- record_note
- simple_heading
- thesaurus
- tracing_links
- atag_authority_tags(atag text)
- atag_authority_tags_refs(atag text)
- atag_browse_center(thesauruses text, pagesize text, page integer, q integer, a text)
- atag_browse_center_refs(thesauruses text, pagesize text, page integer, q integer, a text)
- atag_browse_top(thesauruses text, pagesize text, page integer, q integer, a text)
- atag_browse_top_refs(thesauruses text, pagesize text, page integer, q integer, a text)
- atag_search_heading(thesauruses text, pagesize text, page integer, q integer, a text)
- atag_search_heading_refs(thesauruses text, pagesize text, page integer, q integer, a text)
- atag_search_rank(thesauruses text, pagesize text, page integer, q integer, a text)
- atag_search_rank_refs(thesauruses text, pagesize text, page integer, q integer, a text)
- axis_authority_tags(a text)
- axis_authority_tags_refs(a text)
- axis_browse_center(thesauruses text, pagesize text, page integer, q integer, a text)
- axis_browse_center_refs(thesauruses text, pagesize text, page integer, q integer, a text)
- axis_browse_top(thesauruses text, pagesize text, page integer, q integer, a text)
- axis_browse_top_refs(thesauruses text, pagesize text, page integer, q integer, a text)
- axis_search_heading(thesauruses text, pagesize text, page integer, q integer, a text)
- axis_search_heading_refs(thesauruses text, pagesize text, page integer, q integer, a text)
- axis_search_rank(thesauruses text, pagesize text, page integer, q integer, a text)
- axis_search_rank_refs(thesauruses text, pagesize text, page integer, q integer, a text)
- btag_authority_tags(btag text)
- btag_authority_tags_refs(btag text)
- btag_browse_center(thesauruses text, pagesize text, page integer, q integer, a text)
- btag_browse_center_refs(thesauruses text, pagesize text, page integer, q integer, a text)
- btag_browse_top(thesauruses text, pagesize text, page integer, q integer, a text)
- btag_browse_top_refs(thesauruses text, pagesize text, page integer, q integer, a text)
- btag_search_heading(thesauruses text, pagesize text, page integer, q integer, a text)
- btag_search_heading_refs(thesauruses text, pagesize text, page integer, q integer, a text)
- btag_search_rank(thesauruses text, pagesize text, page integer, q integer, a text)
- btag_search_rank_refs(thesauruses text, pagesize text, page integer, q integer, a text)
- calculate_authority_linking(rec_marc_xml bigint, rec_control_set integer, rec_id xml)
- extract_headings(restrict bigint, rid integer[])
- extract_headings(restrict text, marc integer[])
- extract_thesaurus(marcxml text)
- flatten_marc(rid bigint)
- generate_overlay_template(bigint)
- generate_overlay_template(source_xml text)
- indexing_ingest_or_delete()
- map_thesaurus_to_control_set()
- merge_records(source_record bigint, target_record bigint)
- normalize_heading(marcxml text)
- normalize_heading(no_thesaurus text, marcxml boolean)
- normalize_heading_for_upsert()
- propagate_changes(aid bigint)
- propagate_changes(bid bigint, aid bigint)
- reingest_authority_full_rec(auth_id bigint)
- reingest_authority_rec_descriptor(auth_id bigint)
- simple_heading_browse_center(thesauruses integer[], pagesize text, page integer, q integer, atag_list text)
- simple_heading_browse_top(thesauruses integer[], pagesize text, page integer, q integer, atag_list text)
- simple_heading_find_pivot(thesauruses integer[], q text, a text)
- simple_heading_search_heading(thesauruses integer[], pagesize text, page integer, q integer, atag_list text)
- simple_heading_search_rank(thesauruses integer[], pagesize text, page integer, q integer, atag_list text)
- simple_heading_set(marcxml text)
- simple_normalize_heading(marcxml text)
- biblio
- monograph_part
- peer_bib_copy_map
- peer_type
- record_entry
- record_note
- calculate_bib_visibility_attribute_set(force_source bigint, new_source integer, bib_id boolean)
- check_marcxml_well_formed()
- extract_fingerprint(marc text)
- extract_located_uris(editor_id bigint, marcxml text, bib_id integer)
- extract_metabib_field_entry(only_fields bigint, field_types text, default_joiner text[], rid integer[])
- extract_quality(best_type text, best_lang text, marc text)
- fingerprint_trigger()
- flatten_marc(rid bigint)
- indexing_ingest_or_delete()
- map_authority_linking(marc bigint, bibid text)
- marc21_extract_all_fixed_fields(rid bigint)
- marc21_extract_fixed_field(ff bigint, rid text)
- marc21_extract_fixed_field_list(ff bigint, rid text)
- marc21_physical_characteristics(rid bigint)
- next_autogen_tcn_value()
- normalize_biblio_monograph_part_sortkey()
- booking
- reservation
- reservation_attr_value_map
- resource
- resource_attr
- resource_attr_map
- resource_attr_value
- resource_type
- config
- audience_map
- barcode_completion
- best_hold_order
- bib_level_map
- bib_source
- biblio_fingerprint
- billing_type
- carousel_type
- circ_limit_group
- circ_limit_set
- circ_limit_set_circ_mod_map
- circ_limit_set_copy_loc_map
- circ_limit_set_group_map
- circ_matrix_limit_set_map
- circ_matrix_matchpoint
- circ_matrix_weights
- circ_modifier
- coded_value_map
- composite_attr_entry_definition
- copy_alert_type
- copy_status
- copy_tag_type
- db_patch_dependencies
- display_field_map
- filter_dialog_filter_set
- filter_dialog_interface
- floating_group
- floating_group_member
- geolocation_service
- global_flag
- hard_due_date
- hard_due_date_values
- hold_matrix_matchpoint
- hold_matrix_weights
- hold_type
- i18n_core
- i18n_locale
- identification_type
- idl_field_doc
- index_normalizer
- internal_flag
- item_form_map
- item_type_map
- language_map
- lit_form_map
- marc21_ff_pos_map
- marc21_physical_characteristic_subfield_map
- marc21_physical_characteristic_type_map
- marc21_physical_characteristic_value_map
- marc21_rec_type_map
- marc_field
- marc_field_for_ou
- marc_format
- marc_subfield
- marc_subfield_for_ou
- metabib_class
- metabib_class_ts_map
- metabib_field
- metabib_field_index_norm_map
- metabib_field_ts_map
- metabib_field_virtual_map
- metabib_search_alias
- net_access_level
- non_cataloged_type
- openathens_identity
- openathens_name_field
- openathens_uid_field
- org_unit_setting_type
- org_unit_setting_type_log
- print_template
- record_attr_definition
- record_attr_index_norm_map
- remote_account
- remoteauth_profile
- rule_age_hold_protect
- rule_circ_duration
- rule_max_fine
- rule_recurring_fine
- settings_group
- sms_carrier
- standing
- standing_penalty
- ts_config_list
- ui_staff_portal_page_entry
- ui_staff_portal_page_entry_type
- upgrade_log
- usr_activity_type
- usr_setting_type
- videorecording_format_map
- weight_assoc
- workstation_setting_type
- xml_transform
- z3950_attr
- z3950_index_field_map
- z3950_source
- z3950_source_credentials
- interval_to_seconds(interval_string text)
- interval_to_seconds(interval_val interval)
- ou_marc_fields(ou integer, marc_record_type config.marc_record_type, marc_format integer)
- ou_marc_subfields(ou integer, marc_record_type config.marc_record_type, marc_format integer)
- setting_is_user_or_ws()
- update_coded_value_map(add_only text, in_is_simple text, in_search_label text, in_opac_visible text, in_description boolean, in_value text, in_code boolean, in_ctype boolean)
- update_hard_due_dates()
- z3950_source_credentials_apply(passwd text, uname integer, org text, src text)
- z3950_source_credentials_lookup(owner text, source integer)
- container
- biblio_record_entry_bucket
- biblio_record_entry_bucket_item
- biblio_record_entry_bucket_item_note
- biblio_record_entry_bucket_note
- biblio_record_entry_bucket_type
- call_number_bucket
- call_number_bucket_item
- call_number_bucket_item_note
- call_number_bucket_note
- call_number_bucket_type
- carousel
- carousel_org_unit
- copy_bucket
- copy_bucket_item
- copy_bucket_item_note
- copy_bucket_note
- copy_bucket_type
- user_bucket
- user_bucket_item
- user_bucket_item_note
- user_bucket_note
- user_bucket_type
- clear_all_expired_circ_history_items()
- clear_expired_circ_history_items(ac_usr integer)
- evergreen
- array_overlap_check()
- asset_copy_alert_copy_inh_fkey()
- asset_copy_inventory_copy_inh_fkey()
- asset_copy_note_owning_copy_inh_fkey()
- asset_copy_tag_copy_map_copy_inh_fkey()
- can_float(to_ou integer, from_ou integer, copy_floating_group integer)
- change_db_setting(settings text, setting_name text[])
- coded_value_map_normalizer(ctype text, input text)
- container_copy_bucket_item_target_copy_inh_fkey()
- could_be_serial_holding_code(text)
- display_field_force_nfc()
- escape_for_html(text)
- extract_marc_field(text, bigint, text)
- extract_marc_field(text, bigint, text, text)
- extract_marc_field_set(text, bigint, text, text)
- facet_force_nfc()
- fake_fkey_tgr()
- find_next_open_time(dow_count integer, initial_time timestamp with time zone, hourly boolean, initial time without time zone, circ_lib integer)
- force_unicode_normal_form(form text, string text)
- generic_map_normalizer(text, text)
- get_barcodes(in_barcode integer, type text, select_ou text)
- get_locale_name(description text)
- is_json(text)
- levenshtein_damerau_edistance( text, b text, a integer)
- limit_oustl()
- located_uris(rank bigint, label_sortkey integer, name integer)
- located_uris(rank bigint[], label_sortkey integer, name integer)
- located_uris_as_uris(pref_lib bigint, ouid integer, bibid integer)
- lowercase(text)
- lpad_number_substrings(text, text, integer)
- maintain_901()
- maintain_control_numbers()
- marc_to(xfrm text, marc text)
- oils_i18n_code_tracking()
- oils_i18n_gettext(integer, text, text, text)
- oils_i18n_gettext(text, text, text, text)
- oils_i18n_id_tracking()
- oils_i18n_update_apply(hint text, new_ident text, old_ident text)
- oils_i18n_xlate(raw_locale text, keyvalue text, identcol text, keycol text, keyclass text, keytable text)
- oils_json_to_text(text)
- oils_text_as_bytea(text)
- oils_xpath(text, text)
- oils_xpath(text, text, text[])
- oils_xpath_string(text, text)
- oils_xpath_string(text, text, anyarray)
- oils_xpath_string(text, text, text)
- oils_xpath_string(text, text, text, anyarray)
- oils_xpath_table(criteria text, xpaths text, relation_name text, document_field text, key text)
- oils_xpath_tag_to_table(xpaths text, tag text, marc text[])
- oils_xslt_process(text, text)
- org_top()
- ous_change_log()
- ous_delete_log()
- pg_statistics(frequency text, element text)
- protect_reserved_rows_from_delete()
- query_int_wrapper(integer[], text)
- qwerty_keyboard_distance(b text, a text)
- qwerty_keyboard_distance_match(b text, a text)
- rank_cp(copy asset.copy)
- rank_cp(copy_id bigint)
- rank_ou(plon integer, plat integer, pref_lib integer, search_lib double precision, lib double precision)
- rank_ou(pref_lib integer, search_lib integer, lib integer)
- ranked_volumes(rank bigint, label_sortkey integer, name integer, id public.hstore, includes public.hstore, pref_lib integer, soffset text[])
- ranked_volumes(rank bigint[], label_sortkey integer, name integer, id public.hstore, includes public.hstore, pref_lib integer, soffset text[])
- regexp_split_to_array(text, text)
- rel_bump(mults text[], bumps text, value text[], terms numeric[])
- tableoid2name(oid)
- text_array_merge_unique(text[], text[])
- unaccent_and_squash(arg text)
- upgrade_deps_block_check(my_applied_to text, my_db_patch text)
- upgrade_list_applied_deprecated(my_db_patch text)
- upgrade_list_applied_deprecates(my_db_patch text)
- upgrade_list_applied_superseded(my_db_patch text)
- upgrade_list_applied_supersedes(my_db_patch text)
- upgrade_verify_no_dep_conflicts(my_db_patch text)
- uppercase(text)
- vandelay_import_item_imported_as_inh_fkey()
- xml_escape(str text)
- xml_famous5_to_text(text)
- xml_pretty_print(input xml)
- z3950_attr_name_is_valid()
- extend_reporter
- metabib
- author_field_entry
- browse_entry
- browse_entry_def_map
- browse_entry_simple_heading_map
- combined_all_field_entry
- combined_author_field_entry
- combined_identifier_field_entry
- combined_keyword_field_entry
- combined_series_field_entry
- combined_subject_field_entry
- combined_title_field_entry
- composite_attr_id_map
- compressed_display_entry
- display_entry
- facet_entry
- flat_display_entry
- full_attr_id_map
- full_rec
- identifier_field_entry
- keyword_field_entry
- metarecord
- metarecord_source_map
- real_full_rec
- rec_descriptor
- record_attr
- record_attr_flat
- record_attr_id_map
- record_attr_vector_list
- record_sorter
- series_field_entry
- subject_field_entry
- title_field_entry
- uncontrolled_record_attr_value
- wide_display_entry
- autosuggest_prepare_tsquery(orig text)
- browse(result_limit integer[], pivot_id text, staff integer, context_loc_group integer, context_org boolean, browse_term bigint, search_field integer)
- browse(result_limit text, pivot_id text, staff integer, context_loc_group integer, context_org boolean, browse_term bigint, search_class integer)
- browse_authority_pivot(integer[], text)
- browse_authority_refs_pivot(integer[], text)
- browse_bib_pivot(integer[], text)
- browse_normalize(mapped_field text, facet_text integer)
- browse_pivot(integer[], text)
- compile_composite_attr(cattr_def text)
- compile_composite_attr(cattr_id integer)
- compile_composite_attr_cache_disable()
- compile_composite_attr_cache_init()
- compile_composite_attr_cache_invalidate()
- composite_attr_def_cache_inval_tgr()
- display_field_normalize_trigger()
- facet_normalize_trigger()
- reingest_metabib_field_entries(only_fields bigint, skip_search boolean, skip_browse boolean, skip_display boolean, skip_facet boolean, bib_id integer[])
- reingest_metabib_full_rec(bib_id bigint)
- reingest_record_attributes(rdeleted bigint, prmarc text[], pattr_list text, rid boolean)
- remap_metarecord_for_bib(retain_deleted bigint, bib_is_deleted text, fp boolean, bib_id boolean)
- search_class_to_registered_components(search_class text)
- staged_browse(next_pivot_pos text, result_limit integer[], count_up_from_zero integer, browse_superpage_size integer[], staff boolean, context_locations integer, context_org boolean, fields integer, query integer)
- suggest_browse_entries(match text, buoyant text, rank text, field_weight integer, field_match integer, buoyant_and_class_match integer)
- trim_trailing_punctuation(text)
- update_combined_index_vectors(bib_id bigint)
- money
- account_adjustment
- aged_billing
- aged_payment
- all_billings
- all_payments
- billable_xact
- billable_xact_summary
- billable_xact_summary_location_view
- billable_xact_with_void_summary
- billing
- bnm_desk_payment
- bnm_payment
- bnm_payment_view
- cash_payment
- cashdrawer_payment_view
- check_payment
- collections_tracker
- credit_card_payment
- credit_payment
- debit_card_payment
- desk_payment_view
- forgive_payment
- goods_payment
- grocery
- materialized_billable_xact_summary
- non_drawer_payment_view
- open_billable_xact_summary
- open_transaction_billing_summary
- open_transaction_billing_type_summary
- open_transaction_payment_summary
- open_usr_circulation_summary
- open_usr_summary
- open_with_balance_usr_summary
- payment
- payment_view
- payment_view_for_aging
- transaction_billing_summary
- transaction_billing_type_summary
- transaction_billing_with_void_summary
- transaction_payment_summary
- transaction_payment_with_void_summary
- usr_circulation_summary
- usr_summary
- work_payment
- age_billings_and_payments()
- age_billings_and_payments_for_xact(xact_id bigint)
- maintain_billing_ts()
- mat_summary_create()
- mat_summary_delete()
- mat_summary_update()
- materialized_summary_billing_add()
- materialized_summary_billing_del()
- materialized_summary_billing_update()
- materialized_summary_payment_add()
- materialized_summary_payment_del()
- materialized_summary_payment_update()
- oai
- authority
- biblio
- auth_is_visible_by_axis(ax bigint, auth text)
- bib_is_visible_at_org_by_copy(org bigint, bib integer)
- bib_is_visible_at_org_by_luri(org bigint, bib integer)
- bib_is_visible_by_source(src bigint, bib text)
- offline
- permission
- grp_penalty_threshold
- grp_perm_map
- grp_tree
- grp_tree_display_entry
- perm_list
- usr_grp_map
- usr_object_perm_map
- usr_perm_map
- usr_work_ou_map
- grp_ancestors(integer)
- grp_ancestors_distance(distance integer)
- grp_descendants(integer)
- grp_descendants_distance(distance integer)
- grp_tree_combined_ancestors(integer, integer)
- grp_tree_common_ancestors(integer, integer)
- grp_tree_full_path(integer)
- usr_can_grant_perm(target_ou integer, tperm text, iuser integer)
- usr_has_home_perm(target_ou integer, tperm text, iuser integer)
- usr_has_object_perm(integer, text, text, text)
- usr_has_object_perm(target_ou integer, obj_id text, obj_type text, tperm text, iuser integer)
- usr_has_perm(integer, text, integer)
- usr_has_perm_at(perm_code integer, user_id text)
- usr_has_perm_at_all(perm_code integer, user_id text)
- usr_has_perm_at_all_nd(perm_code integer, user_id text)
- usr_has_perm_at_nd(perm_code integer, user_id text)
- usr_has_work_perm(target_ou integer, tperm text, iuser integer)
- usr_perms(integer)
- public
- _int_contained(integer[], integer[])
- _int_contained_joinsel(internal, oid, internal, smallint, internal)
- _int_contained_sel(internal, oid, internal, integer)
- _int_contains(integer[], integer[])
- _int_contains_joinsel(internal, oid, internal, smallint, internal)
- _int_contains_sel(internal, oid, internal, integer)
- _int_different(integer[], integer[])
- _int_inter(integer[], integer[])
- _int_matchsel(internal, oid, internal, integer)
- _int_overlap(integer[], integer[])
- _int_overlap_joinsel(internal, oid, internal, smallint, internal)
- _int_overlap_sel(internal, oid, internal, integer)
- _int_same(integer[], integer[])
- _int_union(integer[], integer[])
- _intbig_in(cstring)
- _intbig_out(public.intbig_gkey)
- agg_text(text)
- akeys(public.hstore)
- approximate_date(text, text)
- approximate_high_date(text)
- approximate_low_date(text)
- armor(bytea)
- armor(bytea, text[], text[])
- avals(public.hstore)
- boolop(integer[], public.query_int)
- bqarr_in(cstring)
- bqarr_out(public.query_int)
- call_number_dewey(text)
- call_number_dewey(text, integer)
- cleanup_acq_marc()
- content_or_null(text)
- crypt(text, text)
- cube(double precision)
- cube(double precision, double precision)
- cube(double precision[])
- cube(double precision[], double precision[])
- cube(public.cube, double precision)
- cube(public.cube, double precision, double precision)
- cube_cmp(public.cube, public.cube)
- cube_contained(public.cube, public.cube)
- cube_contains(public.cube, public.cube)
- cube_coord(public.cube, integer)
- cube_coord_llur(public.cube, integer)
- cube_dim(public.cube)
- cube_distance(public.cube, public.cube)
- cube_enlarge(public.cube, double precision, integer)
- cube_eq(public.cube, public.cube)
- cube_ge(public.cube, public.cube)
- cube_gt(public.cube, public.cube)
- cube_in(cstring)
- cube_inter(public.cube, public.cube)
- cube_is_point(public.cube)
- cube_le(public.cube, public.cube)
- cube_ll_coord(public.cube, integer)
- cube_lt(public.cube, public.cube)
- cube_ne(public.cube, public.cube)
- cube_out(public.cube)
- cube_overlap(public.cube, public.cube)
- cube_size(public.cube)
- cube_subset(public.cube, integer[])
- cube_union(public.cube, public.cube)
- cube_ur_coord(public.cube, integer)
- dearmor(text)
- decrypt(bytea, bytea, text)
- decrypt_iv(bytea, bytea, bytea, text)
- defined(public.hstore, text)
- delete(public.hstore, public.hstore)
- delete(public.hstore, text)
- delete(public.hstore, text[])
- difference(text, text)
- digest(bytea, text)
- digest(text, text)
- distance_chebyshev(public.cube, public.cube)
- distance_taxicab(public.cube, public.cube)
- dmetaphone(text)
- dmetaphone_alt(text)
- each(value public.hstore)
- earth()
- earth_box(public.earth, double precision)
- earth_distance(public.earth, public.earth)
- encrypt(bytea, bytea, text)
- encrypt_iv(bytea, bytea, bytea, text)
- entityize(text)
- exist(public.hstore, text)
- exists_all(public.hstore, text[])
- exists_any(public.hstore, text[])
- extract_acq_marc_field(bigint, text, text)
- extract_acq_marc_field_set(bigint, text, text)
- fetchval(public.hstore, text)
- first(anyelement)
- first5(text)
- first_agg(anyelement, anyelement)
- first_word(text)
- force_to_isbn13(text)
- g_cube_compress(internal)
- g_cube_consistent(internal, public.cube, smallint, oid, internal)
- g_cube_decompress(internal)
- g_cube_distance(internal, public.cube, smallint, oid, internal)
- g_cube_penalty(internal, internal, internal)
- g_cube_picksplit(internal, internal)
- g_cube_same(public.cube, public.cube, internal)
- g_cube_union(internal, internal)
- g_int_compress(internal)
- g_int_consistent(internal, integer[], smallint, oid, internal)
- g_int_decompress(internal)
- g_int_penalty(internal, internal, internal)
- g_int_picksplit(internal, internal)
- g_int_same(integer[], integer[], internal)
- g_int_union(internal, internal)
- g_intbig_compress(internal)
- g_intbig_consistent(internal, integer[], smallint, oid, internal)
- g_intbig_decompress(internal)
- g_intbig_penalty(internal, internal, internal)
- g_intbig_picksplit(internal, internal)
- g_intbig_same(public.intbig_gkey, public.intbig_gkey, internal)
- g_intbig_union(internal, internal)
- gc_to_sec(double precision)
- gen_random_bytes(integer)
- gen_random_uuid()
- gen_salt(text)
- gen_salt(text, integer)
- geo_distance(point, point)
- ghstore_compress(internal)
- ghstore_consistent(internal, public.hstore, smallint, oid, internal)
- ghstore_decompress(internal)
- ghstore_in(cstring)
- ghstore_out(public.ghstore)
- ghstore_penalty(internal, internal, internal)
- ghstore_picksplit(internal, internal)
- ghstore_same(public.ghstore, public.ghstore, internal)
- ghstore_union(internal, internal)
- gin_consistent_hstore(internal, smallint, public.hstore, integer, internal, internal)
- gin_extract_hstore(public.hstore, internal)
- gin_extract_hstore_query(public.hstore, internal, smallint, internal, internal)
- gin_extract_query_trgm(text, internal, smallint, internal, internal, internal, internal)
- gin_extract_value_trgm(text, internal)
- gin_trgm_consistent(internal, smallint, text, integer, internal, internal, internal, internal)
- gin_trgm_triconsistent(internal, smallint, text, integer, internal, internal, internal)
- ginint4_consistent(internal, smallint, integer[], integer, internal, internal, internal, internal)
- ginint4_queryextract(integer[], internal, smallint, internal, internal, internal, internal)
- gtrgm_compress(internal)
- gtrgm_consistent(internal, text, smallint, oid, internal)
- gtrgm_decompress(internal)
- gtrgm_distance(internal, text, smallint, oid, internal)
- gtrgm_in(cstring)
- gtrgm_out(public.gtrgm)
- gtrgm_penalty(internal, internal, internal)
- gtrgm_picksplit(internal, internal)
- gtrgm_same(public.gtrgm, public.gtrgm, internal)
- gtrgm_union(internal, internal)
- hmac(bytea, bytea, text)
- hmac(text, text, text)
- hs_concat(public.hstore, public.hstore)
- hs_contained(public.hstore, public.hstore)
- hs_contains(public.hstore, public.hstore)
- hstore(record)
- hstore(text, text)
- hstore(text[])
- hstore(text[], text[])
- hstore_cmp(public.hstore, public.hstore)
- hstore_eq(public.hstore, public.hstore)
- hstore_ge(public.hstore, public.hstore)
- hstore_gt(public.hstore, public.hstore)
- hstore_hash(public.hstore)
- hstore_in(cstring)
- hstore_le(public.hstore, public.hstore)
- hstore_lt(public.hstore, public.hstore)
- hstore_ne(public.hstore, public.hstore)
- hstore_out(public.hstore)
- hstore_recv(internal)
- hstore_send(public.hstore)
- hstore_to_array(public.hstore)
- hstore_to_json(public.hstore)
- hstore_to_json_loose(public.hstore)
- hstore_to_jsonb(public.hstore)
- hstore_to_jsonb_loose(public.hstore)
- hstore_to_matrix(public.hstore)
- hstore_version_diag(public.hstore)
- icount(integer[])
- idx(integer[], integer)
- ingest_acq_marc()
- intarray_del_elem(integer[], integer)
- intarray_push_array(integer[], integer[])
- intarray_push_elem(integer[], integer)
- integer_or_null(text)
- intset(integer)
- intset_subtract(integer[], integer[])
- intset_union_elem(integer[], integer)
- isdefined(public.hstore, text)
- isexists(public.hstore, text)
- last(anyelement)
- last_agg(anyelement, anyelement)
- latitude(public.earth)
- left_trunc(text, integer)
- levenshtein(text, text)
- levenshtein(text, text, integer, integer, integer)
- levenshtein_less_equal(text, text, integer)
- levenshtein_less_equal(text, text, integer, integer, integer, integer)
- ll_to_earth(double precision, double precision)
- longitude(public.earth)
- lowercase(text)
- metaphone(text, integer)
- naco_normalize(text)
- naco_normalize(text, text)
- naco_normalize_keep_comma(text)
- non_filing_normalize(text, "char")
- normalize_space(text)
- oils_tsearch2()
- pgp_armor_headers(value text)
- pgp_key_id(bytea)
- pgp_pub_decrypt(bytea, bytea)
- pgp_pub_decrypt(bytea, bytea, text)
- pgp_pub_decrypt(bytea, bytea, text, text)
- pgp_pub_decrypt_bytea(bytea, bytea)
- pgp_pub_decrypt_bytea(bytea, bytea, text)
- pgp_pub_decrypt_bytea(bytea, bytea, text, text)
- pgp_pub_encrypt(text, bytea)
- pgp_pub_encrypt(text, bytea, text)
- pgp_pub_encrypt_bytea(bytea, bytea)
- pgp_pub_encrypt_bytea(bytea, bytea, text)
- pgp_sym_decrypt(bytea, text)
- pgp_sym_decrypt(bytea, text, text)
- pgp_sym_decrypt_bytea(bytea, text)
- pgp_sym_decrypt_bytea(bytea, text, text)
- pgp_sym_encrypt(text, text)
- pgp_sym_encrypt(text, text, text)
- pgp_sym_encrypt_bytea(bytea, text)
- pgp_sym_encrypt_bytea(bytea, text, text)
- populate_record(anyelement, public.hstore)
- querytree(public.query_int)
- rboolop(public.query_int, integer[])
- remove_commas(text)
- remove_diacritics(text)
- remove_paren_substring(text)
- remove_whitespace(text)
- right_trunc(text, integer)
- search_normalize(text)
- search_normalize(text, text)
- search_normalize_keep_comma(text)
- sec_to_gc(double precision)
- set_limit(real)
- show_limit()
- show_trgm(text)
- similarity(text, text)
- similarity_dist(text, text)
- similarity_op(text, text)
- skeys(public.hstore)
- slice(public.hstore, text[])
- slice_array(public.hstore, text[])
- sort(integer[])
- sort(integer[], text)
- sort_asc(integer[])
- sort_desc(integer[])
- soundex(text)
- split_date_range(text)
- subarray(integer[], integer)
- subarray(integer[], integer, integer)
- svals(public.hstore)
- tconvert(text, text)
- text_concat(text, text)
- text_soundex(text)
- translate_isbn1013(text)
- unaccent(regdictionary, text)
- unaccent(text)
- unaccent_init(internal)
- unaccent_lexize(internal, internal, internal, internal)
- uniq(integer[])
- uppercase(text)
- word_similarity(text, text)
- word_similarity_commutator_op(text, text)
- word_similarity_dist_commutator_op(text, text)
- word_similarity_dist_op(text, text)
- word_similarity_op(text, text)
- xml_encode_special_chars(text)
- xml_valid(text)
- xpath_bool(text, text)
- xpath_list(text, text)
- xpath_list(text, text, text)
- xpath_nodeset(text, text)
- xpath_nodeset(text, text, text)
- xpath_nodeset(text, text, text, text)
- xpath_number(text, text)
- xpath_string(text, text)
- xpath_table(text, text, text, text, text)
- xslt_process(text, text)
- xslt_process(text, text, text)
- query
- bind_variable
- case_branch
- datatype
- expr_xbet
- expr_xbind
- expr_xbool
- expr_xcase
- expr_xcast
- expr_xcol
- expr_xex
- expr_xfunc
- expr_xin
- expr_xisnull
- expr_xnull
- expr_xnum
- expr_xop
- expr_xser
- expr_xstr
- expr_xsubq
- expression
- from_relation
- function_param_def
- function_sig
- order_by_item
- query_sequence
- record_column
- select_item
- stored_query
- subfield
- rating
- badge
- badge_with_orgs
- popularity_parameter
- record_badge_score
- bib_pub_age(value integer)
- bib_record_age(value integer)
- checked_out_total_ratio(value integer)
- circs_over_time(value integer)
- copy_count(value integer)
- current_circ_count(value integer)
- current_hold_count(value integer)
- generic_fixed_rating_by_copy(value integer)
- generic_fixed_rating_by_copy_or_uri(value integer)
- generic_fixed_rating_by_uri(value integer)
- generic_fixed_rating_global(value integer)
- holds_filled_over_time(value integer)
- holds_holdable_ratio(value integer)
- holds_placed_over_time(value integer)
- holds_total_ratio(value integer)
- inhouse_over_time(value integer)
- org_unit_count(value integer)
- percent_time_circulating(value integer)
- precalc_attr_filter(attr_filter text)
- precalc_bibs_by_copy(badge_id integer)
- precalc_bibs_by_copy_or_uri(badge_id integer)
- precalc_bibs_by_uri(badge_id integer)
- precalc_circ_mod_filter(cm text)
- precalc_location_filter(loc integer)
- precalc_src_filter(src integer)
- recalculate_badge_score(setup_only integer, badge_id boolean)
- reporter
- asset_call_number_dewey
- circ_type
- completed_reports
- currently_running
- demographic
- hold_request_record
- materialized_simple_record
- old_super_simple_record
- output_folder
- overdue_circs
- overdue_reports
- pending_reports
- report
- report_folder
- schedule
- simple_record
- super_simple_record
- template
- template_folder
- xact_billing_totals
- xact_paid_totals
- disable_materialized_simple_record_trigger()
- enable_materialized_simple_record_trigger()
- hold_request_record_mapper()
- intersect_user_perm_ou(perm_code bigint, staff_id bigint, context_ou text)
- refresh_materialized_simple_record()
- simple_rec_delete(r_id bigint)
- simple_rec_trigger()
- simple_rec_update(deleted bigint, r_id boolean)
- simple_rec_update(r_id bigint)
- search
- best_tsconfig
- relevance_adjustment
- symspell_dictionary
- symspell_dictionary_updates
- calculate_visibility_attribute(attr integer, value text)
- calculate_visibility_attribute_list(value text, attr integer[])
- calculate_visibility_attribute_test(negate text, value integer[], attr boolean)
- disable_symspell_reification()
- enable_symspell_reification()
- facets_for_metarecord_set(count text[], value bigint[])
- facets_for_record_set(count text[], value bigint[])
- highlight_display_fields(delimiter bigint, maxfrags text, shortwords text, maxwords boolean, minwords integer, hl_all integer, css_class integer, tsq_map integer, rid text)
- highlight_display_fields_impl(delimiter bigint, maxfrags text, shortwords integer[], maxwords text, minwords boolean, hl_all integer, css_class integer, field_list integer, tsq integer, rid text)
- symspell_build_entries(include_phrases text, old_input text, source_class text, full_input boolean)
- symspell_build_raw_entry(maxed text, prefix_length text, no_limit boolean, source_class integer, raw_input integer)
- symspell_dictionary_full_reify()
- symspell_dictionary_reify()
- symspell_generate_edits(maxed text, dist integer, raw_word integer)
- symspell_lookup(kbdist_weight text, pg_trgm_weight text, soundex_weight integer, count_threshold boolean, xfer_case integer, verbosity integer, search_class integer, raw_input integer)
- symspell_maintain_entries()
- symspell_parse_words(phrase text)
- symspell_parse_words_distinct(phrase text)
- symspell_transfer_casing(withoutcase text, withcase text)
- serial
- any_summary
- basic_summary
- caption_and_pattern
- distribution
- distribution_note
- index_summary
- issuance
- item
- item_note
- materialized_holding_code
- pattern_template
- record_entry
- routing_list_user
- stream
- subscription
- subscription_note
- supplement_summary
- unit
- materialize_holding_code()
- pattern_templates_visible_to(org_unit integer)
- staging
- billing_address_stage
- card_stage
- mailing_address_stage
- setting_stage
- statcat_stage
- user_stage
- purge_pending_users()
- stats
- unapi
- bre_output_layout
- acl(include_xmlns bigint, soffset text, slimit text, depth text[], org text, includes integer, ename public.hstore, format public.hstore, obj_id boolean)
- acn(include_xmlns bigint, soffset text, slimit text, depth text[], org text, includes integer, ename public.hstore, format public.hstore, obj_id boolean)
- acnp(include_xmlns bigint, soffset text, slimit text, depth text[], org text, includes integer, ename public.hstore, format public.hstore, obj_id boolean)
- acns(include_xmlns bigint, soffset text, slimit text, depth text[], org text, includes integer, ename public.hstore, format public.hstore, obj_id boolean)
- acp(include_xmlns bigint, soffset text, slimit text, depth text[], org text, includes integer, ename public.hstore, format public.hstore, obj_id boolean)
- acpn(include_xmlns bigint, soffset text, slimit text, depth text[], org text, includes integer, ename public.hstore, format public.hstore, obj_id boolean)
- aou(include_xmlns bigint, soffset text, slimit text, depth text[], org text, includes integer, ename public.hstore, format public.hstore, obj_id boolean)
- ascecm(include_xmlns bigint, soffset text, slimit text, depth text[], org text, includes integer, ename public.hstore, format public.hstore, obj_id boolean)
- auri(include_xmlns bigint, soffset text, slimit text, depth text[], org text, includes integer, ename public.hstore, format public.hstore, obj_id boolean)
- biblio_record_entry_feed(pref_lib bigint[], header_xml text, unapi_url text[], update_ts text, creator integer, description public.hstore, title public.hstore, include_xmlns boolean, soffset text, slimit text, depth text, org text, includes text, format xml, id_list integer)
- bmp(include_xmlns bigint, soffset text, slimit text, depth text[], org text, includes integer, ename public.hstore, format public.hstore, obj_id boolean)
- bre(pref_lib bigint, include_xmlns text, soffset text, slimit text[], depth text, org integer, includes public.hstore, ename public.hstore, format boolean, obj_id integer)
- cbs(include_xmlns bigint, soffset text, slimit text, depth text[], org text, includes integer, ename public.hstore, format public.hstore, obj_id boolean)
- ccs(include_xmlns bigint, soffset text, slimit text, depth text[], org text, includes integer, ename public.hstore, format public.hstore, obj_id boolean)
- circ(include_xmlns bigint, soffset text, slimit text, depth text[], org text, includes integer, ename public.hstore, format public.hstore, obj_id boolean)
- holdings_xml(pref_lib bigint, include_xmlns integer, soffset text, slimit integer, includes text[], depth public.hstore, org public.hstore, ouid boolean, bid integer)
- memoize(include_xmlns text, soffset bigint, slimit text, depth text, org text[], includes text, ename integer, format public.hstore, obj_id public.hstore, classname boolean)
- metabib_virtual_record_feed(pref_lib bigint[], header_xml text, unapi_url text[], update_ts text, creator integer, description public.hstore, title public.hstore, include_xmlns boolean, soffset text, slimit text, depth text, org text, includes text, format xml, id_list integer)
- mmr(pref_lib bigint, include_xmlns text, soffset text, slimit text[], depth text, org integer, includes public.hstore, ename public.hstore, format boolean, obj_id integer)
- mmr_holdings_xml(pref_lib bigint, include_xmlns integer, soffset text, slimit integer, includes text[], depth public.hstore, org public.hstore, ouid boolean, mid integer)
- mmr_mra(pref_lib bigint, include_xmlns text, soffset text, slimit text[], depth text, org integer, includes public.hstore, ename public.hstore, format boolean, obj_id integer)
- mra(include_xmlns bigint, soffset text, slimit text, depth text[], org text, includes integer, ename public.hstore, format public.hstore, obj_id boolean)
- sbsum(include_xmlns bigint, soffset text, slimit text, depth text[], org text, includes integer, ename public.hstore, format public.hstore, obj_id boolean)
- sdist(include_xmlns bigint, soffset text, slimit text, depth text[], org text, includes integer, ename public.hstore, format public.hstore, obj_id boolean)
- siss(include_xmlns bigint, soffset text, slimit text, depth text[], org text, includes integer, ename public.hstore, format public.hstore, obj_id boolean)
- sisum(include_xmlns bigint, soffset text, slimit text, depth text[], org text, includes integer, ename public.hstore, format public.hstore, obj_id boolean)
- sitem(include_xmlns bigint, soffset text, slimit text, depth text[], org text, includes integer, ename public.hstore, format public.hstore, obj_id boolean)
- sssum(include_xmlns bigint, soffset text, slimit text, depth text[], org text, includes integer, ename public.hstore, format public.hstore, obj_id boolean)
- sstr(include_xmlns bigint, soffset text, slimit text, depth text[], org text, includes integer, ename public.hstore, format public.hstore, obj_id boolean)
- ssub(include_xmlns bigint, soffset text, slimit text, depth text[], org text, includes integer, ename public.hstore, format public.hstore, obj_id boolean)
- sunit(include_xmlns bigint, soffset text, slimit text, depth text[], org text, includes integer, ename public.hstore, format public.hstore, obj_id boolean)
- url_verify
- session
- url
- url_selector
- url_verification
- verification_attempt
- extract_urls(item_id integer, session_id integer)
- ingest_url()
- parse_url(url_in text)
- vandelay
- authority_attr_definition
- authority_match
- authority_queue
- bib_attr_definition
- bib_match
- bib_queue
- import_bib_trash_fields
- import_bib_trash_group
- import_error
- import_item
- import_item_attr_definition
- match_set
- match_set_point
- match_set_quality
- merge_profile
- queue
- queued_authority_record
- queued_authority_record_attr
- queued_bib_record
- queued_bib_record_attr
- queued_record
- session_tracker
- _get_expr_push_jrow(auth_heading vandelay.match_set_point, tags_rstore public.hstore, node text)
- _get_expr_push_qrow(node vandelay.match_set_point)
- _get_expr_render_one(node vandelay.match_set_point)
- _node_tag_comparisons(tagkey boolean, tags_rstore text, op public.hstore, caseless text)
- add_field(field text, source_xml text, target_xml text)
- add_field(force_add text, field text, source_xml text, target_xml integer)
- auto_overlay_authority_queue(merge_profile_id bigint, queue_id integer)
- auto_overlay_authority_queue(queue_id bigint)
- auto_overlay_authority_record(merge_profile_id bigint, import_id integer)
- auto_overlay_authority_record_with_best(lwm_ratio_value_p bigint, merge_profile_id integer, import_id numeric)
- auto_overlay_bib_queue(merge_profile_id bigint, queue_id integer)
- auto_overlay_bib_queue(queue_id bigint)
- auto_overlay_bib_queue_with_best(lwm_ratio_value bigint, merge_profile_id integer, queue_id numeric)
- auto_overlay_bib_queue_with_best(merge_profile_id bigint, import_id integer)
- auto_overlay_bib_record(merge_profile_id bigint, import_id integer)
- auto_overlay_bib_record_with_best(lwm_ratio_value_p bigint, merge_profile_id integer, import_id numeric)
- auto_overlay_bib_record_with_best(merge_profile_id bigint, import_id integer)
- auto_overlay_org_unit_copies(lwm_ratio_value_p bigint, merge_profile_id integer, import_id numeric)
- cleanup_authority_marc()
- cleanup_bib_marc()
- compile_profile(incoming_xml text)
- extract_rec_attrs(attr_defs text, xml text[])
- extract_rec_attrs(xml text)
- find_bib_tcn_data(xml text)
- flatten_marc(marc text)
- flatten_marc_hstore(record_xml text)
- flay_marc(text)
- get_expr_from_match_set(auth_heading integer, tags_rstore public.hstore, match_set_id text)
- get_expr_from_match_set(tags_rstore integer, match_set_id public.hstore)
- get_expr_from_match_set_point(auth_heading vandelay.match_set_point, tags_rstore public.hstore, node text)
- ingest_authority_marc()
- ingest_bib_items()
- ingest_bib_marc()
- ingest_items(attr_def_id bigint, import_id bigint)
- marc21_extract_all_fixed_fields(use_default text, marc boolean)
- marc21_extract_fixed_field(use_default text, ff text, marc boolean)
- marc21_extract_fixed_field_list(use_default text, ff text, marc boolean)
- marc21_physical_characteristics(marc text)
- marc21_record_type(marc text)
- match_authority_record()
- match_bib_record()
- match_set_test_authxml(record_xml integer, match_set_id text)
- match_set_test_marcxml(bucket_id integer, record_xml text, match_set_id integer)
- measure_auth_record_quality(match_set_id text, xml integer)
- measure_record_quality(match_set_id text, xml integer)
- merge_record_xml(strip_rule text, replace_preserve_rule text, add_rule text, source_xml text, target_xml text)
- merge_record_xml(template_marc text, target_marc text)
- merge_record_xml_using_profile(merge_profile_id text, existing_marc text, incoming_marc bigint)
- overlay_authority_record(merge_profile_id bigint, eg_id bigint, import_id integer)
- overlay_bib_record(merge_profile_id bigint, eg_id bigint, import_id integer)
- replace_field(field text, source_xml text, target_xml text)
- strip_field(field text, xml text)
- template_overlay_bib_record(eg_id text, v_marc bigint)
- template_overlay_bib_record(merge_profile_id text, eg_id bigint, v_marc integer)
Schema acq
Table: acq.acq_lineitem_history
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
audit_id | bigint | PRIMARY KEY | |
audit_time | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL | |
audit_action | text | NOT NULL | |
id | bigint | NOT NULL | |
creator | integer | NOT NULL | |
editor | integer | NOT NULL | |
selector | integer | NOT NULL | |
provider | integer | ||
purchase_order | integer | ||
picklist | integer | ||
expected_recv_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
create_time | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL | |
edit_time | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL | |
marc | text | NOT NULL | |
eg_bib_id | bigint | ||
source_label | text | ||
state | text | NOT NULL | |
cancel_reason | integer | ||
estimated_unit_price | numeric | ||
claim_policy | integer | ||
queued_record | bigint |
View: acq.acq_lineitem_lifecycle
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
?column? | bigint | ||
audit_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
audit_action | text | ||
id | bigint | ||
creator | integer | ||
editor | integer | ||
selector | integer | ||
provider | integer | ||
purchase_order | integer | ||
picklist | integer | ||
expected_recv_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
create_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
edit_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
marc | text | ||
eg_bib_id | bigint | ||
source_label | text | ||
state | text | ||
cancel_reason | integer | ||
estimated_unit_price | numeric | ||
claim_policy | integer | ||
queued_record | bigint |
SELECT'-1'::integer AS "?column?" , now () AS audit_time , '-'::text AS audit_action , lineitem.id , lineitem.creator , lineitem.editor , lineitem.selector , lineitem.provider , lineitem.purchase_order , lineitem.picklist , lineitem.expected_recv_time , lineitem.create_time , lineitem.edit_time , lineitem.marc , lineitem.eg_bib_id , lineitem.source_label , lineitem.state , lineitem.cancel_reason , lineitem.estimated_unit_price , lineitem.claim_policy , lineitem.queued_record FROM acq.lineitem UNION ALL SELECT acq_lineitem_history.audit_id AS "?column?" , acq_lineitem_history.audit_time , acq_lineitem_history.audit_action , acq_lineitem_history.id , acq_lineitem_history.creator , acq_lineitem_history.editor , acq_lineitem_history.selector , acq_lineitem_history.provider , acq_lineitem_history.purchase_order , acq_lineitem_history.picklist , acq_lineitem_history.expected_recv_time , acq_lineitem_history.create_time , acq_lineitem_history.edit_time , acq_lineitem_history.marc , acq_lineitem_history.eg_bib_id , acq_lineitem_history.source_label , acq_lineitem_history.state , acq_lineitem_history.cancel_reason , acq_lineitem_history.estimated_unit_price , acq_lineitem_history.claim_policy , acq_lineitem_history.queued_record FROM acq.acq_lineitem_history;
Table: acq.acq_purchase_order_history
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
audit_id | bigint | PRIMARY KEY | |
audit_time | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL | |
audit_action | text | NOT NULL | |
id | integer | NOT NULL | |
owner | integer | NOT NULL | |
creator | integer | NOT NULL | |
editor | integer | NOT NULL | |
ordering_agency | integer | NOT NULL | |
create_time | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL | |
edit_time | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL | |
provider | integer | NOT NULL | |
state | text | NOT NULL | |
order_date | timestamp with time zone | ||
name | text | NOT NULL | |
cancel_reason | integer | ||
prepayment_required | boolean | NOT NULL |
View: acq.acq_purchase_order_lifecycle
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
?column? | bigint | ||
audit_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
audit_action | text | ||
id | integer | ||
owner | integer | ||
creator | integer | ||
editor | integer | ||
ordering_agency | integer | ||
create_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
edit_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
provider | integer | ||
state | text | ||
order_date | timestamp with time zone | ||
name | text | ||
cancel_reason | integer | ||
prepayment_required | boolean |
SELECT'-1'::integer AS "?column?" , now () AS audit_time , '-'::text AS audit_action , purchase_order.id , purchase_order.owner , purchase_order.creator , purchase_order.editor , purchase_order.ordering_agency , purchase_order.create_time , purchase_order.edit_time , purchase_order.provider , purchase_order.state , purchase_order.order_date , purchase_order.name , purchase_order.cancel_reason , purchase_order.prepayment_required FROM acq.purchase_order UNION ALL SELECT acq_purchase_order_history.audit_id AS "?column?" , acq_purchase_order_history.audit_time , acq_purchase_order_history.audit_action , acq_purchase_order_history.id , acq_purchase_order_history.owner , acq_purchase_order_history.creator , acq_purchase_order_history.editor , acq_purchase_order_history.ordering_agency , acq_purchase_order_history.create_time , acq_purchase_order_history.edit_time , acq_purchase_order_history.provider , acq_purchase_order_history.state , acq_purchase_order_history.order_date , acq_purchase_order_history.name , acq_purchase_order_history.cancel_reason , acq_purchase_order_history.prepayment_required FROM acq.acq_purchase_order_history;
View: acq.all_fund_allocation_total
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
fund | integer | ||
amount | numeric |
SELECT f.id AS fund , COALESCE ( (sum ( (a.amount * acq.exchange_ratio (s.currency_type , f.currency_type ) ) ) )::numeric (100 ,2 ) , (0)::numeric ) AS amount FROM ( (acq.fund f LEFT JOIN acq.fund_allocation a ON ( (a.fund = f.id) ) ) LEFT JOIN acq.funding_source s ON ( (a.funding_source = s.id) ) ) GROUP BY f.id;
View: acq.all_fund_combined_balance
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
fund | integer | ||
amount | numeric |
SELECT a.fund , (a.amount - COALESCE (c.amount , (0)::numeric ) ) AS amount FROM (acq.all_fund_allocation_total a LEFT JOIN ( SELECT fund_debit.fund , sum (fund_debit.amount) AS amount FROM acq.fund_debit GROUP BY fund_debit.fund ) c USING (fund) );
View: acq.all_fund_encumbrance_total
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
fund | integer | ||
amount | numeric |
SELECT f.id AS fund , COALESCE (encumb.amount , (0)::numeric ) AS amount FROM (acq.fund f LEFT JOIN ( SELECT fund_debit.fund , sum (fund_debit.amount) AS amount FROM acq.fund_debit WHERE fund_debit.encumbrance GROUP BY fund_debit.fund ) encumb ON ( (f.id = encumb.fund) ) );
View: acq.all_fund_spent_balance
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
fund | integer | ||
amount | numeric |
SELECT c.fund , (c.amount - d.amount) AS amount FROM (acq.all_fund_allocation_total c LEFT JOIN acq.all_fund_spent_total d USING (fund) );
View: acq.all_fund_spent_total
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
fund | integer | ||
amount | numeric |
SELECT f.id AS fund , COALESCE (spent.amount , (0)::numeric ) AS amount FROM (acq.fund f LEFT JOIN ( SELECT fund_debit.fund , sum (fund_debit.amount) AS amount FROM acq.fund_debit WHERE (NOT fund_debit.encumbrance) GROUP BY fund_debit.fund ) spent ON ( (f.id = spent.fund) ) );
Table: acq.cancel_reason
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
actor.org_unit.id | org_unit | integer | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
label | text | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL | |
description | text | NOT NULL | |
keep_debits | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Table: acq.claim
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
acq.claim_type.id | type | integer | NOT NULL |
acq.lineitem_detail.id | lineitem_detail | bigint | NOT NULL |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
claim_lid_idx lineitem_detailTable: acq.claim_event
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | bigserial | PRIMARY KEY | |
acq.claim_event_type.id | type | integer | NOT NULL |
acq.claim.id | claim | serial | NOT NULL |
event_date | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
actor.usr.id | creator | integer | NOT NULL |
note | text |
Table: acq.claim_event_type
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
actor.org_unit.id | org_unit | integer | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
code | text | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL | |
description | text | NOT NULL | |
library_initiated | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Table: acq.claim_policy
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
actor.org_unit.id | org_unit | integer | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
name | text | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL | |
description | text | NOT NULL |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Table: acq.claim_policy_action
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
acq.claim_policy.id | claim_policy | integer | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
action_interval | interval | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL | |
acq.claim_event_type.id | action | integer | NOT NULL |
Table: acq.claim_type
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
actor.org_unit.id | org_unit | integer | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
code | text | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL | |
description | text | NOT NULL |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Table: acq.currency_type
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
code | text | PRIMARY KEY | |
label | text |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Table: acq.debit_attribution
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | integer | PRIMARY KEY | |
acq.fund_debit.id | fund_debit | integer | NOT NULL |
debit_amount | numeric | NOT NULL | |
acq.funding_source_credit.id | funding_source_credit | integer | |
credit_amount | numeric |
Table: acq.distribution_formula
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
actor.org_unit.id | owner | integer | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
name | text | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL | |
skip_count | integer | NOT NULL |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Table: acq.distribution_formula_application
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | bigserial | PRIMARY KEY | |
actor.usr.id | creator | integer | NOT NULL |
create_time | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
acq.distribution_formula.id | formula | integer | NOT NULL |
acq.lineitem.id | lineitem | integer | NOT NULL |
Table: acq.distribution_formula_entry
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
acq.distribution_formula.id | formula | integer | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
position | integer | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL | |
item_count | integer | NOT NULL | |
actor.org_unit.id | owning_lib | integer | |
asset.copy_location.id | location | integer | |
acq.fund.id | fund | integer | |
config.circ_modifier.code | circ_modifier | text | |
collection_code | text |
Name | Constraint |
acqdfe_must_be_somewhere | CHECK (((owning_lib IS NOT NULL) OR (location IS NOT NULL))) |
Table: acq.edi_account
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | integer | PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('config.remote_account_id_seq'::regclass) | |
label | text | NOT NULL | |
host | text | NOT NULL | |
username | text | ||
password | text | ||
account | text | ||
path | text | ||
owner | integer | NOT NULL | |
last_activity | timestamp with time zone | ||
acq.provider.id | provider | integer | NOT NULL |
in_dir | text | ||
vendcode | text | ||
vendacct | text | ||
acq.edi_attr_set.id | attr_set | integer | |
use_attrs | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false |
Table acq.edi_account Inherits remote_account,
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Table: acq.edi_attr
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
key | text | PRIMARY KEY | |
label | text | UNIQUE NOT NULL |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Table: acq.edi_attr_set
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
label | text | UNIQUE NOT NULL |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Table: acq.edi_attr_set_map
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
acq.edi_attr_set.id | attr_set | integer | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
acq.edi_attr.key | attr | text | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
Table: acq.edi_message
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
acq.edi_account.id | account | integer | |
remote_file | text | ||
create_time | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
translate_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
process_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
error_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
status | text | NOT NULL DEFAULT 'new'::text | |
edi | text | ||
jedi | text | ||
error | text | ||
acq.purchase_order.id | purchase_order | integer | |
message_type | text | NOT NULL |
Name | Constraint |
status_value | CHECK ((status = ANY (ARRAY['new'::text, 'translated'::text, 'trans_error'::text, 'processed'::text, 'proc_error'::text, 'delete_error'::text, 'retry'::text, 'complete'::text]))) |
valid_message_type | CHECK ((message_type = ANY (ARRAY['ORDERS'::text, 'ORDRSP'::text, 'INVOIC'::text, 'OSTENQ'::text, 'OSTRPT'::text, 'DESADV'::text]))) |
Table: acq.exchange_rate
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
acq.currency_type.code | from_currency | text | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
acq.currency_type.code | to_currency | text | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
ratio | numeric | NOT NULL |
Table: acq.fiscal_calendar
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
name | text | NOT NULL |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Table: acq.fiscal_year
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
acq.fiscal_calendar.id | calendar | integer | UNIQUE#1 UNIQUE#2 NOT NULL |
year | integer | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL | |
year_begin | timestamp with time zone | UNIQUE#2 NOT NULL | |
year_end | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL |
Table: acq.fund
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
actor.org_unit.id | org | integer | UNIQUE#2 UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
name | text | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL | |
year | integer | UNIQUE#2 UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL DEFAULT date_part('year'::text, now()) | |
acq.currency_type.code | currency_type | text | NOT NULL |
code | text | UNIQUE#2 NOT NULL | |
rollover | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
propagate | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT true | |
active | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT true | |
balance_warning_percent | integer | ||
balance_stop_percent | integer |
Name | Constraint |
acq_fund_rollover_implies_propagate | CHECK ((propagate OR (NOT rollover))) |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Table: acq.fund_allocation
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
acq.funding_source.id | funding_source | integer | NOT NULL |
acq.fund.id | fund | integer | NOT NULL |
amount | numeric | NOT NULL | |
actor.usr.id | allocator | integer | NOT NULL |
note | text | ||
create_time | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() |
Table: acq.fund_allocation_percent
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
acq.funding_source.id | funding_source | integer | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
actor.org_unit.id | org | integer | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
fund_code | text | UNIQUE#1 | |
percent | numeric | NOT NULL | |
actor.usr.id | allocator | integer | NOT NULL |
note | text | ||
create_time | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() |
Name | Constraint |
percentage_range | CHECK (((percent >= (0)::numeric) AND (percent <= (100)::numeric))) |
View: acq.fund_allocation_total
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
fund | integer | ||
amount | numeric(100,2) |
SELECT a.fund , (sum ( (a.amount * acq.exchange_ratio (s.currency_type , f.currency_type ) ) ) )::numeric (100 ,2 ) AS amount FROM ( (acq.fund_allocation a JOIN acq.fund f ON ( (a.fund = f.id) ) ) JOIN acq.funding_source s ON ( (a.funding_source = s.id) ) ) GROUP BY a.fund;
View: acq.fund_combined_balance
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
fund | integer | ||
amount | numeric |
SELECT c.fund , (c.amount - COALESCE (d.amount , 0.0 ) ) AS amount FROM (acq.fund_allocation_total c LEFT JOIN acq.fund_debit_total d USING (fund) );
Table: acq.fund_debit
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
acq.fund.id | fund | integer | NOT NULL |
origin_amount | numeric | NOT NULL | |
acq.currency_type.code | origin_currency_type | text | NOT NULL |
amount | numeric | NOT NULL | |
encumbrance | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT true | |
debit_type | text | NOT NULL | |
acq.fund.id | xfer_destination | integer | |
create_time | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
acq.invoice_entry.id | invoice_entry | integer |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
fund_debit_invoice_entry_idx invoice_entryView: acq.fund_debit_total
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
fund | integer | ||
amount | numeric |
SELECT fund.id AS fund , sum (COALESCE (fund_debit.amount , (0)::numeric ) ) AS amount FROM (acq.fund fund LEFT JOIN acq.fund_debit fund_debit ON ( (fund.id = fund_debit.fund) ) ) GROUP BY fund.id;
View: acq.fund_encumbrance_total
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
fund | integer | ||
amount | numeric |
SELECT fund.id AS fund , sum (COALESCE (fund_debit.amount , (0)::numeric ) ) AS amount FROM (acq.fund fund LEFT JOIN acq.fund_debit fund_debit ON ( (fund.id = fund_debit.fund) ) ) WHERE fund_debit.encumbrance GROUP BY fund.id;
View: acq.fund_spent_balance
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
fund | integer | ||
amount | numeric |
SELECT c.fund , (c.amount - COALESCE (d.amount , 0.0 ) ) AS amount FROM (acq.fund_allocation_total c LEFT JOIN acq.fund_spent_total d USING (fund) );
View: acq.fund_spent_total
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
fund | integer | ||
amount | numeric |
SELECT fund.id AS fund , sum (COALESCE (fund_debit.amount , (0)::numeric ) ) AS amount FROM (acq.fund fund LEFT JOIN acq.fund_debit fund_debit ON ( (fund.id = fund_debit.fund) ) ) WHERE (NOT fund_debit.encumbrance) GROUP BY fund.id;
Table: acq.fund_tag
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
actor.org_unit.id | owner | integer | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
name | text | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Table: acq.fund_tag_map
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
acq.fund.id | fund | integer | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
acq.fund_tag.id | tag | integer | UNIQUE#1 |
Table: acq.fund_transfer
Fund Transfer Each row represents the transfer of money from a source fund to a destination fund. There should be corresponding entries in acq.fund_allocation. The purpose of acq.fund_transfer is to record how much money moved from which fund to which other fund. The presence of two amount fields, rather than one, reflects the possibility that the two funds are denominated in different currencies. If they use the same currency type, the two amounts should be the same.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
acq.fund.id | src_fund | integer | NOT NULL |
src_amount | numeric | NOT NULL | |
acq.fund.id | dest_fund | integer | |
dest_amount | numeric | ||
transfer_time | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
actor.usr.id | transfer_user | integer | NOT NULL |
note | text | ||
acq.funding_source_credit.id | funding_source_credit | integer | NOT NULL |
Table: acq.funding_source
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
name | text | UNIQUE#2 NOT NULL | |
actor.org_unit.id | owner | integer | UNIQUE#1 UNIQUE#2 NOT NULL |
acq.currency_type.code | currency_type | text | NOT NULL |
code | text | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL | |
active | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT true |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
View: acq.funding_source_allocation_total
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
funding_source | integer | ||
amount | numeric(100,2) |
SELECT a.funding_source , (sum (a.amount) )::numeric (100 ,2 ) AS amount FROM acq.fund_allocation a GROUP BY a.funding_source;
View: acq.funding_source_balance
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
funding_source | integer | ||
amount | numeric(100,2) |
SELECT COALESCE (c.funding_source , a.funding_source ) AS funding_source , (sum ( (COALESCE (c.amount , 0.0 ) - COALESCE (a.amount , 0.0 ) ) ) )::numeric (100 ,2 ) AS amount FROM (acq.funding_source_credit_total c FULL JOIN acq.funding_source_allocation_total a USING (funding_source) ) GROUP BY COALESCE (c.funding_source , a.funding_source );
Table: acq.funding_source_credit
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
acq.funding_source.id | funding_source | integer | NOT NULL |
amount | numeric | NOT NULL | |
note | text | ||
deadline_date | timestamp with time zone | ||
effective_date | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
View: acq.funding_source_credit_total
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
funding_source | integer | ||
amount | numeric |
SELECT funding_source_credit.funding_source , sum (funding_source_credit.amount) AS amount FROM acq.funding_source_credit GROUP BY funding_source_credit.funding_source;
Table: acq.invoice
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
actor.org_unit.id | receiver | integer | NOT NULL |
acq.provider.id | provider | integer | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
acq.provider.id | shipper | integer | NOT NULL |
recv_date | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
acq.invoice_method.code | recv_method | text | NOT NULL DEFAULT 'EDI'::text |
inv_type | text | ||
inv_ident | text | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL | |
payment_auth | text | ||
acq.invoice_payment_method.code | payment_method | text | |
note | text | ||
close_date | timestamp with time zone | ||
actor.usr.id | closed_by | integer |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Table: acq.invoice_entry
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
acq.invoice.id | invoice | integer | NOT NULL |
acq.purchase_order.id | purchase_order | integer | |
acq.lineitem.id | lineitem | integer | |
inv_item_count | integer | NOT NULL | |
phys_item_count | integer | ||
note | text | ||
billed_per_item | boolean | ||
cost_billed | numeric(8,2) | ||
actual_cost | numeric(8,2) | ||
amount_paid | numeric(8,2) |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
ie_inv_idx invoice ie_li_idx lineitem ie_po_idx purchase_orderTable: acq.invoice_item
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
acq.invoice.id | invoice | integer | NOT NULL |
acq.purchase_order.id | purchase_order | integer | |
acq.fund_debit.id | fund_debit | integer | |
acq.invoice_item_type.code | inv_item_type | text | NOT NULL |
title | text | ||
author | text | ||
note | text | ||
cost_billed | numeric(8,2) | ||
actual_cost | numeric(8,2) | ||
acq.fund.id | fund | integer | |
amount_paid | numeric(8,2) | ||
acq.po_item.id | po_item | integer | |
target | bigint |
Table: acq.invoice_item_type
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
code | text | PRIMARY KEY | |
name | text | NOT NULL | |
prorate | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
blanket | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false |
Name | Constraint |
aiit_not_blanket_and_prorate | CHECK (((blanket IS FALSE) OR (prorate IS FALSE))) |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Table: acq.invoice_method
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
code | text | PRIMARY KEY | |
name | text | NOT NULL |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Table: acq.invoice_payment_method
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
code | text | PRIMARY KEY | |
name | text | NOT NULL |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
View: acq.li_state_label
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | text | ||
label | text |
SELECT t.id , t.label FROM ( VALUES ('new'::text ,oils_i18n_gettext ('new'::text ,'New'::text ,'jubstlbl'::text ,'label'::text ) ) , ('selector-ready'::text ,oils_i18n_gettext ('selector-ready'::text ,'Selector-Ready'::text ,'jubstlbl'::text ,'label'::text ) ) , ('order-ready'::text ,oils_i18n_gettext ('order-ready'::text ,'Order-Ready'::text ,'jubstlbl'::text ,'label'::text ) ) , ('approved'::text ,oils_i18n_gettext ('approved'::text ,'Approved'::text ,'jubstlbl'::text ,'label'::text ) ) , ('pending-order'::text ,oils_i18n_gettext ('pending-order'::text ,'Pending-Order'::text ,'jubstlbl'::text ,'label'::text ) ) , ('on-order'::text ,oils_i18n_gettext ('on-order'::text ,'On-Order'::text ,'jubstlbl'::text ,'label'::text ) ) , ('received'::text ,oils_i18n_gettext ('received'::text ,'Received'::text ,'jubstlbl'::text ,'label'::text ) ) , ('cancelled'::text ,oils_i18n_gettext ('cancelled'::text ,'Cancelled'::text ,'jubstlbl'::text ,'label'::text ) ) ) t (id , label );
Table: acq.lineitem
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | bigserial | PRIMARY KEY | |
actor.usr.id | creator | integer | NOT NULL |
actor.usr.id | editor | integer | NOT NULL |
actor.usr.id | selector | integer | NOT NULL |
acq.provider.id | provider | integer | |
acq.purchase_order.id | purchase_order | integer | |
acq.picklist.id | picklist | integer | |
expected_recv_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
create_time | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
edit_time | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
marc | text | NOT NULL | |
biblio.record_entry.id | eg_bib_id | bigint | |
source_label | text | ||
state | text | NOT NULL DEFAULT 'new'::text | |
acq.cancel_reason.id | cancel_reason | integer | |
estimated_unit_price | numeric | ||
acq.claim_policy.id | claim_policy | integer | |
vandelay.queued_bib_record.id | queued_record | bigint |
Name | Constraint |
picklist_or_po | CHECK (((picklist IS NOT NULL) OR (purchase_order IS NOT NULL))) |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
li_creator_idx creator li_editor_idx editor li_pl_idx picklist li_po_idx purchase_order li_queued_record_idx queued_record li_selector_idx selectorTable: acq.lineitem_alert_text
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
code | text | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL | |
description | text | ||
actor.org_unit.id | owning_lib | integer | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Table: acq.lineitem_attr
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | bigserial | PRIMARY KEY | |
definition | bigint | NOT NULL | |
acq.lineitem.id | lineitem | bigint | NOT NULL |
attr_type | text | NOT NULL | |
attr_name | text | NOT NULL | |
attr_value | text | NOT NULL | |
order_ident | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false |
Table: acq.lineitem_attr_definition
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | bigserial | PRIMARY KEY | |
code | text | NOT NULL | |
description | text | NOT NULL | |
remove | text | NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::text | |
ident | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false |
Table: acq.lineitem_detail
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | bigserial | PRIMARY KEY | |
acq.lineitem.id | lineitem | integer | NOT NULL |
acq.fund.id | fund | integer | |
acq.fund_debit.id | fund_debit | integer | |
eg_copy_id | bigint | ||
barcode | text | ||
cn_label | text | ||
note | text | ||
collection_code | text | ||
config.circ_modifier.code | circ_modifier | text | |
actor.org_unit.id | owning_lib | integer | |
asset.copy_location.id | location | integer | |
recv_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
actor.usr.id | receiver | integer | |
acq.cancel_reason.id | cancel_reason | integer |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
li_detail_li_idx lineitem lineitem_detail_fund_debit_idx fund_debitTable: acq.lineitem_generated_attr_definition
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | bigint | PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('acq.lineitem_attr_definition_id_seq'::regclass) | |
code | text | NOT NULL | |
description | text | NOT NULL | |
remove | text | NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::text | |
ident | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
xpath | text | NOT NULL |
Table acq.lineitem_generated_attr_definition Inherits lineitem_attr_definition,
Table: acq.lineitem_local_attr_definition
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | bigint | PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('acq.lineitem_attr_definition_id_seq'::regclass) | |
code | text | NOT NULL | |
description | text | NOT NULL | |
remove | text | NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::text | |
ident | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false |
Table acq.lineitem_local_attr_definition Inherits lineitem_attr_definition,
Table: acq.lineitem_marc_attr_definition
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | bigint | PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('acq.lineitem_attr_definition_id_seq'::regclass) | |
code | text | NOT NULL | |
description | text | NOT NULL | |
remove | text | NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::text | |
ident | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
xpath | text | NOT NULL |
Table acq.lineitem_marc_attr_definition Inherits lineitem_attr_definition,
Table: acq.lineitem_note
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
acq.lineitem.id | lineitem | integer | NOT NULL |
actor.usr.id | creator | integer | NOT NULL |
actor.usr.id | editor | integer | NOT NULL |
create_time | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
edit_time | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
value | text | NOT NULL | |
acq.lineitem_alert_text.id | alert_text | integer | |
vendor_public | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false |
Table: acq.lineitem_provider_attr_definition
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | bigint | PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('acq.lineitem_attr_definition_id_seq'::regclass) | |
code | text | NOT NULL | |
description | text | NOT NULL | |
remove | text | NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::text | |
ident | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
xpath | text | NOT NULL | |
acq.provider.id | provider | integer | NOT NULL |
Table acq.lineitem_provider_attr_definition Inherits lineitem_attr_definition,
View: acq.lineitem_summary
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
lineitem | bigint | ||
item_count | bigint | ||
recv_count | bigint | ||
cancel_count | bigint | ||
delay_count | bigint | ||
invoice_count | bigint | ||
claim_count | bigint | ||
estimated_amount | numeric(8,2) | ||
encumbrance_amount | numeric(8,2) | ||
paid_amount | numeric(8,2) |
SELECT li.id AS lineitem , ( SELECT count (lid.id) AS count FROM acq.lineitem_detail lid WHERE (lid.lineitem = li.id) ) AS item_count , ( SELECT count (lid.id) AS count FROM acq.lineitem_detail lid WHERE ( (lid.recv_time IS NOT NULL) AND (lid.lineitem = li.id) ) ) AS recv_count , ( SELECT count (lid.id) AS count FROM (acq.lineitem_detail lid JOIN acq.cancel_reason acqcr ON ( (acqcr.id = lid.cancel_reason) ) ) WHERE ( (acqcr.keep_debits IS FALSE) AND (lid.lineitem = li.id) ) ) AS cancel_count , ( SELECT count (lid.id) AS count FROM (acq.lineitem_detail lid JOIN acq.cancel_reason acqcr ON ( (acqcr.id = lid.cancel_reason) ) ) WHERE ( (acqcr.keep_debits IS TRUE) AND (lid.lineitem = li.id) ) ) AS delay_count , ( SELECT count (lid.id) AS count FROM (acq.lineitem_detail lid JOIN acq.fund_debit debit ON ( (lid.fund_debit = debit.id) ) ) WHERE ( (NOT debit.encumbrance) AND (lid.lineitem = li.id) ) ) AS invoice_count , ( SELECT count (DISTINCT lid.id) AS count FROM (acq.lineitem_detail lid JOIN acq.claim claim ON ( (claim.lineitem_detail = lid.id) ) ) WHERE (lid.lineitem = li.id) ) AS claim_count , ( SELECT ( ( (count (lid.id) )::numeric * li.estimated_unit_price ) )::numeric (8 ,2 ) AS "numeric" FROM acq.lineitem_detail lid WHERE ( (lid.cancel_reason IS NULL) AND (lid.lineitem = li.id) ) ) AS estimated_amount , ( SELECT (sum (debit.amount) )::numeric (8 ,2 ) AS sum FROM (acq.lineitem_detail lid JOIN acq.fund_debit debit ON ( (lid.fund_debit = debit.id) ) ) WHERE (debit.encumbrance AND (lid.lineitem = li.id) ) ) AS encumbrance_amount , ( SELECT (sum (debit.amount) )::numeric (8 ,2 ) AS sum FROM (acq.lineitem_detail lid JOIN acq.fund_debit debit ON ( (lid.fund_debit = debit.id) ) ) WHERE ( (NOT debit.encumbrance) AND (lid.lineitem = li.id) ) ) AS paid_amount FROM acq.lineitem li;
Table: acq.lineitem_usr_attr_definition
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | bigint | PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('acq.lineitem_attr_definition_id_seq'::regclass) | |
code | text | NOT NULL | |
description | text | NOT NULL | |
remove | text | NOT NULL DEFAULT ''::text | |
ident | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
actor.usr.id | usr | integer | NOT NULL |
Table acq.lineitem_usr_attr_definition Inherits lineitem_attr_definition,
li_usr_attr_def_usr_idx usrView: acq.ordered_funding_source_credit
The acq.ordered_funding_source_credit view is a prioritized ordering of funding source credits. When ordered by the first three columns, this view defines the order in which the various credits are to be tapped for spending, subject to the allocations in the acq.fund_allocation table. The first column reflects the principle that we should spend money with deadlines before spending money without deadlines. The second column reflects the principle that we should spend the oldest money first. For money with deadlines, that means that we spend first from the credit with the earliest deadline. For money without deadlines, we spend first from the credit with the earliest effective date. The third column is a tie breaker to ensure a consistent ordering.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
sort_priority | integer | ||
sort_date | timestamp with time zone | ||
id | integer | ||
funding_source | integer | ||
amount | numeric | ||
note | text |
SELECT CASE WHEN (funding_source_credit.deadline_date IS NULL) THEN 2 ELSE 1 END AS sort_priority , CASE WHEN (funding_source_credit.deadline_date IS NULL) THEN funding_source_credit.effective_date ELSE funding_source_credit.deadline_date END AS sort_date , funding_source_credit.id , funding_source_credit.funding_source , funding_source_credit.amount , funding_source_credit.note FROM acq.funding_source_credit;
Table: acq.picklist
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
actor.usr.id | owner | integer | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
actor.usr.id | creator | integer | NOT NULL |
actor.usr.id | editor | integer | NOT NULL |
actor.org_unit.id | org_unit | integer | NOT NULL |
name | text | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL | |
create_time | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
edit_time | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
acq_picklist_creator_idx creator acq_picklist_editor_idx editor acq_picklist_owner_idx ownerTable: acq.po_item
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
acq.purchase_order.id | purchase_order | integer | |
acq.fund_debit.id | fund_debit | integer | |
acq.invoice_item_type.code | inv_item_type | text | NOT NULL |
title | text | ||
author | text | ||
note | text | ||
estimated_cost | numeric(8,2) | ||
acq.fund.id | fund | integer | |
target | bigint |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
poi_fund_debit_idx fund_debit poi_po_idx purchase_orderTable: acq.po_note
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
acq.purchase_order.id | purchase_order | integer | NOT NULL |
actor.usr.id | creator | integer | NOT NULL |
actor.usr.id | editor | integer | NOT NULL |
create_time | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
edit_time | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
value | text | NOT NULL | |
vendor_public | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false |
View: acq.po_state_label
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | text | ||
label | text |
SELECT t.id , t.label FROM ( VALUES ('new'::text ,oils_i18n_gettext ('new'::text ,'New'::text ,'acqpostlbl'::text ,'label'::text ) ) , ('pending'::text ,oils_i18n_gettext ('pending'::text ,'Pending'::text ,'acqpostlbl'::text ,'label'::text ) ) , ('on-order'::text ,oils_i18n_gettext ('on-order'::text ,'On-Order'::text ,'acqpostlbl'::text ,'label'::text ) ) , ('received'::text ,oils_i18n_gettext ('received'::text ,'Received'::text ,'acqpostlbl'::text ,'label'::text ) ) , ('cancelled'::text ,oils_i18n_gettext ('cancelled'::text ,'Cancelled'::text ,'acqpostlbl'::text ,'label'::text ) ) ) t (id , label );
Table: acq.provider
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
name | text | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL | |
actor.org_unit.id | owner | integer | UNIQUE#2 UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
acq.currency_type.code | currency_type | text | NOT NULL |
code | text | UNIQUE#2 NOT NULL | |
holding_tag | text | ||
san | text | ||
acq.edi_account.id | edi_default | integer | |
active | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT true | |
prepayment_required | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
url | text | ||
text | |||
phone | text | ||
fax_phone | text | ||
default_copy_count | integer | NOT NULL | |
acq.claim_policy.id | default_claim_policy | integer | |
acq.provider_contact.id | primary_contact | integer |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Table: acq.provider_address
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
valid | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT true | |
address_type | text | ||
acq.provider.id | provider | integer | NOT NULL |
street1 | text | NOT NULL | |
street2 | text | ||
city | text | NOT NULL | |
county | text | ||
state | text | NOT NULL | |
country | text | NOT NULL | |
post_code | text | NOT NULL | |
fax_phone | text |
Table: acq.provider_contact
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
acq.provider.id | provider | integer | NOT NULL |
name | text | NOT NULL | |
role | text | ||
text | |||
phone | text |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Table: acq.provider_contact_address
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
valid | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT true | |
address_type | text | ||
acq.provider_contact.id | contact | integer | NOT NULL |
street1 | text | NOT NULL | |
street2 | text | ||
city | text | NOT NULL | |
county | text | ||
state | text | NOT NULL | |
country | text | NOT NULL | |
post_code | text | NOT NULL | |
fax_phone | text |
Table: acq.provider_holding_subfield_map
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
acq.provider.id | provider | integer | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
name | text | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL | |
subfield | text | NOT NULL |
Table: acq.provider_note
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
acq.provider.id | provider | integer | NOT NULL |
actor.usr.id | creator | integer | NOT NULL |
actor.usr.id | editor | integer | NOT NULL |
create_time | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
edit_time | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
value | text | NOT NULL |
Table: acq.purchase_order
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
actor.usr.id | owner | integer | NOT NULL |
actor.usr.id | creator | integer | NOT NULL |
actor.usr.id | editor | integer | NOT NULL |
actor.org_unit.id | ordering_agency | integer | NOT NULL |
create_time | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
edit_time | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
acq.provider.id | provider | integer | NOT NULL |
state | text | NOT NULL DEFAULT 'new'::text | |
order_date | timestamp with time zone | ||
name | text | NOT NULL | |
acq.cancel_reason.id | cancel_reason | integer | |
prepayment_required | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false |
Name | Constraint |
valid_po_state | CHECK ((state = ANY (ARRAY['new'::text, 'pending'::text, 'on-order'::text, 'received'::text, 'cancelled'::text]))) |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
acq_po_org_name_order_date_idx ordering_agency, name, order_date po_creator_idx creator po_editor_idx editor po_owner_idx owner po_provider_idx provider po_state_idx stateTable: acq.serial_claim
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
acq.claim_type.id | type | integer | NOT NULL |
serial.item.id | item | bigint | NOT NULL |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
serial_claim_lid_idx itemTable: acq.serial_claim_event
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | bigserial | PRIMARY KEY | |
acq.claim_event_type.id | type | integer | NOT NULL |
acq.serial_claim.id | claim | serial | NOT NULL |
event_date | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
actor.usr.id | creator | integer | NOT NULL |
note | text |
Table: acq.shipment_notification
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
actor.org_unit.id | receiver | integer | NOT NULL |
acq.provider.id | provider | integer | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
acq.provider.id | shipper | integer | NOT NULL |
recv_date | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
acq.invoice_method.code | recv_method | text | NOT NULL DEFAULT 'EDI'::text |
process_date | timestamp with time zone | ||
actor.usr.id | processed_by | integer | |
container_code | text | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL | |
lading_number | text | ||
note | text |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
acq_asn_container_code_idx container_codeTable: acq.shipment_notification_entry
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
acq.shipment_notification.id | shipment_notification | integer | NOT NULL |
acq.lineitem.id | lineitem | integer | |
item_count | integer | NOT NULL |
Table: acq.user_request
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
actor.usr.id | usr | integer | NOT NULL |
hold | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT true | |
actor.org_unit.id | pickup_lib | integer | NOT NULL |
holdable_formats | text | ||
phone_notify | text | ||
email_notify | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT true | |
acq.lineitem.id | lineitem | integer | |
biblio.record_entry.id | eg_bib | bigint | |
request_date | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
need_before | timestamp with time zone | ||
max_fee | text | ||
acq.user_request_type.id | request_type | integer | NOT NULL |
isxn | text | ||
upc | text | ||
title | text | ||
volume | text | ||
author | text | ||
article_title | text | ||
article_pages | text | ||
publisher | text | ||
location | text | ||
pubdate | text | ||
mentioned | text | ||
other_info | text | ||
acq.cancel_reason.id | cancel_reason | integer | |
cancel_time | timestamp with time zone |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Table: acq.user_request_status_type
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
label | text |
Table: acq.user_request_type
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
label | text | UNIQUE NOT NULL |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Function: acq.attribute_debits()
Returns: void
Language: PLPGSQL
/* Function to attribute expenditures and encumbrances to funding source credits, and thereby to funding sources. Read the debits in chonological order, attributing each one to one or more funding source credits. Constraints: 1. Don't attribute more to a credit than the amount of the credit. 2. For a given fund, don't attribute more to a funding source than the source has allocated to that fund. 3. Attribute debits to credits with deadlines before attributing them to credits without deadlines. Otherwise attribute to the earliest credits first, based on the deadline date when present, or on the effective date when there is no deadline. Use funding_source_credit.id as a tie-breaker. This ordering is defined by an ORDER BY clause on the view acq.ordered_funding_source_credit. Start by truncating the table acq.debit_attribution. Then insert a row into that table for each attribution. If a debit cannot be fully attributed, insert a row for the unattributable balance, with the funding_source_credit and credit_amount columns NULL. */ DECLARE curr_fund_source_bal RECORD; seqno INT; -- sequence num for credits applicable to a fund fund_credit RECORD; -- current row in temp t_fund_credit table fc RECORD; -- used for loading t_fund_credit table sc RECORD; -- used for loading t_fund_credit table -- -- Used exclusively in the main loop: -- deb RECORD; -- current row from acq.fund_debit table curr_credit_bal RECORD; -- current row from temp t_credit table debit_balance NUMERIC; -- amount left to attribute for current debit conv_debit_balance NUMERIC; -- debit balance in currency of the fund attr_amount NUMERIC; -- amount being attributed, in currency of debit conv_attr_amount NUMERIC; -- amount being attributed, in currency of source conv_cred_balance NUMERIC; -- credit_balance in the currency of the fund conv_alloc_balance NUMERIC; -- allocated balance in the currency of the fund attrib_count INT; -- populates id of acq.debit_attribution BEGIN -- -- Load a temporary table. For each combination of fund and funding source, -- load an entry with the total amount allocated to that fund by that source. -- This sum may reflect transfers as well as original allocations. We will -- reduce this balance whenever we attribute debits to it. -- CREATE TEMP TABLE t_fund_source_bal ON COMMIT DROP AS SELECT fund AS fund, funding_source AS source, sum( amount ) AS balance FROM acq.fund_allocation GROUP BY fund, funding_source HAVING sum( amount ) > 0; -- CREATE INDEX t_fund_source_bal_idx ON t_fund_source_bal( fund, source ); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Load another temporary table. For each fund, load zero or more -- funding source credits from which that fund can get money. -- CREATE TEMP TABLE t_fund_credit ( fund INT, seq INT, credit INT ) ON COMMIT DROP; -- FOR fc IN SELECT DISTINCT fund FROM acq.fund_allocation ORDER BY fund LOOP -- Loop over the funds seqno := 1; FOR sc IN SELECT ofsc.id FROM acq.ordered_funding_source_credit AS ofsc WHERE ofsc.funding_source IN ( SELECT funding_source FROM acq.fund_allocation WHERE fund = fc.fund ) ORDER BY ofsc.sort_priority, ofsc.sort_date, ofsc.id LOOP -- Add each credit to the list INSERT INTO t_fund_credit ( fund, seq, credit ) VALUES ( fc.fund, seqno, sc.id ); --RAISE NOTICE 'Fund % credit %', fc.fund, sc.id; seqno := seqno + 1; END LOOP; -- Loop over credits for a given fund END LOOP; -- Loop over funds -- CREATE INDEX t_fund_credit_idx ON t_fund_credit( fund, seq ); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Load yet another temporary table. This one is a list of funding source -- credits, with their balances. We shall reduce those balances as we -- attribute debits to them. -- CREATE TEMP TABLE t_credit ON COMMIT DROP AS SELECT fsc.id AS credit, fsc.funding_source AS source, fsc.amount AS balance, fs.currency_type AS currency_type FROM acq.funding_source_credit AS fsc, acq.funding_source fs WHERE fsc.funding_source = fs.id AND fsc.amount > 0; -- CREATE INDEX t_credit_idx ON t_credit( credit ); -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Now that we have loaded the lookup tables: loop through the debits, -- attributing each one to one or more funding source credits. -- truncate table acq.debit_attribution; -- attrib_count := 0; FOR deb in SELECT fd.id, fd.fund, fd.amount, f.currency_type, fd.encumbrance FROM acq.fund_debit fd, acq.fund f WHERE fd.fund = f.id ORDER BY fd.id LOOP --RAISE NOTICE 'Debit %, fund %', deb.id, deb.fund; -- debit_balance := deb.amount; -- -- Loop over the funding source credits that are eligible -- to pay for this debit -- FOR fund_credit IN SELECT credit FROM t_fund_credit WHERE fund = deb.fund ORDER BY seq LOOP --RAISE NOTICE ' Examining credit %', fund_credit.credit; -- -- Look up the balance for this credit. If it's zero, then -- it's not useful, so treat it as if you didn't find it. -- (Actually there shouldn't be any zero balances in the table, -- but we check just to make sure.) -- SELECT * INTO curr_credit_bal FROM t_credit WHERE credit = fund_credit.credit AND balance > 0; -- IF curr_credit_bal IS NULL THEN -- -- This credit is exhausted; try the next one. -- CONTINUE; END IF; -- -- -- At this point we have an applicable credit with some money left. -- Now see if the relevant funding_source has any money left. -- -- Look up the balance of the allocation for this combination of -- fund and source. If you find such an entry, but it has a zero -- balance, then it's not useful, so treat it as unfound. -- (Actually there shouldn't be any zero balances in the table, -- but we check just to make sure.) -- SELECT * INTO curr_fund_source_bal FROM t_fund_source_bal WHERE fund = deb.fund AND source = curr_credit_bal.source AND balance > 0; -- IF curr_fund_source_bal IS NULL THEN -- -- This fund/source doesn't exist or is already exhausted, -- so we can't use this credit. Go on to the next one. -- CONTINUE; END IF; -- -- Convert the available balances to the currency of the fund -- conv_alloc_balance := curr_fund_source_bal.balance * acq.exchange_ratio( curr_credit_bal.currency_type, deb.currency_type ); conv_cred_balance := curr_credit_bal.balance * acq.exchange_ratio( curr_credit_bal.currency_type, deb.currency_type ); -- -- Determine how much we can attribute to this credit: the minimum -- of the debit amount, the fund/source balance, and the -- credit balance -- --RAISE NOTICE ' deb bal %', debit_balance; --RAISE NOTICE ' source % balance %', curr_credit_bal.source, conv_alloc_balance; --RAISE NOTICE ' credit % balance %', curr_credit_bal.credit, conv_cred_balance; -- conv_attr_amount := NULL; attr_amount := debit_balance; -- IF attr_amount > conv_alloc_balance THEN attr_amount := conv_alloc_balance; conv_attr_amount := curr_fund_source_bal.balance; END IF; IF attr_amount > conv_cred_balance THEN attr_amount := conv_cred_balance; conv_attr_amount := curr_credit_bal.balance; END IF; -- -- If we're attributing all of one of the balances, then that's how -- much we will deduct from the balances, and we already captured -- that amount above. Otherwise we must convert the amount of the -- attribution from the currency of the fund back to the currency of -- the funding source. -- IF conv_attr_amount IS NULL THEN conv_attr_amount := attr_amount * acq.exchange_ratio( deb.currency_type, curr_credit_bal.currency_type ); END IF; -- -- Insert a row to record the attribution -- attrib_count := attrib_count + 1; INSERT INTO acq.debit_attribution ( id, fund_debit, debit_amount, funding_source_credit, credit_amount ) VALUES ( attrib_count, deb.id, attr_amount, curr_credit_bal.credit, conv_attr_amount ); -- -- Subtract the attributed amount from the various balances -- debit_balance := debit_balance - attr_amount; curr_fund_source_bal.balance := curr_fund_source_bal.balance - conv_attr_amount; -- IF curr_fund_source_bal.balance <= 0 THEN -- -- This allocation is exhausted. Delete it so -- that we don't waste time looking at it again. -- DELETE FROM t_fund_source_bal WHERE fund = curr_fund_source_bal.fund AND source = curr_fund_source_bal.source; ELSE UPDATE t_fund_source_bal SET balance = balance - conv_attr_amount WHERE fund = curr_fund_source_bal.fund AND source = curr_fund_source_bal.source; END IF; -- IF curr_credit_bal.balance <= 0 THEN -- -- This funding source credit is exhausted. Delete it -- so that we don't waste time looking at it again. -- --DELETE FROM t_credit --WHERE -- credit = curr_credit_bal.credit; -- DELETE FROM t_fund_credit WHERE credit = curr_credit_bal.credit; ELSE UPDATE t_credit SET balance = curr_credit_bal.balance WHERE credit = curr_credit_bal.credit; END IF; -- -- Are we done with this debit yet? -- IF debit_balance <= 0 THEN EXIT; -- We've fully attributed this debit; stop looking at credits. END IF; END LOOP; -- End loop over credits -- IF debit_balance <> 0 THEN -- -- We weren't able to attribute this debit, or at least not -- all of it. Insert a row for the unattributed balance. -- attrib_count := attrib_count + 1; INSERT INTO acq.debit_attribution ( id, fund_debit, debit_amount, funding_source_credit, credit_amount ) VALUES ( attrib_count, deb.id, debit_balance, NULL, NULL ); END IF; END LOOP; -- End of loop over debits END;
Function: acq.audit_acq_lineitem_func()
Returns: trigger
Language: PLPGSQL
BEGIN INSERT INTO acq.acq_lineitem_history SELECT nextval('acq.acq_lineitem_pkey_seq'), now(), SUBSTR(TG_OP,1,1), OLD.*; RETURN NULL; END;
Function: acq.audit_acq_purchase_order_func()
Returns: trigger
Language: PLPGSQL
BEGIN INSERT INTO acq.acq_purchase_order_history SELECT nextval('acq.acq_purchase_order_pkey_seq'), now(), SUBSTR(TG_OP,1,1), OLD.*; RETURN NULL; END;
Function: acq.copy_fund_tags(new_fund_id integer, old_fund_id integer)
Returns: void
Language: PLPGSQL
DECLARE fund_tag_rec RECORD; BEGIN FOR fund_tag_rec IN SELECT * FROM acq.fund_tag_map WHERE fund=old_fund_id LOOP BEGIN INSERT INTO acq.fund_tag_map(fund, tag) VALUES(new_fund_id, fund_tag_rec.tag); EXCEPTION WHEN unique_violation THEN -- RAISE NOTICE 'Fund tag already propagated', old_fund.id; CONTINUE; END; END LOOP; RETURN; END;
Function: acq.create_acq_auditor(tbl text, sch text)
Returns: boolean
Language: PLPGSQL
BEGIN PERFORM acq.create_acq_seq(sch, tbl); PERFORM acq.create_acq_history(sch, tbl); PERFORM acq.create_acq_func(sch, tbl); PERFORM acq.create_acq_update_trigger(sch, tbl); PERFORM acq.create_acq_lifecycle(sch, tbl); RETURN TRUE; END;
Function: acq.create_acq_func(tbl text, sch text)
Returns: boolean
Language: PLPGSQL
BEGIN EXECUTE $$ CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION acq.audit_$$ || sch || $$_$$ || tbl || $$_func () RETURNS TRIGGER AS $func$ BEGIN INSERT INTO acq.$$ || sch || $$_$$ || tbl || $$_history SELECT nextval('acq.$$ || sch || $$_$$ || tbl || $$_pkey_seq'), now(), SUBSTR(TG_OP,1,1), OLD.*; RETURN NULL; END; $func$ LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'; $$; RETURN TRUE; END;
Function: acq.create_acq_history(tbl text, sch text)
Returns: boolean
Language: PLPGSQL
BEGIN EXECUTE $$ CREATE TABLE acq.$$ || sch || $$_$$ || tbl || $$_history ( audit_id BIGINT PRIMARY KEY, audit_time TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE NOT NULL, audit_action TEXT NOT NULL, LIKE $$ || sch || $$.$$ || tbl || $$ ); $$; RETURN TRUE; END;
Function: acq.create_acq_lifecycle(tbl text, sch text)
Returns: boolean
Language: PLPGSQL
BEGIN EXECUTE $$ CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW acq.$$ || sch || $$_$$ || tbl || $$_lifecycle AS SELECT -1, now() as audit_time, '-' as audit_action, * FROM $$ || sch || $$.$$ || tbl || $$ UNION ALL SELECT * FROM acq.$$ || sch || $$_$$ || tbl || $$_history; $$; RETURN TRUE; END;
Function: acq.create_acq_seq(tbl text, sch text)
Returns: boolean
Language: PLPGSQL
BEGIN EXECUTE $$ CREATE SEQUENCE acq.$$ || sch || $$_$$ || tbl || $$_pkey_seq; $$; RETURN TRUE; END;
Function: acq.create_acq_update_trigger(tbl text, sch text)
Returns: boolean
Language: PLPGSQL
BEGIN EXECUTE $$ CREATE TRIGGER audit_$$ || sch || $$_$$ || tbl || $$_update_trigger AFTER UPDATE OR DELETE ON $$ || sch || $$.$$ || tbl || $$ FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE acq.audit_$$ || sch || $$_$$ || tbl || $$_func (); $$; RETURN TRUE; END;
Function: acq.exchange_ratio(text, text, numeric)
Returns: numeric
Language: SQL
SELECT $3 * acq.exchange_ratio($1, $2);
Function: acq.exchange_ratio(to_ex text, from_ex text)
Returns: numeric
Language: PLPGSQL
DECLARE rat NUMERIC; BEGIN IF from_ex = to_ex THEN RETURN 1.0; END IF; SELECT ratio INTO rat FROM acq.exchange_rate WHERE from_currency = from_ex AND to_currency = to_ex; IF FOUND THEN RETURN rat; ELSE SELECT ratio INTO rat FROM acq.exchange_rate WHERE from_currency = to_ex AND to_currency = from_ex; IF FOUND THEN RETURN 1.0/rat; END IF; END IF; RETURN NULL; END;
Function: acq.extract_holding_attr_table(tag integer, lineitem text)
Returns: SET OF flat_lineitem_holding_subfield
Language: PLPGSQL
DECLARE counter INT; lida acq.flat_lineitem_holding_subfield%ROWTYPE; BEGIN SELECT COUNT(*) INTO counter FROM oils_xpath_table( 'id', 'marc', 'acq.lineitem', '//*[@tag="' || tag || '"]', 'id=' || lineitem ) as t(i int,c text); FOR i IN 1 .. counter LOOP FOR lida IN SELECT * FROM ( SELECT id,i,t,v FROM oils_xpath_table( 'id', 'marc', 'acq.lineitem', '//*[@tag="' || tag || '"][position()=' || i || ']/*/@code|' || '//*[@tag="' || tag || '"][position()=' || i || ']/*[@code]', 'id=' || lineitem ) as t(id int,t text,v text) )x LOOP RETURN NEXT lida; END LOOP; END LOOP; RETURN; END;
Function: acq.extract_provider_holding_data(lineitem_i integer)
Returns: SET OF flat_lineitem_detail
Language: PLPGSQL
DECLARE prov_i INT; tag_t TEXT; lida acq.flat_lineitem_detail%ROWTYPE; BEGIN SELECT provider INTO prov_i FROM acq.lineitem WHERE id = lineitem_i; IF NOT FOUND THEN RETURN; END IF; SELECT holding_tag INTO tag_t FROM acq.provider WHERE id = prov_i; IF NOT FOUND OR tag_t IS NULL THEN RETURN; END IF; FOR lida IN SELECT lineitem_i, h.holding, a.name, h.data FROM acq.extract_holding_attr_table( lineitem_i, tag_t ) h JOIN acq.provider_holding_subfield_map a USING (subfield) WHERE a.provider = prov_i LOOP RETURN NEXT lida; END LOOP; RETURN; END;
Function: acq.fap_limit_100()
Returns: trigger
Language: PLPGSQL
DECLARE -- total_percent numeric; -- BEGIN SELECT sum( percent ) INTO total_percent FROM acq.fund_allocation_percent AS fap WHERE fap.funding_source = NEW.funding_source; -- IF total_percent > 100 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Total percentages exceed 100 for funding_source %', NEW.funding_source; ELSE RETURN NEW; END IF; END;
Function: acq.find_bad_fy()
Returns: SET OF record
Language: PLPGSQL
DECLARE first_row BOOLEAN; curr_year RECORD; prev_year RECORD; return_rec RECORD; BEGIN first_row := true; FOR curr_year in SELECT id, calendar, year, year_begin, year_end FROM acq.fiscal_year ORDER BY calendar, year_begin LOOP -- IF first_row THEN first_row := FALSE; ELSIF curr_year.calendar = prev_year.calendar THEN IF curr_year.year_begin > prev_year.year_end THEN -- This ugly kludge works around the fact that older -- versions of PostgreSQL don't support RETURN QUERY SELECT FOR return_rec IN SELECT prev_year.id, prev_year.year, 'Gap between fiscal years'::TEXT LOOP RETURN NEXT return_rec; END LOOP; ELSIF curr_year.year_begin < prev_year.year_end THEN FOR return_rec IN SELECT prev_year.id, prev_year.year, 'Overlapping fiscal years'::TEXT LOOP RETURN NEXT return_rec; END LOOP; ELSIF curr_year.year < prev_year.year THEN FOR return_rec IN SELECT prev_year.id, prev_year.year, 'Fiscal years out of order'::TEXT LOOP RETURN NEXT return_rec; END LOOP; END IF; END IF; -- prev_year := curr_year; END LOOP; -- RETURN; END;
Function: acq.fund_alloc_percent_val()
Returns: trigger
Language: PLPGSQL
-- DECLARE -- dummy int := 0; -- BEGIN SELECT 1 INTO dummy FROM acq.fund WHERE org = NEW.org AND code = NEW.fund_code LIMIT 1; -- IF dummy = 1 then RETURN NEW; ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION 'No fund exists for org % and code %', NEW.org, NEW.fund_code; END IF; END;
Function: acq.po_org_name_date_unique()
Returns: trigger
Language: PLPGSQL
DECLARE collision INT; BEGIN -- -- If order_date is not null, then make sure we don't have a collision -- on order_date (truncated to day), org, and name -- IF NEW.order_date IS NULL THEN RETURN NEW; END IF; -- -- In the WHERE clause, we compare the order_dates without regard to time of day. -- We use a pair of inequalities instead of comparing truncated dates so that the -- query can do an indexed range scan. -- SELECT 1 INTO collision FROM acq.purchase_order WHERE ordering_agency = NEW.ordering_agency AND name = NEW.name AND order_date >= date_trunc( 'day', NEW.order_date ) AND order_date < date_trunc( 'day', NEW.order_date ) + '1 day'::INTERVAL AND id <> NEW.id; -- IF collision IS NULL THEN -- okay, no collision RETURN NEW; ELSE -- collision; nip it in the bud RAISE EXCEPTION 'Colliding purchase orders: ordering_agency %, date %, name ''%''', NEW.ordering_agency, NEW.order_date, NEW.name; END IF; END;
Function: acq.propagate_funds_by_org_tree(include_desc integer, org_unit_id integer, user_id integer, old_year boolean)
Returns: void
Language: PLPGSQL
DECLARE -- new_id INT; old_fund RECORD; org_found BOOLEAN; -- BEGIN -- -- Sanity checks -- IF old_year IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Input year argument is NULL'; ELSIF old_year NOT BETWEEN 2008 and 2200 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Input year is out of range'; END IF; -- IF user_id IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Input user id argument is NULL'; END IF; -- IF org_unit_id IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Org unit id argument is NULL'; ELSE SELECT TRUE INTO org_found FROM actor.org_unit WHERE id = org_unit_id; -- IF org_found IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Org unit id is invalid'; END IF; END IF; -- -- Loop over the applicable funds -- FOR old_fund in SELECT * FROM acq.fund WHERE year = old_year AND propagate AND ( ( include_desc AND org IN ( SELECT id FROM actor.org_unit_descendants( org_unit_id ) ) ) OR (NOT include_desc AND org = org_unit_id ) ) LOOP BEGIN INSERT INTO acq.fund ( org, name, year, currency_type, code, rollover, propagate, balance_warning_percent, balance_stop_percent ) VALUES ( old_fund.org, old_fund.name, old_year + 1, old_fund.currency_type, old_fund.code, old_fund.rollover, true, old_fund.balance_warning_percent, old_fund.balance_stop_percent ) RETURNING id INTO new_id; EXCEPTION WHEN unique_violation THEN --RAISE NOTICE 'Fund % already propagated', old_fund.id; CONTINUE; END; PERFORM acq.copy_fund_tags(old_fund.id,new_id); --RAISE NOTICE 'Propagating fund % to fund %', -- old_fund.code, new_id; END LOOP; END;
Function: acq.propagate_funds_by_org_unit(org_unit_id integer, user_id integer, old_year integer)
Returns: void
Language: SQL
SELECT acq.propagate_funds_by_org_tree( $1, $2, $3, FALSE );
Function: acq.purchase_order_name_default()
Returns: trigger
Language: PLPGSQL
Function: acq.rollover_funds_by_org_tree(include_desc integer, encumb_only integer, org_unit_id integer, user_id boolean, old_year boolean)
Returns: void
Language: PLPGSQL
DECLARE -- new_fund INT; new_year INT := old_year + 1; org_found BOOL; perm_ous BOOL; xfer_amount NUMERIC := 0; roll_fund RECORD; deb RECORD; detail RECORD; roll_distrib_forms BOOL; -- BEGIN -- -- Sanity checks -- IF old_year IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Input year argument is NULL'; ELSIF old_year NOT BETWEEN 2008 and 2200 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Input year is out of range'; END IF; -- IF user_id IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Input user id argument is NULL'; END IF; -- IF org_unit_id IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Org unit id argument is NULL'; ELSE -- -- Validate the org unit -- SELECT TRUE INTO org_found FROM actor.org_unit WHERE id = org_unit_id; -- IF org_found IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Org unit id % is invalid', org_unit_id; ELSIF encumb_only THEN SELECT INTO perm_ous value::BOOL FROM actor.org_unit_ancestor_setting( 'acq.fund.allow_rollover_without_money', org_unit_id ); IF NOT FOUND OR NOT perm_ous THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Encumbrance-only rollover not permitted at org %', org_unit_id; END IF; END IF; END IF; -- -- Loop over the propagable funds to identify the details -- from the old fund plus the id of the new one, if it exists. -- FOR roll_fund in SELECT oldf.id AS old_fund, oldf.org, oldf.name, oldf.currency_type, oldf.code, oldf.rollover, newf.id AS new_fund_id FROM acq.fund AS oldf LEFT JOIN acq.fund AS newf ON ( oldf.code = newf.code AND oldf.org = newf.org ) WHERE oldf.year = old_year AND oldf.propagate AND newf.year = new_year AND ( ( include_desc AND oldf.org IN ( SELECT id FROM actor.org_unit_descendants( org_unit_id ) ) ) OR (NOT include_desc AND oldf.org = org_unit_id ) ) LOOP --RAISE NOTICE 'Processing fund %', roll_fund.old_fund; -- IF roll_fund.new_fund_id IS NULL THEN -- -- The old fund hasn't been propagated yet. Propagate it now. -- INSERT INTO acq.fund ( org, name, year, currency_type, code, rollover, propagate, balance_warning_percent, balance_stop_percent ) VALUES ( roll_fund.org, roll_fund.name, new_year, roll_fund.currency_type, roll_fund.code, true, true, roll_fund.balance_warning_percent, roll_fund.balance_stop_percent ) RETURNING id INTO new_fund; PERFORM acq.copy_fund_tags(roll_fund.id,new_fund); ELSE new_fund = roll_fund.new_fund_id; END IF; -- -- Determine the amount to transfer -- SELECT amount INTO xfer_amount FROM acq.fund_spent_balance WHERE fund = roll_fund.old_fund; -- IF xfer_amount <> 0 THEN IF NOT encumb_only AND roll_fund.rollover THEN -- -- Transfer balance from old fund to new -- --RAISE NOTICE 'Transferring % from fund % to %', xfer_amount, roll_fund.old_fund, new_fund; -- PERFORM acq.transfer_fund( roll_fund.old_fund, xfer_amount, new_fund, xfer_amount, user_id, 'Rollover' ); ELSE -- -- Transfer balance from old fund to the void -- -- RAISE NOTICE 'Transferring % from fund % to the void', xfer_amount, roll_fund.old_fund; -- PERFORM acq.transfer_fund( roll_fund.old_fund, xfer_amount, NULL, NULL, user_id, 'Rollover into the void' ); END IF; END IF; -- IF roll_fund.rollover THEN -- -- Move any lineitems from the old fund to the new one -- where the associated debit is an encumbrance. -- -- Any other tables tying expenditure details to funds should -- receive similar treatment. At this writing there are none. -- UPDATE acq.lineitem_detail SET fund = new_fund WHERE fund = roll_fund.old_fund -- this condition may be redundant AND fund_debit in ( SELECT id FROM acq.fund_debit WHERE fund = roll_fund.old_fund AND encumbrance ); -- -- Move encumbrance debits from the old fund to the new fund -- UPDATE acq.fund_debit SET fund = new_fund wHERE fund = roll_fund.old_fund AND encumbrance; END IF; -- Rollover distribution formulae funds SELECT INTO roll_distrib_forms value::BOOL FROM actor.org_unit_ancestor_setting( 'acq.fund.rollover_distrib_forms', org_unit_id ); IF roll_distrib_forms THEN UPDATE acq.distribution_formula_entry SET fund = roll_fund.new_fund_id WHERE fund = roll_fund.old_fund; END IF; -- -- Mark old fund as inactive, now that we've closed it -- UPDATE acq.fund SET active = FALSE WHERE id = roll_fund.old_fund; END LOOP; END;
Function: acq.rollover_funds_by_org_unit(encumb_only integer, org_unit_id integer, user_id integer, old_year boolean)
Returns: void
Language: SQL
SELECT acq.rollover_funds_by_org_tree( $1, $2, $3, $4, FALSE );
Function: acq.transfer_fund(xfer_note integer, user_id numeric, new_amount integer, new_fund numeric, old_amount integer, old_fund text)
Returns: void
Language: PLPGSQL
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function to transfer money from one fund to another. A transfer is represented as a pair of entries in acq.fund_allocation, with a negative amount for the old (losing) fund and a positive amount for the new (gaining) fund. In some cases there may be more than one such pair of entries in order to pull the money from different funding sources, or more specifically from different funding source credits. For each such pair there is also an entry in acq.fund_transfer. Since funding_source is a non-nullable column in acq.fund_allocation, we must choose a funding source for the transferred money to come from. This choice must meet two constraints, so far as possible: 1. The amount transferred from a given funding source must not exceed the amount allocated to the old fund by the funding source. To that end we compare the amount being transferred to the amount allocated. 2. We shouldn't transfer money that has already been spent or encumbered, as defined by the funding attribution process. We attribute expenses to the oldest funding source credits first. In order to avoid transferring that attributed money, we reverse the priority, transferring from the newest funding source credits first. There can be no guarantee that this approach will avoid overcommitting a fund, but no other approach can do any better. In this context the age of a funding source credit is defined by the deadline_date for credits with deadline_dates, and by the effective_date for credits without deadline_dates, with the proviso that credits with deadline_dates are all considered "older" than those without. ---------- In the signature for this function, there is one last parameter commented out, named "funding_source_in". Correspondingly, the WHERE clause for the query driving the main loop has an OR clause commented out, which references the funding_source_in parameter. If these lines are uncommented, this function will allow the user optionally to restrict a fund transfer to a specified funding source. If the source parameter is left NULL, then there will be no such restriction. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ DECLARE same_currency BOOLEAN; currency_ratio NUMERIC; old_fund_currency TEXT; old_remaining NUMERIC; -- in currency of old fund new_fund_currency TEXT; new_fund_active BOOLEAN; new_remaining NUMERIC; -- in currency of new fund curr_old_amt NUMERIC; -- in currency of old fund curr_new_amt NUMERIC; -- in currency of new fund source_addition NUMERIC; -- in currency of funding source source_deduction NUMERIC; -- in currency of funding source orig_allocated_amt NUMERIC; -- in currency of funding source allocated_amt NUMERIC; -- in currency of fund source RECORD; old_fund_row acq.fund%ROWTYPE; new_fund_row acq.fund%ROWTYPE; old_org_row actor.org_unit%ROWTYPE; new_org_row actor.org_unit%ROWTYPE; BEGIN -- -- Sanity checks -- IF old_fund IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'acq.transfer_fund: old fund id is NULL'; END IF; -- IF old_amount IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'acq.transfer_fund: amount to transfer is NULL'; END IF; -- -- The new fund and its amount must be both NULL or both not NULL. -- IF new_fund IS NOT NULL AND new_amount IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'acq.transfer_fund: amount to transfer to receiving fund is NULL'; END IF; -- IF new_fund IS NULL AND new_amount IS NOT NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'acq.transfer_fund: receiving fund is NULL, its amount is not NULL'; END IF; -- IF user_id IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'acq.transfer_fund: user id is NULL'; END IF; -- -- Initialize the amounts to be transferred, each denominated -- in the currency of its respective fund. They will be -- reduced on each iteration of the loop. -- old_remaining := old_amount; new_remaining := new_amount; -- -- RAISE NOTICE 'Transferring % in fund % to % in fund %', -- old_amount, old_fund, new_amount, new_fund; -- -- Get the currency types of the old and new funds. -- SELECT currency_type INTO old_fund_currency FROM acq.fund WHERE id = old_fund; -- IF old_fund_currency IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'acq.transfer_fund: old fund id % is not defined', old_fund; END IF; -- IF new_fund IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT currency_type, active INTO new_fund_currency, new_fund_active FROM acq.fund WHERE id = new_fund; -- IF new_fund_currency IS NULL THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'acq.transfer_fund: new fund id % is not defined', new_fund; ELSIF NOT new_fund_active THEN -- -- No point in putting money into a fund from whence you can't spend it -- RAISE EXCEPTION 'acq.transfer_fund: new fund id % is inactive', new_fund; END IF; -- IF new_amount = old_amount THEN same_currency := true; currency_ratio := 1; ELSE -- -- We'll have to translate currency between funds. We presume that -- the calling code has already applied an appropriate exchange rate, -- so we'll apply the same conversion to each sub-transfer. -- same_currency := false; currency_ratio := new_amount / old_amount; END IF; END IF; -- Fetch old and new fund's information -- in order to construct the allocation notes SELECT INTO old_fund_row * FROM acq.fund WHERE id = old_fund; SELECT INTO old_org_row * FROM actor.org_unit WHERE id = old_fund_row.org; SELECT INTO new_fund_row * FROM acq.fund WHERE id = new_fund; SELECT INTO new_org_row * FROM actor.org_unit WHERE id = new_fund_row.org; -- -- Identify the funding source(s) from which we want to transfer the money. -- The principle is that we want to transfer the newest money first, because -- we spend the oldest money first. The priority for spending is defined -- by a sort of the view acq.ordered_funding_source_credit. -- FOR source in SELECT ofsc.id, ofsc.funding_source, ofsc.amount, ofsc.amount * acq.exchange_ratio( fs.currency_type, old_fund_currency ) AS converted_amt, fs.currency_type FROM acq.ordered_funding_source_credit AS ofsc, acq.funding_source fs WHERE ofsc.funding_source = fs.id and ofsc.funding_source IN ( SELECT funding_source FROM acq.fund_allocation WHERE fund = old_fund ) -- and -- ( -- ofsc.funding_source = funding_source_in -- OR funding_source_in IS NULL -- ) ORDER BY ofsc.sort_priority desc, ofsc.sort_date desc, ofsc.id desc LOOP -- -- Determine how much money the old fund got from this funding source, -- denominated in the currency types of the source and of the fund. -- This result may reflect transfers from previous iterations. -- SELECT COALESCE( sum( amount ), 0 ), COALESCE( sum( amount ) * acq.exchange_ratio( source.currency_type, old_fund_currency ), 0 ) INTO orig_allocated_amt, -- in currency of the source allocated_amt -- in currency of the old fund FROM acq.fund_allocation WHERE fund = old_fund and funding_source = source.funding_source; -- -- Determine how much to transfer from this credit, in the currency -- of the fund. Begin with the amount remaining to be attributed: -- curr_old_amt := old_remaining; -- -- Can't attribute more than was allocated from the fund: -- IF curr_old_amt > allocated_amt THEN curr_old_amt := allocated_amt; END IF; -- -- Can't attribute more than the amount of the current credit: -- IF curr_old_amt > source.converted_amt THEN curr_old_amt := source.converted_amt; END IF; -- curr_old_amt := trunc( curr_old_amt, 2 ); -- old_remaining := old_remaining - curr_old_amt; -- -- Determine the amount to be deducted, if any, -- from the old allocation. -- IF old_remaining > 0 THEN -- -- In this case we're using the whole allocation, so use that -- amount directly instead of applying a currency translation -- and thereby inviting round-off errors. -- source_deduction := - curr_old_amt; ELSE source_deduction := trunc( ( - curr_old_amt ) * acq.exchange_ratio( old_fund_currency, source.currency_type ), 2 ); END IF; -- IF source_deduction <> 0 THEN -- -- Insert negative allocation for old fund in fund_allocation, -- converted into the currency of the funding source -- INSERT INTO acq.fund_allocation ( funding_source, fund, amount, allocator, note ) VALUES ( source.funding_source, old_fund, source_deduction, user_id, 'Transfer to fund ' || new_fund_row.code || ' (' || new_fund_row.year || ') (' || new_org_row.shortname || ')' ); END IF; -- IF new_fund IS NOT NULL THEN -- -- Determine how much to add to the new fund, in -- its currency, and how much remains to be added: -- IF same_currency THEN curr_new_amt := curr_old_amt; ELSE IF old_remaining = 0 THEN -- -- This is the last iteration, so nothing should be left -- curr_new_amt := new_remaining; new_remaining := 0; ELSE curr_new_amt := trunc( curr_old_amt * currency_ratio, 2 ); new_remaining := new_remaining - curr_new_amt; END IF; END IF; -- -- Determine how much to add, if any, -- to the new fund's allocation. -- IF old_remaining > 0 THEN -- -- In this case we're using the whole allocation, so use that amount -- amount directly instead of applying a currency translation and -- thereby inviting round-off errors. -- source_addition := curr_new_amt; ELSIF source.currency_type = old_fund_currency THEN -- -- In this case we don't need a round trip currency translation, -- thereby inviting round-off errors: -- source_addition := curr_old_amt; ELSE source_addition := trunc( curr_new_amt * acq.exchange_ratio( new_fund_currency, source.currency_type ), 2 ); END IF; -- IF source_addition <> 0 THEN -- -- Insert positive allocation for new fund in fund_allocation, -- converted to the currency of the founding source -- INSERT INTO acq.fund_allocation ( funding_source, fund, amount, allocator, note ) VALUES ( source.funding_source, new_fund, source_addition, user_id, 'Transfer from fund ' || old_fund_row.code || ' (' || old_fund_row.year || ') (' || old_org_row.shortname || ')' ); END IF; END IF; -- IF trunc( curr_old_amt, 2 ) <> 0 OR trunc( curr_new_amt, 2 ) <> 0 THEN -- -- Insert row in fund_transfer, using amounts in the currency of the funds -- INSERT INTO acq.fund_transfer ( src_fund, src_amount, dest_fund, dest_amount, transfer_user, note, funding_source_credit ) VALUES ( old_fund, trunc( curr_old_amt, 2 ), new_fund, trunc( curr_new_amt, 2 ), user_id, xfer_note, source.id ); END IF; -- if old_remaining <= 0 THEN EXIT; -- Nothing more to be transferred END IF; END LOOP; END;
Schema action
Table: action.aged_circulation
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
usr_post_code | text | ||
usr_home_ou | integer | NOT NULL | |
usr_profile | integer | NOT NULL | |
usr_birth_year | integer | ||
copy_call_number | integer | NOT NULL | |
copy_owning_lib | integer | NOT NULL | |
copy_circ_lib | integer | NOT NULL | |
copy_bib_record | bigint | NOT NULL | |
id | bigint | PRIMARY KEY | |
xact_start | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL | |
xact_finish | timestamp with time zone | ||
unrecovered | boolean | ||
target_copy | bigint | NOT NULL | |
circ_lib | integer | NOT NULL | |
circ_staff | integer | NOT NULL | |
checkin_staff | integer | ||
checkin_lib | integer | ||
renewal_remaining | integer | NOT NULL | |
grace_period | interval | NOT NULL | |
due_date | timestamp with time zone | ||
stop_fines_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
checkin_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
create_time | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL | |
duration | interval | ||
fine_interval | interval | NOT NULL | |
recurring_fine | numeric(6,2) | ||
max_fine | numeric(6,2) | ||
phone_renewal | boolean | NOT NULL | |
desk_renewal | boolean | NOT NULL | |
opac_renewal | boolean | NOT NULL | |
duration_rule | text | NOT NULL | |
recurring_fine_rule | text | NOT NULL | |
max_fine_rule | text | NOT NULL | |
stop_fines | text | ||
workstation | integer | ||
checkin_workstation | integer | ||
copy_location | integer | NOT NULL | |
checkin_scan_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
auto_renewal | boolean | NOT NULL | |
auto_renewal_remaining | integer | ||
parent_circ | bigint |
Table: action.aged_hold_request
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
usr_post_code | text | ||
usr_home_ou | integer | NOT NULL | |
usr_profile | integer | NOT NULL | |
usr_birth_year | integer | ||
staff_placed | boolean | NOT NULL | |
id | integer | PRIMARY KEY | |
request_time | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL | |
capture_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
fulfillment_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
checkin_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
return_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
prev_check_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
expire_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
cancel_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
cancel_cause | integer | ||
cancel_note | text | ||
target | bigint | NOT NULL | |
current_copy | bigint | ||
fulfillment_staff | integer | ||
fulfillment_lib | integer | ||
request_lib | integer | NOT NULL | |
selection_ou | integer | NOT NULL | |
selection_depth | integer | NOT NULL | |
pickup_lib | integer | NOT NULL | |
hold_type | text | ||
holdable_formats | text | ||
phone_notify | boolean | NOT NULL | |
email_notify | boolean | NOT NULL | |
sms_notify | boolean | NOT NULL | |
frozen | boolean | NOT NULL | |
thaw_date | timestamp with time zone | ||
shelf_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
cut_in_line | boolean | ||
mint_condition | boolean | NOT NULL | |
shelf_expire_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
current_shelf_lib | integer | ||
behind_desk | boolean | NOT NULL | |
hopeless_date | timestamp with time zone |
View: action.all_circulation
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | bigint | ||
usr_post_code | text | ||
usr_home_ou | integer | ||
usr_profile | integer | ||
usr_birth_year | integer | ||
copy_call_number | bigint | ||
copy_location | integer | ||
copy_owning_lib | integer | ||
copy_circ_lib | integer | ||
copy_bib_record | bigint | ||
xact_start | timestamp with time zone | ||
xact_finish | timestamp with time zone | ||
target_copy | bigint | ||
circ_lib | integer | ||
circ_staff | integer | ||
checkin_staff | integer | ||
checkin_lib | integer | ||
renewal_remaining | integer | ||
grace_period | interval | ||
due_date | timestamp with time zone | ||
stop_fines_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
checkin_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
create_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
duration | interval | ||
fine_interval | interval | ||
recurring_fine | numeric(6,2) | ||
max_fine | numeric(6,2) | ||
phone_renewal | boolean | ||
desk_renewal | boolean | ||
opac_renewal | boolean | ||
duration_rule | text | ||
recurring_fine_rule | text | ||
max_fine_rule | text | ||
stop_fines | text | ||
workstation | integer | ||
checkin_workstation | integer | ||
checkin_scan_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
parent_circ | bigint | ||
auto_renewal | boolean | ||
auto_renewal_remaining | integer | ||
usr | integer |
SELECT aged_circulation.id , aged_circulation.usr_post_code , aged_circulation.usr_home_ou , aged_circulation.usr_profile , aged_circulation.usr_birth_year , aged_circulation.copy_call_number , aged_circulation.copy_location , aged_circulation.copy_owning_lib , aged_circulation.copy_circ_lib , aged_circulation.copy_bib_record , aged_circulation.xact_start , aged_circulation.xact_finish , aged_circulation.target_copy , aged_circulation.circ_lib , aged_circulation.circ_staff , aged_circulation.checkin_staff , aged_circulation.checkin_lib , aged_circulation.renewal_remaining , aged_circulation.grace_period , aged_circulation.due_date , aged_circulation.stop_fines_time , aged_circulation.checkin_time , aged_circulation.create_time , aged_circulation.duration , aged_circulation.fine_interval , aged_circulation.recurring_fine , aged_circulation.max_fine , aged_circulation.phone_renewal , aged_circulation.desk_renewal , aged_circulation.opac_renewal , aged_circulation.duration_rule , aged_circulation.recurring_fine_rule , aged_circulation.max_fine_rule , aged_circulation.stop_fines , aged_circulation.workstation , aged_circulation.checkin_workstation , aged_circulation.checkin_scan_time , aged_circulation.parent_circ , aged_circulation.auto_renewal , aged_circulation.auto_renewal_remaining , NULL::integer AS usr FROM action.aged_circulation UNION ALL SELECT DISTINCT circ.id , COALESCE (a.post_code , b.post_code ) AS usr_post_code , p.home_ou AS usr_home_ou , p.profile AS usr_profile , (date_part ('year'::text , p.dob ) )::integer AS usr_birth_year , cp.call_number AS copy_call_number , circ.copy_location , cn.owning_lib AS copy_owning_lib , cp.circ_lib AS copy_circ_lib , cn.record AS copy_bib_record , circ.xact_start , circ.xact_finish , circ.target_copy , circ.circ_lib , circ.circ_staff , circ.checkin_staff , circ.checkin_lib , circ.renewal_remaining , circ.grace_period , circ.due_date , circ.stop_fines_time , circ.checkin_time , circ.create_time , circ.duration , circ.fine_interval , circ.recurring_fine , circ.max_fine , circ.phone_renewal , circ.desk_renewal , circ.opac_renewal , circ.duration_rule , circ.recurring_fine_rule , circ.max_fine_rule , circ.stop_fines , circ.workstation , circ.checkin_workstation , circ.checkin_scan_time , circ.parent_circ , circ.auto_renewal , circ.auto_renewal_remaining , circ.usr FROM ( ( ( ( (action.circulation circ JOIN asset.copy cp ON ( (circ.target_copy = cp.id) ) ) JOIN asset.call_number cn ON ( (cp.call_number = cn.id) ) ) JOIN actor.usr p ON ( (circ.usr = p.id) ) ) LEFT JOIN actor.usr_address a ON ( (p.mailing_address = a.id) ) ) LEFT JOIN actor.usr_address b ON ( (p.billing_address = b.id) ) );
View: action.all_circulation_combined_types
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | bigint | ||
xact_start | timestamp with time zone | ||
circ_lib | integer | ||
circ_staff | integer | ||
create_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
item_type | text | ||
circ_type | text |
SELECT acirc.id , acirc.xact_start , acirc.circ_lib , acirc.circ_staff , acirc.create_time , ac_acirc.circ_modifier AS item_type , 'regular_circ'::text AS circ_type FROM action.circulation acirc , asset.copy ac_acirc WHERE (acirc.target_copy = ac_acirc.id) UNION ALL SELECT (ancc.id)::bigint AS id , ancc.circ_time AS xact_start , ancc.circ_lib , ancc.staff AS circ_staff , ancc.circ_time AS create_time , cnct_ancc.name AS item_type , 'non-cat_circ'::text AS circ_type FROM action.non_cataloged_circulation ancc , config.non_cataloged_type cnct_ancc WHERE (ancc.item_type = cnct_ancc.id) UNION ALL SELECT (aihu.id)::bigint AS id , aihu.use_time AS xact_start , aihu.org_unit AS circ_lib , aihu.staff AS circ_staff , aihu.use_time AS create_time , ac_aihu.circ_modifier AS item_type , 'in-house_use'::text AS circ_type FROM action.in_house_use aihu , asset.copy ac_aihu WHERE (aihu.item = ac_aihu.id) UNION ALL SELECT (ancihu.id)::bigint AS id , ancihu.use_time AS xact_start , ancihu.org_unit AS circ_lib , ancihu.staff AS circ_staff , ancihu.use_time AS create_time , cnct_ancihu.name AS item_type , 'non-cat-in-house_use'::text AS circ_type FROM action.non_cat_in_house_use ancihu , config.non_cataloged_type cnct_ancihu WHERE (ancihu.item_type = cnct_ancihu.id) UNION ALL SELECT aacirc.id , aacirc.xact_start , aacirc.circ_lib , aacirc.circ_staff , aacirc.create_time , ac_aacirc.circ_modifier AS item_type , 'aged_circ'::text AS circ_type FROM action.aged_circulation aacirc , asset.copy ac_aacirc WHERE (aacirc.target_copy = ac_aacirc.id);
View: action.all_circulation_slim
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | bigint | ||
usr | integer | ||
xact_start | timestamp with time zone | ||
xact_finish | timestamp with time zone | ||
unrecovered | boolean | ||
target_copy | bigint | ||
circ_lib | integer | ||
circ_staff | integer | ||
checkin_staff | integer | ||
checkin_lib | integer | ||
renewal_remaining | integer | ||
grace_period | interval | ||
due_date | timestamp with time zone | ||
stop_fines_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
checkin_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
create_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
duration | interval | ||
fine_interval | interval | ||
recurring_fine | numeric(6,2) | ||
max_fine | numeric(6,2) | ||
phone_renewal | boolean | ||
desk_renewal | boolean | ||
opac_renewal | boolean | ||
duration_rule | text | ||
recurring_fine_rule | text | ||
max_fine_rule | text | ||
stop_fines | text | ||
workstation | integer | ||
checkin_workstation | integer | ||
copy_location | integer | ||
checkin_scan_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
auto_renewal | boolean | ||
auto_renewal_remaining | integer | ||
parent_circ | bigint |
SELECT circulation.id , circulation.usr , circulation.xact_start , circulation.xact_finish , circulation.unrecovered , circulation.target_copy , circulation.circ_lib , circulation.circ_staff , circulation.checkin_staff , circulation.checkin_lib , circulation.renewal_remaining , circulation.grace_period , circulation.due_date , circulation.stop_fines_time , circulation.checkin_time , circulation.create_time , circulation.duration , circulation.fine_interval , circulation.recurring_fine , circulation.max_fine , circulation.phone_renewal , circulation.desk_renewal , circulation.opac_renewal , circulation.duration_rule , circulation.recurring_fine_rule , circulation.max_fine_rule , circulation.stop_fines , circulation.workstation , circulation.checkin_workstation , circulation.copy_location , circulation.checkin_scan_time , circulation.auto_renewal , circulation.auto_renewal_remaining , circulation.parent_circ FROM action.circulation UNION ALL SELECT aged_circulation.id , NULL::integer AS usr , aged_circulation.xact_start , aged_circulation.xact_finish , aged_circulation.unrecovered , aged_circulation.target_copy , aged_circulation.circ_lib , aged_circulation.circ_staff , aged_circulation.checkin_staff , aged_circulation.checkin_lib , aged_circulation.renewal_remaining , aged_circulation.grace_period , aged_circulation.due_date , aged_circulation.stop_fines_time , aged_circulation.checkin_time , aged_circulation.create_time , aged_circulation.duration , aged_circulation.fine_interval , aged_circulation.recurring_fine , aged_circulation.max_fine , aged_circulation.phone_renewal , aged_circulation.desk_renewal , aged_circulation.opac_renewal , aged_circulation.duration_rule , aged_circulation.recurring_fine_rule , aged_circulation.max_fine_rule , aged_circulation.stop_fines , aged_circulation.workstation , aged_circulation.checkin_workstation , aged_circulation.copy_location , aged_circulation.checkin_scan_time , aged_circulation.auto_renewal , aged_circulation.auto_renewal_remaining , aged_circulation.parent_circ FROM action.aged_circulation;
View: action.all_hold_request
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
usr_post_code | text | ||
usr_home_ou | integer | ||
usr_profile | integer | ||
usr_birth_year | integer | ||
staff_placed | boolean | ||
id | integer | ||
request_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
capture_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
fulfillment_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
checkin_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
return_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
prev_check_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
expire_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
cancel_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
cancel_cause | integer | ||
cancel_note | text | ||
target | bigint | ||
current_copy | bigint | ||
fulfillment_staff | integer | ||
fulfillment_lib | integer | ||
request_lib | integer | ||
selection_ou | integer | ||
selection_depth | integer | ||
pickup_lib | integer | ||
hold_type | text | ||
holdable_formats | text | ||
phone_notify | boolean | ||
email_notify | boolean | ||
sms_notify | boolean | ||
frozen | boolean | ||
thaw_date | timestamp with time zone | ||
shelf_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
cut_in_line | boolean | ||
mint_condition | boolean | ||
shelf_expire_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
current_shelf_lib | integer | ||
behind_desk | boolean |
SELECT DISTINCT COALESCE (a.post_code , b.post_code ) AS usr_post_code , p.home_ou AS usr_home_ou , p.profile AS usr_profile , (date_part ('year'::text , p.dob ) )::integer AS usr_birth_year , (ahr.requestor <> ahr.usr) AS staff_placed , ahr.id , ahr.request_time , ahr.capture_time , ahr.fulfillment_time , ahr.checkin_time , ahr.return_time , ahr.prev_check_time , ahr.expire_time , ahr.cancel_time , ahr.cancel_cause , ahr.cancel_note , ahr.target , ahr.current_copy , ahr.fulfillment_staff , ahr.fulfillment_lib , ahr.request_lib , ahr.selection_ou , ahr.selection_depth , ahr.pickup_lib , ahr.hold_type , ahr.holdable_formats , CASE WHEN (ahr.phone_notify IS NULL) THEN false WHEN (ahr.phone_notify = ''::text) THEN false ELSE true END AS phone_notify , ahr.email_notify , CASE WHEN (ahr.sms_notify IS NULL) THEN false WHEN (ahr.sms_notify = ''::text) THEN false ELSE true END AS sms_notify , ahr.frozen , ahr.thaw_date , ahr.shelf_time , ahr.cut_in_line , ahr.mint_condition , ahr.shelf_expire_time , ahr.current_shelf_lib , ahr.behind_desk FROM ( ( (action.hold_request ahr JOIN actor.usr p ON ( (ahr.usr = p.id) ) ) LEFT JOIN actor.usr_address a ON ( (p.mailing_address = a.id) ) ) LEFT JOIN actor.usr_address b ON ( (p.billing_address = b.id) ) ) UNION ALL SELECT aged_hold_request.usr_post_code , aged_hold_request.usr_home_ou , aged_hold_request.usr_profile , aged_hold_request.usr_birth_year , aged_hold_request.staff_placed , aged_hold_request.id , aged_hold_request.request_time , aged_hold_request.capture_time , aged_hold_request.fulfillment_time , aged_hold_request.checkin_time , aged_hold_request.return_time , aged_hold_request.prev_check_time , aged_hold_request.expire_time , aged_hold_request.cancel_time , aged_hold_request.cancel_cause , aged_hold_request.cancel_note , aged_hold_request.target , aged_hold_request.current_copy , aged_hold_request.fulfillment_staff , aged_hold_request.fulfillment_lib , aged_hold_request.request_lib , aged_hold_request.selection_ou , aged_hold_request.selection_depth , aged_hold_request.pickup_lib , aged_hold_request.hold_type , aged_hold_request.holdable_formats , aged_hold_request.phone_notify , aged_hold_request.email_notify , aged_hold_request.sms_notify , aged_hold_request.frozen , aged_hold_request.thaw_date , aged_hold_request.shelf_time , aged_hold_request.cut_in_line , aged_hold_request.mint_condition , aged_hold_request.shelf_expire_time , aged_hold_request.current_shelf_lib , aged_hold_request.behind_desk FROM action.aged_hold_request;
Table: action.archive_actor_stat_cat
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | bigserial | PRIMARY KEY | |
xact | bigint | NOT NULL | |
stat_cat | integer | NOT NULL | |
value | text | NOT NULL |
Table: action.archive_asset_stat_cat
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | bigserial | PRIMARY KEY | |
xact | bigint | NOT NULL | |
stat_cat | integer | NOT NULL | |
value | text | NOT NULL |
Table: action.batch_hold_event
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
actor.usr.id | staff | integer | NOT NULL |
container.user_bucket.id | bucket | integer | NOT NULL |
target | integer | NOT NULL | |
hold_type | text | NOT NULL DEFAULT 'T'::text | |
run_date | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
cancelled | timestamp with time zone |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Table: action.batch_hold_event_map
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
action.batch_hold_event.id | batch_hold_event | integer | NOT NULL |
action.hold_request.id | hold | integer | NOT NULL |
View: action.billable_circulations
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | bigint | ||
usr | integer | ||
xact_start | timestamp with time zone | ||
xact_finish | timestamp with time zone | ||
unrecovered | boolean | ||
target_copy | bigint | ||
circ_lib | integer | ||
circ_staff | integer | ||
checkin_staff | integer | ||
checkin_lib | integer | ||
renewal_remaining | integer | ||
grace_period | interval | ||
due_date | timestamp with time zone | ||
stop_fines_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
checkin_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
create_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
duration | interval | ||
fine_interval | interval | ||
recurring_fine | numeric(6,2) | ||
max_fine | numeric(6,2) | ||
phone_renewal | boolean | ||
desk_renewal | boolean | ||
opac_renewal | boolean | ||
duration_rule | text | ||
recurring_fine_rule | text | ||
max_fine_rule | text | ||
stop_fines | text | ||
workstation | integer | ||
checkin_workstation | integer | ||
copy_location | integer | ||
checkin_scan_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
auto_renewal | boolean | ||
auto_renewal_remaining | integer | ||
parent_circ | bigint |
SELECT circulation.id , circulation.usr , circulation.xact_start , circulation.xact_finish , circulation.unrecovered , circulation.target_copy , circulation.circ_lib , circulation.circ_staff , circulation.checkin_staff , circulation.checkin_lib , circulation.renewal_remaining , circulation.grace_period , circulation.due_date , circulation.stop_fines_time , circulation.checkin_time , circulation.create_time , circulation.duration , circulation.fine_interval , circulation.recurring_fine , circulation.max_fine , circulation.phone_renewal , circulation.desk_renewal , circulation.opac_renewal , circulation.duration_rule , circulation.recurring_fine_rule , circulation.max_fine_rule , circulation.stop_fines , circulation.workstation , circulation.checkin_workstation , circulation.copy_location , circulation.checkin_scan_time , circulation.auto_renewal , circulation.auto_renewal_remaining , circulation.parent_circ FROM action.circulation WHERE (circulation.xact_finish IS NULL);
Table: action.circulation
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | bigint | PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('money.billable_xact_id_seq'::regclass) | |
actor.usr.id | usr | integer | NOT NULL |
xact_start | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
xact_finish | timestamp with time zone | ||
unrecovered | boolean | ||
target_copy | bigint | NOT NULL | |
actor.org_unit.id | circ_lib | integer | NOT NULL |
circ_staff | integer | NOT NULL | |
checkin_staff | integer | ||
checkin_lib | integer | ||
renewal_remaining | integer | NOT NULL | |
grace_period | interval | NOT NULL | |
due_date | timestamp with time zone | ||
stop_fines_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
checkin_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
create_time | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
duration | interval | ||
fine_interval | interval | NOT NULL DEFAULT '1 day'::interval | |
recurring_fine | numeric(6,2) | ||
max_fine | numeric(6,2) | ||
phone_renewal | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
desk_renewal | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
opac_renewal | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
duration_rule | text | NOT NULL | |
recurring_fine_rule | text | NOT NULL | |
max_fine_rule | text | NOT NULL | |
stop_fines | text | ||
actor.workstation.id | workstation | integer | |
actor.workstation.id | checkin_workstation | integer | |
asset.copy_location.id | copy_location | integer | NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 |
checkin_scan_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
auto_renewal | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
auto_renewal_remaining | integer | ||
action.circulation.id | parent_circ | bigint |
Table action.circulation Inherits billable_xact,
Name | Constraint |
circulation_stop_fines_check | CHECK ((stop_fines = ANY (ARRAY['CHECKIN'::text, 'CLAIMSRETURNED'::text, 'LOST'::text, 'MAXFINES'::text, 'RENEW'::text, 'LONGOVERDUE'::text, 'CLAIMSNEVERCHECKEDOUT'::text]))) |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
action_circulation_target_copy_idx target_copy circ_all_usr_idx usr circ_checkin_staff_idx checkin_staff circ_checkin_time checkin_time) WHERE (checkin_time IS NOT NULL circ_circ_lib_idx circ_lib circ_circ_staff_idx circ_staff circ_open_date_idx xact_start) WHERE (xact_finish IS NULL circ_open_xacts_idx usr) WHERE (xact_finish IS NULL circ_outstanding_idx usr) WHERE (checkin_time IS NULLTable: action.circulation_limit_group_map
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
action.circulation.id | circ | bigint | PRIMARY KEY |
config.circ_limit_group.id | limit_group | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
Table: action.curbside
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
actor.usr.id | patron | integer | NOT NULL |
actor.org_unit.id | org | integer | NOT NULL |
slot | timestamp with time zone | ||
staged | timestamp with time zone | ||
actor.usr.id | stage_staff | integer | |
arrival | timestamp with time zone | ||
delivered | timestamp with time zone | ||
actor.usr.id | delivery_staff | integer | |
notes | text |
Table: action.emergency_closing
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
actor.usr.id | creator | integer | NOT NULL |
create_time | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
process_start_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
process_end_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
last_update_time | timestamp with time zone |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Table: action.emergency_closing_circulation
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | bigserial | PRIMARY KEY | |
action.emergency_closing.id | emergency_closing | integer | NOT NULL |
action.circulation.id | circulation | integer | NOT NULL |
original_due_date | timestamp with time zone | ||
process_time | timestamp with time zone |
Table: action.emergency_closing_hold
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | bigserial | PRIMARY KEY | |
action.emergency_closing.id | emergency_closing | integer | NOT NULL |
action.hold_request.id | hold | integer | NOT NULL |
original_shelf_expire_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
process_time | timestamp with time zone |
Table: action.emergency_closing_reservation
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | bigserial | PRIMARY KEY | |
action.emergency_closing.id | emergency_closing | integer | NOT NULL |
booking.reservation.id | reservation | integer | NOT NULL |
original_end_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
process_time | timestamp with time zone |
View: action.emergency_closing_status
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | integer | ||
creator | integer | ||
create_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
process_start_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
process_end_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
last_update_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
circulations | bigint | ||
circulations_complete | bigint | ||
reservations | bigint | ||
reservations_complete | bigint | ||
holds | bigint | ||
holds_complete | bigint |
SELECT e.id , e.creator , e.create_time , e.process_start_time , e.process_end_time , e.last_update_time , COALESCE (c.count , (0)::bigint ) AS circulations , COALESCE (c.completed , (0)::bigint ) AS circulations_complete , COALESCE (b.count , (0)::bigint ) AS reservations , COALESCE (b.completed , (0)::bigint ) AS reservations_complete , COALESCE (h.count , (0)::bigint ) AS holds , COALESCE (h.completed , (0)::bigint ) AS holds_complete FROM ( ( (action.emergency_closing e LEFT JOIN ( SELECT emergency_closing_circulation.emergency_closing , count (*) AS count , sum ( ( (emergency_closing_circulation.process_time IS NOT NULL) )::integer ) AS completed FROM action.emergency_closing_circulation GROUP BY emergency_closing_circulation.emergency_closing ) c ON ( (c.emergency_closing = e.id) ) ) LEFT JOIN ( SELECT emergency_closing_reservation.emergency_closing , count (*) AS count , sum ( ( (emergency_closing_reservation.process_time IS NOT NULL) )::integer ) AS completed FROM action.emergency_closing_reservation GROUP BY emergency_closing_reservation.emergency_closing ) b ON ( (b.emergency_closing = e.id) ) ) LEFT JOIN ( SELECT emergency_closing_hold.emergency_closing , count (*) AS count , sum ( ( (emergency_closing_hold.process_time IS NOT NULL) )::integer ) AS completed FROM action.emergency_closing_hold GROUP BY emergency_closing_hold.emergency_closing ) h ON ( (h.emergency_closing = e.id) ) );
Table: action.fieldset
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
action.fieldset_group.id | fieldset_group | integer | |
actor.usr.id | owner | integer | NOT NULL |
actor.org_unit.id | owning_lib | integer | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
status | text | NOT NULL | |
creation_time | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
scheduled_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
applied_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
classname | text | NOT NULL | |
name | text | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL | |
error_msg | text | ||
query.stored_query.id | stored_query | integer | |
pkey_value | text |
Name | Constraint |
fieldset_one_or_the_other | CHECK ((((stored_query IS NOT NULL) AND (pkey_value IS NULL)) OR ((pkey_value IS NOT NULL) AND (stored_query IS NULL)))) |
valid_status | CHECK ((status = ANY (ARRAY['PENDING'::text, 'APPLIED'::text, 'ERROR'::text]))) |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
action_fieldset_sched_time_idx scheduled_time action_owner_idx ownerTable: action.fieldset_col_val
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
action.fieldset.id | fieldset | integer | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
col | text | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL | |
val | text |
Table: action.fieldset_group
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
name | text | NOT NULL | |
create_time | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
complete_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
container | integer | ||
container_type | text | ||
can_rollback | boolean | DEFAULT true | |
action.fieldset_group.id | rollback_group | integer | |
rollback_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
actor.usr.id | creator | integer | NOT NULL |
actor.org_unit.id | owning_lib | integer | NOT NULL |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Table: action.hold_copy_map
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | bigserial | PRIMARY KEY | |
action.hold_request.id | hold | integer | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
target_copy | bigint | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL | |
proximity | numeric |
Table: action.hold_notification
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
action.hold_request.id | hold | integer | NOT NULL |
actor.usr.id | notify_staff | integer | |
notify_time | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
method | text | NOT NULL | |
note | text |
Table: action.hold_request
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
request_time | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
capture_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
fulfillment_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
checkin_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
return_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
prev_check_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
expire_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
cancel_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
action.hold_request_cancel_cause.id | cancel_cause | integer | |
cancel_note | text | ||
target | bigint | NOT NULL | |
current_copy | bigint | ||
actor.usr.id | fulfillment_staff | integer | |
actor.org_unit.id | fulfillment_lib | integer | |
actor.org_unit.id | request_lib | integer | NOT NULL |
actor.usr.id | requestor | integer | NOT NULL |
actor.usr.id | usr | integer | NOT NULL |
selection_ou | integer | NOT NULL | |
selection_depth | integer | NOT NULL | |
actor.org_unit.id | pickup_lib | integer | NOT NULL |
config.hold_type.hold_type | hold_type | text | |
holdable_formats | text | ||
phone_notify | text | ||
email_notify | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
sms_notify | text | ||
config.sms_carrier.id | sms_carrier | integer | |
frozen | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
thaw_date | timestamp with time zone | ||
shelf_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
cut_in_line | boolean | ||
mint_condition | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT true | |
shelf_expire_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
actor.org_unit.id | current_shelf_lib | integer | |
behind_desk | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
hopeless_date | timestamp with time zone | ||
acq.user_request.id | acq_request | integer |
Name | Constraint |
sms_check | CHECK (((sms_notify IS NULL) OR (sms_carrier IS NOT NULL))) |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
hold_fulfillment_time_idx fulfillment_time) WHERE (fulfillment_time IS NOT NULL hold_request_copy_capture_time_idx current_copy, capture_time hold_request_current_copy_before_cap_idx current_copy) WHERE ((capture_time IS NULL) AND (cancel_time IS NULL) hold_request_current_copy_idx current_copy hold_request_fulfillment_staff_idx fulfillment_staff hold_request_open_captured_shelf_lib_idx current_shelf_lib) WHERE ((capture_time IS NOT NULL) AND (fulfillment_time IS NULL) AND (pickup_lib <> current_shelf_lib) hold_request_open_idx id) WHERE ((cancel_time IS NULL) AND (fulfillment_time IS NULL) hold_request_pickup_lib_idx pickup_lib hold_request_prev_check_time_idx prev_check_time hold_request_requestor_idx requestor hold_request_target_idx target hold_request_time_idx request_time hold_request_usr_idx usrTable: action.hold_request_cancel_cause
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
label | text | UNIQUE |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Table: action.hold_request_note
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | bigserial | PRIMARY KEY | |
action.hold_request.id | hold | bigint | NOT NULL |
title | text | NOT NULL | |
body | text | NOT NULL | |
slip | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
pub | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
staff | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false |
Table: action.hold_transit_copy
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | integer | PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('action.transit_copy_id_seq'::regclass) | |
source_send_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
dest_recv_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
target_copy | bigint | NOT NULL | |
source | integer | NOT NULL | |
dest | integer | NOT NULL | |
prev_hop | integer | ||
copy_status | integer | NOT NULL | |
persistant_transfer | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
prev_dest | integer | ||
cancel_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
action.hold_request.id | hold | integer |
Table action.hold_transit_copy Inherits transit_copy,
active_hold_transit_cp_idx target_copy active_hold_transit_dest_idx dest active_hold_transit_source_idx source hold_transit_copy_hold_idx holdTable: action.in_house_use
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
item | bigint | NOT NULL | |
actor.usr.id | staff | integer | NOT NULL |
actor.workstation.id | workstation | integer | |
actor.org_unit.id | org_unit | integer | NOT NULL |
use_time | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() |
Table: action.non_cat_in_house_use
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
config.non_cataloged_type.id | item_type | bigint | NOT NULL |
actor.usr.id | staff | integer | NOT NULL |
actor.workstation.id | workstation | integer | |
actor.org_unit.id | org_unit | integer | NOT NULL |
use_time | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() |
Table: action.non_cataloged_circulation
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
actor.usr.id | patron | integer | NOT NULL |
actor.usr.id | staff | integer | NOT NULL |
actor.org_unit.id | circ_lib | integer | NOT NULL |
config.non_cataloged_type.id | item_type | integer | NOT NULL |
circ_time | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() |
View: action.open_circulation
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | bigint | ||
usr | integer | ||
xact_start | timestamp with time zone | ||
xact_finish | timestamp with time zone | ||
unrecovered | boolean | ||
target_copy | bigint | ||
circ_lib | integer | ||
circ_staff | integer | ||
checkin_staff | integer | ||
checkin_lib | integer | ||
renewal_remaining | integer | ||
grace_period | interval | ||
due_date | timestamp with time zone | ||
stop_fines_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
checkin_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
create_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
duration | interval | ||
fine_interval | interval | ||
recurring_fine | numeric(6,2) | ||
max_fine | numeric(6,2) | ||
phone_renewal | boolean | ||
desk_renewal | boolean | ||
opac_renewal | boolean | ||
duration_rule | text | ||
recurring_fine_rule | text | ||
max_fine_rule | text | ||
stop_fines | text | ||
workstation | integer | ||
checkin_workstation | integer | ||
copy_location | integer | ||
checkin_scan_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
auto_renewal | boolean | ||
auto_renewal_remaining | integer | ||
parent_circ | bigint |
SELECT circulation.id , circulation.usr , circulation.xact_start , circulation.xact_finish , circulation.unrecovered , circulation.target_copy , circulation.circ_lib , circulation.circ_staff , circulation.checkin_staff , circulation.checkin_lib , circulation.renewal_remaining , circulation.grace_period , circulation.due_date , circulation.stop_fines_time , circulation.checkin_time , circulation.create_time , circulation.duration , circulation.fine_interval , circulation.recurring_fine , circulation.max_fine , circulation.phone_renewal , circulation.desk_renewal , circulation.opac_renewal , circulation.duration_rule , circulation.recurring_fine_rule , circulation.max_fine_rule , circulation.stop_fines , circulation.workstation , circulation.checkin_workstation , circulation.copy_location , circulation.checkin_scan_time , circulation.auto_renewal , circulation.auto_renewal_remaining , circulation.parent_circ FROM action.circulation WHERE (circulation.checkin_time IS NULL) ORDER BY circulation.due_date;
Table: action.reservation_transit_copy
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | integer | PRIMARY KEY DEFAULT nextval('action.transit_copy_id_seq'::regclass) | |
source_send_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
dest_recv_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
booking.resource.id | target_copy | bigint | NOT NULL |
source | integer | NOT NULL | |
dest | integer | NOT NULL | |
prev_hop | integer | ||
copy_status | integer | NOT NULL | |
persistant_transfer | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
prev_dest | integer | ||
cancel_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
booking.reservation.id | reservation | integer |
Table action.reservation_transit_copy Inherits transit_copy,
active_reservation_transit_cp_idx target_copy active_reservation_transit_dest_idx dest active_reservation_transit_source_idx sourceTable: action.survey
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
actor.org_unit.id | owner | integer | NOT NULL |
start_date | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
end_date | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT (now() + '10 years'::interval) | |
usr_summary | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
opac | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
poll | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
required | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
name | text | NOT NULL | |
description | text | NOT NULL |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Table: action.survey_answer
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
action.survey_question.id | question | integer | NOT NULL |
answer | text | NOT NULL |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Table: action.survey_question
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
action.survey.id | survey | integer | NOT NULL |
question | text | NOT NULL |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Table: action.survey_response
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | bigserial | PRIMARY KEY | |
response_group_id | integer | ||
usr | integer | ||
action.survey.id | survey | integer | NOT NULL |
action.survey_question.id | question | integer | NOT NULL |
action.survey_answer.id | answer | integer | NOT NULL |
answer_date | timestamp with time zone | ||
effective_date | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() |
Table: action.transit_copy
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
source_send_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
dest_recv_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
target_copy | bigint | NOT NULL | |
actor.org_unit.id | source | integer | NOT NULL |
actor.org_unit.id | dest | integer | NOT NULL |
action.transit_copy.id | prev_hop | integer | |
config.copy_status.id | copy_status | integer | NOT NULL |
persistant_transfer | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
actor.org_unit.id | prev_dest | integer | |
cancel_time | timestamp with time zone |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
active_transit_cp_idx target_copy active_transit_dest_idx dest active_transit_for_copy target_copy) WHERE ((dest_recv_time IS NULL) AND (cancel_time IS NULL) active_transit_source_idx sourceView: action.unfulfilled_hold_innermost_loop
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
hold | integer | ||
circ_lib | integer | ||
count | bigint |
SELECT DISTINCT l.hold , l.circ_lib , l.count FROM (action.unfulfilled_hold_loops l JOIN action.unfulfilled_hold_min_loop m USING (hold) ) WHERE (l.count = m.min);
Table: action.unfulfilled_hold_list
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | bigserial | PRIMARY KEY | |
current_copy | bigint | NOT NULL | |
hold | integer | NOT NULL | |
circ_lib | integer | NOT NULL | |
fail_time | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() |
View: action.unfulfilled_hold_loops
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
hold | integer | ||
circ_lib | integer | ||
count | bigint |
SELECT u.hold , c.circ_lib , count (*) AS count FROM (action.unfulfilled_hold_list u JOIN asset.copy c ON ( (c.id = u.current_copy) ) ) GROUP BY u.hold , c.circ_lib;
View: action.unfulfilled_hold_max_loop
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
hold | integer | ||
max | bigint |
SELECT unfulfilled_hold_loops.hold , max (unfulfilled_hold_loops.count) AS max FROM action.unfulfilled_hold_loops GROUP BY unfulfilled_hold_loops.hold;
View: action.unfulfilled_hold_min_loop
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
hold | integer | ||
min | bigint |
SELECT unfulfilled_hold_loops.hold , min (unfulfilled_hold_loops.count) AS min FROM action.unfulfilled_hold_loops GROUP BY unfulfilled_hold_loops.hold;
Table: action.usr_circ_history
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | bigserial | PRIMARY KEY | |
actor.usr.id | usr | integer | NOT NULL |
xact_start | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
target_copy | bigint | NOT NULL | |
due_date | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL | |
checkin_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
action.circulation.id | source_circ | bigint |
Function: action.age_circ_on_delete()
Returns: trigger
Language: PLPGSQL
DECLARE found char := 'N'; BEGIN -- If there are any renewals for this circulation, don't archive or delete -- it yet. We'll do so later, when we archive and delete the renewals. SELECT 'Y' INTO found FROM action.circulation WHERE parent_circ = OLD.id LIMIT 1; IF found = 'Y' THEN RETURN NULL; -- don't delete END IF; -- Archive a copy of the old row to action.aged_circulation INSERT INTO action.aged_circulation (id,usr_post_code, usr_home_ou, usr_profile, usr_birth_year, copy_call_number, copy_location, copy_owning_lib, copy_circ_lib, copy_bib_record, xact_start, xact_finish, target_copy, circ_lib, circ_staff, checkin_staff, checkin_lib, renewal_remaining, grace_period, due_date, stop_fines_time, checkin_time, create_time, duration, fine_interval, recurring_fine, max_fine, phone_renewal, desk_renewal, opac_renewal, duration_rule, recurring_fine_rule, max_fine_rule, stop_fines, workstation, checkin_workstation, checkin_scan_time, parent_circ, auto_renewal, auto_renewal_remaining) SELECT id,usr_post_code, usr_home_ou, usr_profile, usr_birth_year, copy_call_number, copy_location, copy_owning_lib, copy_circ_lib, copy_bib_record, xact_start, xact_finish, target_copy, circ_lib, circ_staff, checkin_staff, checkin_lib, renewal_remaining, grace_period, due_date, stop_fines_time, checkin_time, create_time, duration, fine_interval, recurring_fine, max_fine, phone_renewal, desk_renewal, opac_renewal, duration_rule, recurring_fine_rule, max_fine_rule, stop_fines, workstation, checkin_workstation, checkin_scan_time, parent_circ, auto_renewal, auto_renewal_remaining FROM action.all_circulation WHERE id = OLD.id; -- Migrate billings and payments to aged tables SELECT 'Y' INTO found FROM config.global_flag WHERE name = 'history.money.age_with_circs' AND enabled; IF found = 'Y' THEN PERFORM money.age_billings_and_payments_for_xact(OLD.id); END IF; -- Break the link with the user in action_trigger.event (warning: event_output may essentially have this information) UPDATE action_trigger.event e SET context_user = NULL FROM action.all_circulation c WHERE c.id = OLD.id AND e.context_user = c.usr AND e.target = c.id AND e.event_def IN ( SELECT id FROM action_trigger.event_definition WHERE hook in (SELECT key FROM action_trigger.hook WHERE core_type = 'circ') ) ; RETURN OLD; END;
Function: action.age_hold_on_delete()
Returns: trigger
Language: PLPGSQL
DECLARE BEGIN -- Archive a copy of the old row to action.aged_hold_request INSERT INTO action.aged_hold_request (usr_post_code, usr_home_ou, usr_profile, usr_birth_year, staff_placed, id, request_time, capture_time, fulfillment_time, checkin_time, return_time, prev_check_time, expire_time, cancel_time, cancel_cause, cancel_note, target, current_copy, fulfillment_staff, fulfillment_lib, request_lib, selection_ou, selection_depth, pickup_lib, hold_type, holdable_formats, phone_notify, email_notify, sms_notify, frozen, thaw_date, shelf_time, cut_in_line, mint_condition, shelf_expire_time, current_shelf_lib, behind_desk) SELECT usr_post_code, usr_home_ou, usr_profile, usr_birth_year, staff_placed, id, request_time, capture_time, fulfillment_time, checkin_time, return_time, prev_check_time, expire_time, cancel_time, cancel_cause, cancel_note, target, current_copy, fulfillment_staff, fulfillment_lib, request_lib, selection_ou, selection_depth, pickup_lib, hold_type, holdable_formats, phone_notify, email_notify, sms_notify, frozen, thaw_date, shelf_time, cut_in_line, mint_condition, shelf_expire_time, current_shelf_lib, behind_desk FROM action.all_hold_request WHERE id = OLD.id; RETURN OLD; END;
Function: action.age_parent_circ_on_delete()
Returns: trigger
Language: PLPGSQL
BEGIN -- Having deleted a renewal, we can delete the original circulation (or a previous -- renewal, if that's what parent_circ is pointing to). That deletion will trigger -- deletion of any prior parents, etc. recursively. IF OLD.parent_circ IS NOT NULL THEN DELETE FROM action.circulation WHERE id = OLD.parent_circ; END IF; RETURN OLD; END;
Function: action.all_circ_chain(ctx_circ_id integer)
Returns: SET OF all_circulation_slim
Language: PLPGSQL
DECLARE tmp_circ action.all_circulation_slim%ROWTYPE; circ_0 action.all_circulation_slim%ROWTYPE; BEGIN SELECT INTO tmp_circ * FROM action.all_circulation_slim WHERE id = ctx_circ_id; IF tmp_circ IS NULL THEN RETURN NEXT tmp_circ; END IF; circ_0 := tmp_circ; -- find the front of the chain WHILE TRUE LOOP SELECT INTO tmp_circ * FROM action.all_circulation_slim WHERE id = tmp_circ.parent_circ; IF tmp_circ IS NULL THEN EXIT; END IF; circ_0 := tmp_circ; END LOOP; -- now send the circs to the caller, oldest to newest tmp_circ := circ_0; WHILE TRUE LOOP IF tmp_circ IS NULL THEN EXIT; END IF; RETURN NEXT tmp_circ; SELECT INTO tmp_circ * FROM action.all_circulation_slim WHERE parent_circ = tmp_circ.id; END LOOP; END;
Function: action.apply_fieldset(query integer, pkey_name text, table_name text, fieldset_id text)
Returns: text
Language: PLPGSQL
Applies a specified fieldset, using a supplied table name and primary key name. The query parameter should be non-null only for query-based fieldsets. Returns NULL if successful, or an error message if not.
DECLARE statement TEXT; where_clause TEXT; fs_status TEXT; fs_pkey_value TEXT; fs_query TEXT; sep CHAR; status_code TEXT; msg TEXT; fs_id INT; fsg_id INT; update_count INT; cv RECORD; fs_obj action.fieldset%ROWTYPE; fs_group action.fieldset_group%ROWTYPE; rb_row RECORD; BEGIN -- Sanity checks IF fieldset_id IS NULL THEN RETURN 'Fieldset ID parameter is NULL'; END IF; IF table_name IS NULL THEN RETURN 'Table name parameter is NULL'; END IF; IF pkey_name IS NULL THEN RETURN 'Primary key name parameter is NULL'; END IF; SELECT status, quote_literal( pkey_value ) INTO fs_status, fs_pkey_value FROM action.fieldset WHERE id = fieldset_id; -- -- Build the WHERE clause. This differs according to whether it's a -- single-row fieldset or a query-based fieldset. -- IF query IS NULL AND fs_pkey_value IS NULL THEN RETURN 'Incomplete fieldset: neither a primary key nor a query available'; ELSIF query IS NOT NULL AND fs_pkey_value IS NULL THEN fs_query := rtrim( query, ';' ); where_clause := 'WHERE ' || pkey_name || ' IN ( ' || fs_query || ' )'; ELSIF query IS NULL AND fs_pkey_value IS NOT NULL THEN where_clause := 'WHERE ' || pkey_name || ' = '; IF pkey_name = 'id' THEN where_clause := where_clause || fs_pkey_value; ELSIF pkey_name = 'code' THEN where_clause := where_clause || quote_literal(fs_pkey_value); ELSE RETURN 'Only know how to handle "id" and "code" pkeys currently, received ' || pkey_name; END IF; ELSE -- both are not null RETURN 'Ambiguous fieldset: both a primary key and a query provided'; END IF; IF fs_status IS NULL THEN RETURN 'No fieldset found for id = ' || fieldset_id; ELSIF fs_status = 'APPLIED' THEN RETURN 'Fieldset ' || fieldset_id || ' has already been applied'; END IF; SELECT * INTO fs_obj FROM action.fieldset WHERE id = fieldset_id; SELECT * INTO fs_group FROM action.fieldset_group WHERE id = fs_obj.fieldset_group; IF fs_group.can_rollback THEN -- This is part of a non-rollback group. We need to record the current values for future rollback. INSERT INTO action.fieldset_group (can_rollback, name, creator, owning_lib, container, container_type) VALUES (FALSE, 'ROLLBACK: '|| fs_group.name, fs_group.creator, fs_group.owning_lib, fs_group.container, fs_group.container_type); fsg_id := CURRVAL('action.fieldset_group_id_seq'); FOR rb_row IN EXECUTE 'SELECT * FROM ' || table_name || ' ' || where_clause LOOP IF pkey_name = 'id' THEN fs_pkey_value := rb_row.id; ELSIF pkey_name = 'code' THEN fs_pkey_value := rb_row.code; ELSE RETURN 'Only know how to handle "id" and "code" pkeys currently, received ' || pkey_name; END IF; INSERT INTO action.fieldset (fieldset_group,owner,owning_lib,status,classname,name,pkey_value) VALUES (fsg_id, fs_obj.owner, fs_obj.owning_lib, 'PENDING', fs_obj.classname, fs_obj.name || ' ROLLBACK FOR ' || fs_pkey_value, fs_pkey_value); fs_id := CURRVAL('action.fieldset_id_seq'); sep := ''; FOR cv IN SELECT DISTINCT col FROM action.fieldset_col_val WHERE fieldset = fieldset_id LOOP EXECUTE 'INSERT INTO action.fieldset_col_val (fieldset, col, val) ' || 'SELECT '|| fs_id || ', '||quote_literal(cv.col)||', '||cv.col||' FROM '||table_name||' WHERE '||pkey_name||' = '||fs_pkey_value; END LOOP; END LOOP; END IF; statement := 'UPDATE ' || table_name || ' SET'; sep := ''; FOR cv IN SELECT col, val FROM action.fieldset_col_val WHERE fieldset = fieldset_id LOOP statement := statement || sep || ' ' || cv.col || ' = ' || coalesce( quote_literal( cv.val ), 'NULL' ); sep := ','; END LOOP; IF sep = '' THEN RETURN 'Fieldset ' || fieldset_id || ' has no column values defined'; END IF; statement := statement || ' ' || where_clause; -- -- Execute the update -- BEGIN EXECUTE statement; GET DIAGNOSTICS update_count = ROW_COUNT; IF update_count = 0 THEN RAISE data_exception; END IF; IF fsg_id IS NOT NULL THEN UPDATE action.fieldset_group SET rollback_group = fsg_id WHERE id = fs_group.id; END IF; IF fs_group.id IS NOT NULL THEN UPDATE action.fieldset_group SET complete_time = now() WHERE id = fs_group.id; END IF; UPDATE action.fieldset SET status = 'APPLIED', applied_time = now() WHERE id = fieldset_id; EXCEPTION WHEN data_exception THEN msg := 'No eligible rows found for fieldset ' || fieldset_id; UPDATE action.fieldset SET status = 'ERROR', applied_time = now() WHERE id = fieldset_id; RETURN msg; END; RETURN msg; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN msg := 'Unable to apply fieldset ' || fieldset_id || ': ' || sqlerrm; UPDATE action.fieldset SET status = 'ERROR', applied_time = now() WHERE id = fieldset_id; RETURN msg; END;
Function: action.archive_stat_cats()
Returns: trigger
Language: PLPGSQL
BEGIN INSERT INTO action.archive_actor_stat_cat(xact, stat_cat, value) SELECT NEW.id, asceum.stat_cat, asceum.stat_cat_entry FROM actor.stat_cat_entry_usr_map asceum JOIN actor.stat_cat sc ON asceum.stat_cat = sc.id WHERE NEW.usr = asceum.target_usr AND sc.checkout_archive; INSERT INTO action.archive_asset_stat_cat(xact, stat_cat, value) SELECT NEW.id, ascecm.stat_cat, asce.value FROM asset.stat_cat_entry_copy_map ascecm JOIN asset.stat_cat sc ON ascecm.stat_cat = sc.id JOIN asset.stat_cat_entry asce ON ascecm.stat_cat_entry = asce.id WHERE NEW.target_copy = ascecm.owning_copy AND sc.checkout_archive; RETURN NULL; END;
Function: action.circ_chain(ctx_circ_id bigint)
Returns: SET OF circulation
Language: PLPGSQL
DECLARE tmp_circ action.circulation%ROWTYPE; circ_0 action.circulation%ROWTYPE; BEGIN SELECT INTO tmp_circ * FROM action.circulation WHERE id = ctx_circ_id; IF tmp_circ IS NULL THEN RETURN NEXT tmp_circ; END IF; circ_0 := tmp_circ; -- find the front of the chain WHILE TRUE LOOP SELECT INTO tmp_circ * FROM action.circulation WHERE id = tmp_circ.parent_circ; IF tmp_circ IS NULL THEN EXIT; END IF; circ_0 := tmp_circ; END LOOP; -- now send the circs to the caller, oldest to newest tmp_circ := circ_0; WHILE TRUE LOOP IF tmp_circ IS NULL THEN EXIT; END IF; RETURN NEXT tmp_circ; SELECT INTO tmp_circ * FROM action.circulation WHERE parent_circ = tmp_circ.id; END LOOP; END;
Function: action.circulation_claims_returned()
Returns: trigger
Language: PLPGSQL
BEGIN IF OLD.stop_fines IS NULL OR OLD.stop_fines <> NEW.stop_fines THEN IF NEW.stop_fines = 'CLAIMSRETURNED' THEN UPDATE actor.usr SET claims_returned_count = claims_returned_count + 1 WHERE id = NEW.usr; END IF; IF NEW.stop_fines = 'CLAIMSNEVERCHECKEDOUT' THEN UPDATE actor.usr SET claims_never_checked_out_count = claims_never_checked_out_count + 1 WHERE id = NEW.usr; END IF; IF NEW.stop_fines = 'LOST' THEN UPDATE asset.copy SET status = 3 WHERE id = NEW.target_copy; END IF; END IF; RETURN NEW; END;
Function: action.copy_calculated_proximity(vacl_ol integer, vacn_ol integer, vacp_cm integer, vacp_cl text, request integer, pickup integer)
Returns: numeric
Language: PLPGSQL
DECLARE baseline_prox NUMERIC; aoupa actor.org_unit_proximity_adjustment%ROWTYPE; BEGIN -- First, gather the baseline proximity of "here" to pickup lib SELECT prox INTO baseline_prox FROM actor.org_unit_proximity WHERE from_org = vacp_cl AND to_org = pickup; -- Find any absolute adjustments, and set the baseline prox to that SELECT adj.* INTO aoupa FROM actor.org_unit_proximity_adjustment adj LEFT JOIN actor.org_unit_ancestors_distance(vacp_cl) acp_cl ON (acp_cl.id = adj.item_circ_lib) LEFT JOIN actor.org_unit_ancestors_distance(vacn_ol) acn_ol ON (acn_ol.id = adj.item_owning_lib) LEFT JOIN actor.org_unit_ancestors_distance(vacl_ol) acl_ol ON (acl_ol.id = adj.copy_location) LEFT JOIN actor.org_unit_ancestors_distance(pickup) ahr_pl ON (ahr_pl.id = adj.hold_pickup_lib) LEFT JOIN actor.org_unit_ancestors_distance(request) ahr_rl ON (ahr_rl.id = adj.hold_request_lib) WHERE (adj.circ_mod IS NULL OR adj.circ_mod = vacp_cm) AND (adj.item_circ_lib IS NULL OR adj.item_circ_lib = acp_cl.id) AND (adj.item_owning_lib IS NULL OR adj.item_owning_lib = acn_ol.id) AND (adj.copy_location IS NULL OR adj.copy_location = acl_ol.id) AND (adj.hold_pickup_lib IS NULL OR adj.hold_pickup_lib = ahr_pl.id) AND (adj.hold_request_lib IS NULL OR adj.hold_request_lib = ahr_rl.id) AND absolute_adjustment AND COALESCE(acp_cl.id, acn_ol.id, acl_ol.id, ahr_pl.id, ahr_rl.id) IS NOT NULL ORDER BY COALESCE(acp_cl.distance,999) + COALESCE(acn_ol.distance,999) + COALESCE(acl_ol.distance,999) + COALESCE(ahr_pl.distance,999) + COALESCE(ahr_rl.distance,999), adj.pos LIMIT 1; IF FOUND THEN baseline_prox := aoupa.prox_adjustment; END IF; -- Now find any relative adjustments, and change the baseline prox based on them FOR aoupa IN SELECT adj.* FROM actor.org_unit_proximity_adjustment adj LEFT JOIN actor.org_unit_ancestors_distance(vacp_cl) acp_cl ON (acp_cl.id = adj.item_circ_lib) LEFT JOIN actor.org_unit_ancestors_distance(vacn_ol) acn_ol ON (acn_ol.id = adj.item_owning_lib) LEFT JOIN actor.org_unit_ancestors_distance(vacl_ol) acl_ol ON (acn_ol.id = adj.copy_location) LEFT JOIN actor.org_unit_ancestors_distance(pickup) ahr_pl ON (ahr_pl.id = adj.hold_pickup_lib) LEFT JOIN actor.org_unit_ancestors_distance(request) ahr_rl ON (ahr_rl.id = adj.hold_request_lib) WHERE (adj.circ_mod IS NULL OR adj.circ_mod = vacp_cm) AND (adj.item_circ_lib IS NULL OR adj.item_circ_lib = acp_cl.id) AND (adj.item_owning_lib IS NULL OR adj.item_owning_lib = acn_ol.id) AND (adj.copy_location IS NULL OR adj.copy_location = acl_ol.id) AND (adj.hold_pickup_lib IS NULL OR adj.hold_pickup_lib = ahr_pl.id) AND (adj.hold_request_lib IS NULL OR adj.hold_request_lib = ahr_rl.id) AND NOT absolute_adjustment AND COALESCE(acp_cl.id, acn_ol.id, acl_ol.id, ahr_pl.id, ahr_rl.id) IS NOT NULL LOOP baseline_prox := baseline_prox + aoupa.prox_adjustment; END LOOP; RETURN baseline_prox; END;
Function: action.copy_related_hold_stats(copy_id bigint)
Returns: hold_stats
Language: PLPGSQL
DECLARE output action.hold_stats%ROWTYPE; hold_count INT := 0; copy_count INT := 0; available_count INT := 0; hold_map_data RECORD; BEGIN output.hold_count := 0; output.copy_count := 0; output.available_count := 0; SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT m.hold ) INTO hold_count FROM action.hold_copy_map m JOIN action.hold_request h ON (m.hold = h.id) WHERE m.target_copy = copy_id AND NOT h.frozen; output.hold_count := hold_count; IF output.hold_count > 0 THEN FOR hold_map_data IN SELECT DISTINCT m.target_copy, acp.status FROM action.hold_copy_map m JOIN asset.copy acp ON (m.target_copy = acp.id) JOIN action.hold_request h ON (m.hold = h.id) WHERE m.hold IN ( SELECT DISTINCT hold FROM action.hold_copy_map WHERE target_copy = copy_id ) AND NOT h.frozen LOOP output.copy_count := output.copy_count + 1; IF hold_map_data.status IN (0,7,12) THEN output.available_count := output.available_count + 1; END IF; END LOOP; output.total_copy_ratio = output.copy_count::FLOAT / output.hold_count::FLOAT; output.available_copy_ratio = output.available_count::FLOAT / output.hold_count::FLOAT; END IF; RETURN output; END;
Function: action.copy_transit_is_unique()
Returns: trigger
Language: PLPGSQL
BEGIN PERFORM * FROM action.transit_copy WHERE target_copy = NEW.target_copy AND dest_recv_time IS NULL AND cancel_time IS NULL; IF FOUND THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Copy id=% is already in transit', NEW.target_copy; END IF; RETURN NULL; END;
Function: action.emergency_closing_stage_1(e_closing integer)
Returns: SET OF emergency_closing_stage_1_count
Language: PLPGSQL
DECLARE tmp INT; touched action.emergency_closing_stage_1_count%ROWTYPE; BEGIN -- First, gather circs INSERT INTO action.emergency_closing_circulation (emergency_closing, circulation) SELECT e_closing, circ.id FROM actor.org_unit_closed closing JOIN action.emergency_closing ec ON (closing.emergency_closing = ec.id AND ec.id = e_closing) JOIN action.circulation circ ON ( circ.circ_lib = closing.org_unit AND circ.due_date BETWEEN closing.close_start AND (closing.close_end + '1s'::INTERVAL) AND circ.xact_finish IS NULL ) WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM action.emergency_closing_circulation t WHERE t.emergency_closing = e_closing AND t.circulation = circ.id); GET DIAGNOSTICS tmp = ROW_COUNT; touched.circulations := tmp; INSERT INTO action.emergency_closing_reservation (emergency_closing, reservation) SELECT e_closing, res.id FROM actor.org_unit_closed closing JOIN action.emergency_closing ec ON (closing.emergency_closing = ec.id AND ec.id = e_closing) JOIN booking.reservation res ON ( res.pickup_lib = closing.org_unit AND res.end_time BETWEEN closing.close_start AND (closing.close_end + '1s'::INTERVAL) ) WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM action.emergency_closing_reservation t WHERE t.emergency_closing = e_closing AND t.reservation = res.id); GET DIAGNOSTICS tmp = ROW_COUNT; touched.reservations := tmp; INSERT INTO action.emergency_closing_hold (emergency_closing, hold) SELECT e_closing, hold.id FROM actor.org_unit_closed closing JOIN action.emergency_closing ec ON (closing.emergency_closing = ec.id AND ec.id = e_closing) JOIN action.hold_request hold ON ( pickup_lib = closing.org_unit AND hold.shelf_expire_time BETWEEN closing.close_start AND (closing.close_end + '1s'::INTERVAL) AND hold.fulfillment_time IS NULL AND hold.cancel_time IS NULL ) WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM action.emergency_closing_hold t WHERE t.emergency_closing = e_closing AND t.hold = hold.id); GET DIAGNOSTICS tmp = ROW_COUNT; touched.holds := tmp; UPDATE action.emergency_closing SET process_start_time = NOW(), last_update_time = NOW() WHERE id = e_closing; RETURN NEXT touched; END;
Function: action.emergency_closing_stage_2_circ(circ_closing_entry integer)
Returns: boolean
Language: PLPGSQL
DECLARE circ action.circulation%ROWTYPE; e_closing action.emergency_closing%ROWTYPE; e_c_circ action.emergency_closing_circulation%ROWTYPE; closing actor.org_unit_closed%ROWTYPE; adjacent actor.org_unit_closed%ROWTYPE; bill money.billing%ROWTYPE; last_bill money.billing%ROWTYPE; day_number INT; hoo_close TIME WITHOUT TIME ZONE; plus_days INT; avoid_negative BOOL; extend_grace BOOL; new_due_date TEXT; BEGIN -- Gather objects involved SELECT * INTO e_c_circ FROM action.emergency_closing_circulation WHERE id = circ_closing_entry; IF e_c_circ.process_time IS NOT NULL THEN -- Already processed ... moving on RETURN FALSE; END IF; SELECT * INTO e_closing FROM action.emergency_closing WHERE id = e_c_circ.emergency_closing; IF e_closing.process_start_time IS NULL THEN -- Huh... that's odd. And wrong. RETURN FALSE; END IF; SELECT * INTO closing FROM actor.org_unit_closed WHERE emergency_closing = e_closing.id; SELECT * INTO circ FROM action.circulation WHERE id = e_c_circ.circulation; -- Record the processing UPDATE action.emergency_closing_circulation SET original_due_date = circ.due_date, process_time = NOW() WHERE id = circ_closing_entry; UPDATE action.emergency_closing SET last_update_time = NOW() WHERE id = e_closing.id; SELECT value::BOOL INTO avoid_negative FROM actor.org_unit_ancestor_setting('bill.prohibit_negative_balance_on_overdues', circ.circ_lib); SELECT value::BOOL INTO extend_grace FROM actor.org_unit_ancestor_setting('circ.grace.extend', circ.circ_lib); new_due_date := evergreen.find_next_open_time( closing.org_unit, circ.due_date, EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM circ.duration)::INT % 86400 > 0 )::TEXT; UPDATE action.circulation SET due_date = new_due_date::TIMESTAMPTZ WHERE id = circ.id; -- Now, see if we need to get rid of some fines SELECT * INTO last_bill FROM money.billing b WHERE b.xact = circ.id AND NOT b.voided AND b.btype = 1 ORDER BY billing_ts DESC LIMIT 1; FOR bill IN SELECT * FROM money.billing b WHERE b.xact = circ.id AND b.btype = 1 AND NOT b.voided AND ( b.billing_ts BETWEEN closing.close_start AND new_due_date::TIMESTAMPTZ OR (extend_grace AND last_bill.billing_ts <= new_due_date::TIMESTAMPTZ + circ.grace_period) ) AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM money.account_adjustment a WHERE a.billing = b.id) ORDER BY billing_ts LOOP IF avoid_negative THEN PERFORM FROM money.materialized_billable_xact_summary WHERE id = circ.id AND balance_owed < bill.amount; EXIT WHEN FOUND; -- We can't go negative, and voiding this bill would do that... END IF; UPDATE money.billing SET voided = TRUE, void_time = NOW(), note = COALESCE(note,'') || ' :: Voided by emergency closing handler' WHERE id = bill.id; END LOOP; RETURN TRUE; END;
Function: action.emergency_closing_stage_2_hold(hold_closing_entry integer)
Returns: boolean
Language: PLPGSQL
DECLARE hold action.hold_request%ROWTYPE; e_closing action.emergency_closing%ROWTYPE; e_c_hold action.emergency_closing_hold%ROWTYPE; closing actor.org_unit_closed%ROWTYPE; day_number INT; hoo_close TIME WITHOUT TIME ZONE; plus_days INT; BEGIN -- Gather objects involved SELECT * INTO e_c_hold FROM action.emergency_closing_hold WHERE id = hold_closing_entry; IF e_c_hold.process_time IS NOT NULL THEN -- Already processed ... moving on RETURN FALSE; END IF; SELECT * INTO e_closing FROM action.emergency_closing WHERE id = e_c_hold.emergency_closing; IF e_closing.process_start_time IS NULL THEN -- Huh... that's odd. And wrong. RETURN FALSE; END IF; SELECT * INTO closing FROM actor.org_unit_closed WHERE emergency_closing = e_closing.id; SELECT * INTO hold FROM action.hold_request h WHERE id = e_c_hold.hold; -- Record the processing UPDATE action.emergency_closing_hold SET original_shelf_expire_time = hold.shelf_expire_time, process_time = NOW() WHERE id = hold_closing_entry; UPDATE action.emergency_closing SET last_update_time = NOW() WHERE id = e_closing.id; UPDATE action.hold_request SET shelf_expire_time = evergreen.find_next_open_time(closing.org_unit, hold.shelf_expire_time, TRUE) WHERE id = hold.id; RETURN TRUE; END;
Function: action.emergency_closing_stage_2_reservation(res_closing_entry integer)
Returns: boolean
Language: PLPGSQL
DECLARE res booking.reservation%ROWTYPE; e_closing action.emergency_closing%ROWTYPE; e_c_res action.emergency_closing_reservation%ROWTYPE; closing actor.org_unit_closed%ROWTYPE; adjacent actor.org_unit_closed%ROWTYPE; bill money.billing%ROWTYPE; day_number INT; hoo_close TIME WITHOUT TIME ZONE; plus_days INT; avoid_negative BOOL; new_due_date TEXT; BEGIN -- Gather objects involved SELECT * INTO e_c_res FROM action.emergency_closing_reservation WHERE id = res_closing_entry; IF e_c_res.process_time IS NOT NULL THEN -- Already processed ... moving on RETURN FALSE; END IF; SELECT * INTO e_closing FROM action.emergency_closing WHERE id = e_c_res.emergency_closing; IF e_closing.process_start_time IS NULL THEN -- Huh... that's odd. And wrong. RETURN FALSE; END IF; SELECT * INTO closing FROM actor.org_unit_closed WHERE emergency_closing = e_closing.id; SELECT * INTO res FROM booking.reservation WHERE id = e_c_res.reservation; IF res.pickup_lib IS NULL THEN -- Need to be far enough along to have a pickup lib RETURN FALSE; END IF; -- Record the processing UPDATE action.emergency_closing_reservation SET original_end_time = res.end_time, process_time = NOW() WHERE id = res_closing_entry; UPDATE action.emergency_closing SET last_update_time = NOW() WHERE id = e_closing.id; SELECT value::BOOL INTO avoid_negative FROM actor.org_unit_ancestor_setting('bill.prohibit_negative_balance_on_overdues', res.pickup_lib); new_due_date := evergreen.find_next_open_time( closing.org_unit, res.end_time, EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM res.booking_interval)::INT % 86400 > 0 )::TEXT; UPDATE booking.reservation SET end_time = new_due_date::TIMESTAMPTZ WHERE id = res.id; -- Now, see if we need to get rid of some fines FOR bill IN SELECT * FROM money.billing b WHERE b.xact = res.id AND b.btype = 1 AND NOT b.voided AND b.billing_ts BETWEEN closing.close_start AND new_due_date::TIMESTAMPTZ AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM money.account_adjustment a WHERE a.billing = b.id) LOOP IF avoid_negative THEN PERFORM FROM money.materialized_billable_xact_summary WHERE id = res.id AND balance_owed < bill.amount; EXIT WHEN FOUND; -- We can't go negative, and voiding this bill would do that... END IF; UPDATE money.billing SET voided = TRUE, void_time = NOW(), note = COALESCE(note,'') || ' :: Voided by emergency closing handler' WHERE id = bill.id; END LOOP; RETURN TRUE; END;
Function: action.fill_circ_copy_location()
Returns: trigger
Language: PLPGSQL
BEGIN SELECT INTO NEW.copy_location location FROM asset.copy WHERE id = NEW.target_copy; RETURN NEW; END;
Function: action.find_circ_matrix_matchpoint(renewal integer, match_user bigint, match_item integer, context_ou boolean)
Returns: SET OF found_circ_matrix_matchpoint
Language: PLPGSQL
DECLARE item_object asset.copy%ROWTYPE; user_object actor.usr%ROWTYPE; BEGIN SELECT INTO item_object * FROM asset.copy WHERE id = match_item; SELECT INTO user_object * FROM actor.usr WHERE id = match_user; RETURN QUERY SELECT * FROM action.find_circ_matrix_matchpoint( context_ou, item_object, user_object, renewal ); END;
Function: action.find_circ_matrix_matchpoint(renewal integer, user_object asset.copy, item_object actor.usr, context_ou boolean)
Returns: found_circ_matrix_matchpoint
Language: PLPGSQL
DECLARE cn_object asset.call_number%ROWTYPE; rec_descriptor metabib.rec_descriptor%ROWTYPE; cur_matchpoint config.circ_matrix_matchpoint%ROWTYPE; matchpoint config.circ_matrix_matchpoint%ROWTYPE; weights config.circ_matrix_weights%ROWTYPE; user_age INTERVAL; my_item_age INTERVAL; denominator NUMERIC(6,2); row_list INT[]; result action.found_circ_matrix_matchpoint; BEGIN -- Assume failure result.success = false; -- Fetch useful data SELECT INTO cn_object * FROM asset.call_number WHERE id = item_object.call_number; SELECT INTO rec_descriptor * FROM metabib.rec_descriptor WHERE record = cn_object.record; -- Pre-generate this so we only calc it once IF user_object.dob IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT INTO user_age age(user_object.dob); END IF; -- Ditto SELECT INTO my_item_age age(coalesce(item_object.active_date, now())); -- Grab the closest set circ weight setting. SELECT INTO weights cw.* FROM config.weight_assoc wa JOIN config.circ_matrix_weights cw ON (cw.id = wa.circ_weights) JOIN actor.org_unit_ancestors_distance( context_ou ) d ON (wa.org_unit = d.id) WHERE active ORDER BY d.distance LIMIT 1; -- No weights? Bad admin! Defaults to handle that anyway. IF weights.id IS NULL THEN weights.grp := 11.0; weights.org_unit := 10.0; weights.circ_modifier := 5.0; weights.copy_location := 5.0; weights.marc_type := 4.0; weights.marc_form := 3.0; weights.marc_bib_level := 2.0; weights.marc_vr_format := 2.0; weights.copy_circ_lib := 8.0; weights.copy_owning_lib := 8.0; weights.user_home_ou := 8.0; weights.ref_flag := 1.0; weights.juvenile_flag := 6.0; weights.is_renewal := 7.0; weights.usr_age_lower_bound := 0.0; weights.usr_age_upper_bound := 0.0; weights.item_age := 0.0; END IF; -- Determine the max (expected) depth (+1) of the org tree and max depth of the permisson tree -- If you break your org tree with funky parenting this may be wrong -- Note: This CTE is duplicated in the find_hold_matrix_matchpoint function, and it may be a good idea to split it off to a function -- We use one denominator for all tree-based checks for when permission groups and org units have the same weighting WITH all_distance(distance) AS ( SELECT depth AS distance FROM actor.org_unit_type UNION SELECT distance AS distance FROM permission.grp_ancestors_distance((SELECT id FROM permission.grp_tree WHERE parent IS NULL)) ) SELECT INTO denominator MAX(distance) + 1 FROM all_distance; -- Loop over all the potential matchpoints FOR cur_matchpoint IN SELECT m.* FROM config.circ_matrix_matchpoint m /*LEFT*/ JOIN permission.grp_ancestors_distance( user_object.profile ) upgad ON m.grp = upgad.id /*LEFT*/ JOIN actor.org_unit_ancestors_distance( context_ou ) ctoua ON m.org_unit = ctoua.id LEFT JOIN actor.org_unit_ancestors_distance( cn_object.owning_lib ) cnoua ON m.copy_owning_lib = cnoua.id LEFT JOIN actor.org_unit_ancestors_distance( item_object.circ_lib ) iooua ON m.copy_circ_lib = iooua.id LEFT JOIN actor.org_unit_ancestors_distance( user_object.home_ou ) uhoua ON m.user_home_ou = uhoua.id WHERE m.active -- Permission Groups -- AND (m.grp IS NULL OR upgad.id IS NOT NULL) -- Optional Permission Group? -- Org Units -- AND (m.org_unit IS NULL OR ctoua.id IS NOT NULL) -- Optional Org Unit? AND (m.copy_owning_lib IS NULL OR cnoua.id IS NOT NULL) AND (m.copy_circ_lib IS NULL OR iooua.id IS NOT NULL) AND (m.user_home_ou IS NULL OR uhoua.id IS NOT NULL) -- Circ Type AND (m.is_renewal IS NULL OR m.is_renewal = renewal) -- Static User Checks AND (m.juvenile_flag IS NULL OR m.juvenile_flag = user_object.juvenile) AND (m.usr_age_lower_bound IS NULL OR (user_age IS NOT NULL AND m.usr_age_lower_bound < user_age)) AND (m.usr_age_upper_bound IS NULL OR (user_age IS NOT NULL AND m.usr_age_upper_bound > user_age)) -- Static Item Checks AND (m.circ_modifier IS NULL OR m.circ_modifier = item_object.circ_modifier) AND (m.copy_location IS NULL OR m.copy_location = item_object.location) AND (m.marc_type IS NULL OR m.marc_type = COALESCE(item_object.circ_as_type, rec_descriptor.item_type)) AND (m.marc_form IS NULL OR m.marc_form = rec_descriptor.item_form) AND (m.marc_bib_level IS NULL OR m.marc_bib_level = rec_descriptor.bib_level) AND (m.marc_vr_format IS NULL OR m.marc_vr_format = rec_descriptor.vr_format) AND (m.ref_flag IS NULL OR m.ref_flag = item_object.ref) AND (m.item_age IS NULL OR (my_item_age IS NOT NULL AND m.item_age > my_item_age)) ORDER BY -- Permission Groups CASE WHEN upgad.distance IS NOT NULL THEN 2^(2*weights.grp - (upgad.distance/denominator)) ELSE 0.0 END + -- Org Units CASE WHEN ctoua.distance IS NOT NULL THEN 2^(2*weights.org_unit - (ctoua.distance/denominator)) ELSE 0.0 END + CASE WHEN cnoua.distance IS NOT NULL THEN 2^(2*weights.copy_owning_lib - (cnoua.distance/denominator)) ELSE 0.0 END + CASE WHEN iooua.distance IS NOT NULL THEN 2^(2*weights.copy_circ_lib - (iooua.distance/denominator)) ELSE 0.0 END + CASE WHEN uhoua.distance IS NOT NULL THEN 2^(2*weights.user_home_ou - (uhoua.distance/denominator)) ELSE 0.0 END + -- Circ Type -- Note: 4^x is equiv to 2^(2*x) CASE WHEN m.is_renewal IS NOT NULL THEN 4^weights.is_renewal ELSE 0.0 END + -- Static User Checks CASE WHEN m.juvenile_flag IS NOT NULL THEN 4^weights.juvenile_flag ELSE 0.0 END + CASE WHEN m.usr_age_lower_bound IS NOT NULL THEN 4^weights.usr_age_lower_bound ELSE 0.0 END + CASE WHEN m.usr_age_upper_bound IS NOT NULL THEN 4^weights.usr_age_upper_bound ELSE 0.0 END + -- Static Item Checks CASE WHEN m.circ_modifier IS NOT NULL THEN 4^weights.circ_modifier ELSE 0.0 END + CASE WHEN m.copy_location IS NOT NULL THEN 4^weights.copy_location ELSE 0.0 END + CASE WHEN m.marc_type IS NOT NULL THEN 4^weights.marc_type ELSE 0.0 END + CASE WHEN m.marc_form IS NOT NULL THEN 4^weights.marc_form ELSE 0.0 END + CASE WHEN m.marc_vr_format IS NOT NULL THEN 4^weights.marc_vr_format ELSE 0.0 END + CASE WHEN m.ref_flag IS NOT NULL THEN 4^weights.ref_flag ELSE 0.0 END + -- Item age has a slight adjustment to weight based on value. -- This should ensure that a shorter age limit comes first when all else is equal. -- NOTE: This assumes that intervals will normally be in days. CASE WHEN m.item_age IS NOT NULL THEN 4^weights.item_age - 1 + 86400/EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM m.item_age) ELSE 0.0 END DESC, -- Final sort on id, so that if two rules have the same sorting in the previous sort they have a defined order -- This prevents "we changed the table order by updating a rule, and we started getting different results" m.id LOOP -- Record the full matching row list row_list := row_list || cur_matchpoint.id; -- No matchpoint yet? IF matchpoint.id IS NULL THEN -- Take the entire matchpoint as a starting point matchpoint := cur_matchpoint; CONTINUE; -- No need to look at this row any more. END IF; -- Incomplete matchpoint? IF matchpoint.circulate IS NULL THEN matchpoint.circulate := cur_matchpoint.circulate; END IF; IF matchpoint.duration_rule IS NULL THEN matchpoint.duration_rule := cur_matchpoint.duration_rule; END IF; IF matchpoint.recurring_fine_rule IS NULL THEN matchpoint.recurring_fine_rule := cur_matchpoint.recurring_fine_rule; END IF; IF matchpoint.max_fine_rule IS NULL THEN matchpoint.max_fine_rule := cur_matchpoint.max_fine_rule; END IF; IF matchpoint.hard_due_date IS NULL THEN matchpoint.hard_due_date := cur_matchpoint.hard_due_date; END IF; IF matchpoint.total_copy_hold_ratio IS NULL THEN matchpoint.total_copy_hold_ratio := cur_matchpoint.total_copy_hold_ratio; END IF; IF matchpoint.available_copy_hold_ratio IS NULL THEN matchpoint.available_copy_hold_ratio := cur_matchpoint.available_copy_hold_ratio; END IF; IF matchpoint.renewals IS NULL THEN matchpoint.renewals := cur_matchpoint.renewals; END IF; IF matchpoint.grace_period IS NULL THEN matchpoint.grace_period := cur_matchpoint.grace_period; END IF; END LOOP; -- Check required fields IF matchpoint.circulate IS NOT NULL AND matchpoint.duration_rule IS NOT NULL AND matchpoint.recurring_fine_rule IS NOT NULL AND matchpoint.max_fine_rule IS NOT NULL THEN -- All there? We have a completed match. result.success := true; END IF; -- Include the assembled matchpoint, even if it isn't complete result.matchpoint := matchpoint; -- Include (for debugging) the full list of matching rows result.buildrows := row_list; -- Hand the result back to caller RETURN result; END;
Function: action.find_hold_matrix_matchpoint(match_requestor integer, match_user integer, match_item bigint, request_ou integer, pickup_ou integer)
Returns: integer
Language: PLPGSQL
DECLARE requestor_object actor.usr%ROWTYPE; user_object actor.usr%ROWTYPE; item_object asset.copy%ROWTYPE; item_cn_object asset.call_number%ROWTYPE; my_item_age INTERVAL; rec_descriptor metabib.rec_descriptor%ROWTYPE; matchpoint config.hold_matrix_matchpoint%ROWTYPE; weights config.hold_matrix_weights%ROWTYPE; denominator NUMERIC(6,2); v_pickup_ou ALIAS FOR pickup_ou; v_request_ou ALIAS FOR request_ou; BEGIN SELECT INTO user_object * FROM actor.usr WHERE id = match_user; SELECT INTO requestor_object * FROM actor.usr WHERE id = match_requestor; SELECT INTO item_object * FROM asset.copy WHERE id = match_item; SELECT INTO item_cn_object * FROM asset.call_number WHERE id = item_object.call_number; SELECT INTO rec_descriptor * FROM metabib.rec_descriptor WHERE record = item_cn_object.record; SELECT INTO my_item_age age(coalesce(item_object.active_date, now())); -- The item's owner should probably be the one determining if the item is holdable -- How to decide that is debatable. Decided to default to the circ library (where the item lives) -- This flag will allow for setting it to the owning library (where the call number "lives") PERFORM * FROM config.internal_flag WHERE name = 'circ.holds.weight_owner_not_circ' AND enabled; -- Grab the closest set circ weight setting. IF NOT FOUND THEN -- Default to circ library SELECT INTO weights hw.* FROM config.weight_assoc wa JOIN config.hold_matrix_weights hw ON (hw.id = wa.hold_weights) JOIN actor.org_unit_ancestors_distance( item_object.circ_lib ) d ON (wa.org_unit = d.id) WHERE active ORDER BY d.distance LIMIT 1; ELSE -- Flag is set, use owning library SELECT INTO weights hw.* FROM config.weight_assoc wa JOIN config.hold_matrix_weights hw ON (hw.id = wa.hold_weights) JOIN actor.org_unit_ancestors_distance( item_cn_object.owning_lib ) d ON (wa.org_unit = d.id) WHERE active ORDER BY d.distance LIMIT 1; END IF; -- No weights? Bad admin! Defaults to handle that anyway. IF weights.id IS NULL THEN weights.user_home_ou := 5.0; weights.request_ou := 5.0; weights.pickup_ou := 5.0; weights.item_owning_ou := 5.0; weights.item_circ_ou := 5.0; weights.usr_grp := 7.0; weights.requestor_grp := 8.0; weights.circ_modifier := 4.0; weights.marc_type := 3.0; weights.marc_form := 2.0; weights.marc_bib_level := 1.0; weights.marc_vr_format := 1.0; weights.juvenile_flag := 4.0; weights.ref_flag := 0.0; weights.item_age := 0.0; END IF; -- Determine the max (expected) depth (+1) of the org tree and max depth of the permisson tree -- If you break your org tree with funky parenting this may be wrong -- Note: This CTE is duplicated in the find_circ_matrix_matchpoint function, and it may be a good idea to split it off to a function -- We use one denominator for all tree-based checks for when permission groups and org units have the same weighting WITH all_distance(distance) AS ( SELECT depth AS distance FROM actor.org_unit_type UNION SELECT distance AS distance FROM permission.grp_ancestors_distance((SELECT id FROM permission.grp_tree WHERE parent IS NULL)) ) SELECT INTO denominator MAX(distance) + 1 FROM all_distance; -- To ATTEMPT to make this work like it used to, make it reverse the user/requestor profile ids. -- This may be better implemented as part of the upgrade script? -- Set usr_grp = requestor_grp, requestor_grp = 1 or something when this flag is already set -- Then remove this flag, of course. PERFORM * FROM config.internal_flag WHERE name = 'circ.holds.usr_not_requestor' AND enabled; IF FOUND THEN -- Note: This, to me, is REALLY hacky. I put it in anyway. -- If you can't tell, this is a single call swap on two variables. SELECT INTO user_object.profile, requestor_object.profile requestor_object.profile, user_object.profile; END IF; -- Select the winning matchpoint into the matchpoint variable for returning SELECT INTO matchpoint m.* FROM config.hold_matrix_matchpoint m /*LEFT*/ JOIN permission.grp_ancestors_distance( requestor_object.profile ) rpgad ON m.requestor_grp = rpgad.id LEFT JOIN permission.grp_ancestors_distance( user_object.profile ) upgad ON m.usr_grp = upgad.id LEFT JOIN actor.org_unit_ancestors_distance( v_pickup_ou ) puoua ON m.pickup_ou = puoua.id LEFT JOIN actor.org_unit_ancestors_distance( v_request_ou ) rqoua ON m.request_ou = rqoua.id LEFT JOIN actor.org_unit_ancestors_distance( item_cn_object.owning_lib ) cnoua ON m.item_owning_ou = cnoua.id LEFT JOIN actor.org_unit_ancestors_distance( item_object.circ_lib ) iooua ON m.item_circ_ou = iooua.id LEFT JOIN actor.org_unit_ancestors_distance( user_object.home_ou ) uhoua ON m.user_home_ou = uhoua.id WHERE m.active -- Permission Groups -- AND (m.requestor_grp IS NULL OR upgad.id IS NOT NULL) -- Optional Requestor Group? AND (m.usr_grp IS NULL OR upgad.id IS NOT NULL) -- Org Units AND (m.pickup_ou IS NULL OR (puoua.id IS NOT NULL AND (puoua.distance = 0 OR NOT m.strict_ou_match))) AND (m.request_ou IS NULL OR (rqoua.id IS NOT NULL AND (rqoua.distance = 0 OR NOT m.strict_ou_match))) AND (m.item_owning_ou IS NULL OR (cnoua.id IS NOT NULL AND (cnoua.distance = 0 OR NOT m.strict_ou_match))) AND (m.item_circ_ou IS NULL OR (iooua.id IS NOT NULL AND (iooua.distance = 0 OR NOT m.strict_ou_match))) AND (m.user_home_ou IS NULL OR (uhoua.id IS NOT NULL AND (uhoua.distance = 0 OR NOT m.strict_ou_match))) -- Static User Checks AND (m.juvenile_flag IS NULL OR m.juvenile_flag = user_object.juvenile) -- Static Item Checks AND (m.circ_modifier IS NULL OR m.circ_modifier = item_object.circ_modifier) AND (m.marc_type IS NULL OR m.marc_type = COALESCE(item_object.circ_as_type, rec_descriptor.item_type)) AND (m.marc_form IS NULL OR m.marc_form = rec_descriptor.item_form) AND (m.marc_bib_level IS NULL OR m.marc_bib_level = rec_descriptor.bib_level) AND (m.marc_vr_format IS NULL OR m.marc_vr_format = rec_descriptor.vr_format) AND (m.ref_flag IS NULL OR m.ref_flag = item_object.ref) AND (m.item_age IS NULL OR (my_item_age IS NOT NULL AND m.item_age > my_item_age)) ORDER BY -- Permission Groups CASE WHEN rpgad.distance IS NOT NULL THEN 2^(2*weights.requestor_grp - (rpgad.distance/denominator)) ELSE 0.0 END + CASE WHEN upgad.distance IS NOT NULL THEN 2^(2*weights.usr_grp - (upgad.distance/denominator)) ELSE 0.0 END + -- Org Units CASE WHEN puoua.distance IS NOT NULL THEN 2^(2*weights.pickup_ou - (puoua.distance/denominator)) ELSE 0.0 END + CASE WHEN rqoua.distance IS NOT NULL THEN 2^(2*weights.request_ou - (rqoua.distance/denominator)) ELSE 0.0 END + CASE WHEN cnoua.distance IS NOT NULL THEN 2^(2*weights.item_owning_ou - (cnoua.distance/denominator)) ELSE 0.0 END + CASE WHEN iooua.distance IS NOT NULL THEN 2^(2*weights.item_circ_ou - (iooua.distance/denominator)) ELSE 0.0 END + CASE WHEN uhoua.distance IS NOT NULL THEN 2^(2*weights.user_home_ou - (uhoua.distance/denominator)) ELSE 0.0 END + -- Static User Checks -- Note: 4^x is equiv to 2^(2*x) CASE WHEN m.juvenile_flag IS NOT NULL THEN 4^weights.juvenile_flag ELSE 0.0 END + -- Static Item Checks CASE WHEN m.circ_modifier IS NOT NULL THEN 4^weights.circ_modifier ELSE 0.0 END + CASE WHEN m.marc_type IS NOT NULL THEN 4^weights.marc_type ELSE 0.0 END + CASE WHEN m.marc_form IS NOT NULL THEN 4^weights.marc_form ELSE 0.0 END + CASE WHEN m.marc_vr_format IS NOT NULL THEN 4^weights.marc_vr_format ELSE 0.0 END + CASE WHEN m.ref_flag IS NOT NULL THEN 4^weights.ref_flag ELSE 0.0 END + -- Item age has a slight adjustment to weight based on value. -- This should ensure that a shorter age limit comes first when all else is equal. -- NOTE: This assumes that intervals will normally be in days. CASE WHEN m.item_age IS NOT NULL THEN 4^weights.item_age - 86400/EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM m.item_age) ELSE 0.0 END DESC, -- Final sort on id, so that if two rules have the same sorting in the previous sort they have a defined order -- This prevents "we changed the table order by updating a rule, and we started getting different results" m.id; -- Return just the ID for now RETURN matchpoint.id; END;
Function: action.hold_copy_calculated_proximity(copy_context_ou integer, acp_id bigint, ahr_id integer)
Returns: numeric
Language: PLPGSQL
DECLARE ahr action.hold_request%ROWTYPE; acp asset.copy%ROWTYPE; acn asset.call_number%ROWTYPE; acl asset.copy_location%ROWTYPE; prox NUMERIC; BEGIN SELECT * INTO ahr FROM action.hold_request WHERE id = ahr_id; SELECT * INTO acp FROM asset.copy WHERE id = acp_id; SELECT * INTO acn FROM asset.call_number WHERE id = acp.call_number; SELECT * INTO acl FROM asset.copy_location WHERE id = acp.location; IF copy_context_ou IS NULL THEN copy_context_ou := acp.circ_lib; END IF; SELECT action.copy_calculated_proximity( ahr.pickup_lib, ahr.request_lib, copy_context_ou, acp.circ_modifier, acn.owning_lib, acl.owning_lib ) INTO prox; RETURN prox; END;
Function: action.hold_copy_calculated_proximity_update()
Returns: trigger
Language: PLPGSQL
BEGIN NEW.proximity := action.hold_copy_calculated_proximity(NEW.hold,NEW.target_copy); RETURN NEW; END;
Function: action.hold_request_clear_map()
Returns: trigger
Language: PLPGSQL
BEGIN DELETE FROM action.hold_copy_map WHERE hold = NEW.id; RETURN NEW; END;
Function: action.hold_request_permit_test(match_requestor integer, match_user integer, match_item bigint, request_ou integer, pickup_ou integer)
Returns: SET OF matrix_test_result
Language: SQL
SELECT * FROM action.hold_request_permit_test( $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, FALSE );
Function: action.hold_request_permit_test(retargetting integer, match_requestor integer, match_user bigint, match_item integer, request_ou integer, pickup_ou boolean)
Returns: SET OF matrix_test_result
Language: PLPGSQL
DECLARE matchpoint_id INT; user_object actor.usr%ROWTYPE; age_protect_object config.rule_age_hold_protect%ROWTYPE; standing_penalty config.standing_penalty%ROWTYPE; transit_range_ou_type actor.org_unit_type%ROWTYPE; transit_source actor.org_unit%ROWTYPE; item_object asset.copy%ROWTYPE; item_cn_object asset.call_number%ROWTYPE; item_status_object config.copy_status%ROWTYPE; item_location_object asset.copy_location%ROWTYPE; ou_skip actor.org_unit_setting%ROWTYPE; calc_age_prox actor.org_unit_setting%ROWTYPE; result action.matrix_test_result; hold_test config.hold_matrix_matchpoint%ROWTYPE; use_active_date TEXT; prox_ou INT; age_protect_date TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE; hold_count INT; hold_transit_prox NUMERIC; frozen_hold_count INT; context_org_list INT[]; done BOOL := FALSE; hold_penalty TEXT; v_pickup_ou ALIAS FOR pickup_ou; v_request_ou ALIAS FOR request_ou; item_prox INT; pickup_prox INT; BEGIN SELECT INTO user_object * FROM actor.usr WHERE id = match_user; SELECT INTO context_org_list ARRAY_AGG(id) FROM actor.org_unit_full_path( v_pickup_ou ); result.success := TRUE; -- The HOLD penalty block only applies to new holds. -- The CAPTURE penalty block applies to existing holds. hold_penalty := 'HOLD'; IF retargetting THEN hold_penalty := 'CAPTURE'; END IF; -- Fail if we couldn't find a user IF user_object.id IS NULL THEN result.fail_part := 'no_user'; result.success := FALSE; done := TRUE; RETURN NEXT result; RETURN; END IF; SELECT INTO item_object * FROM asset.copy WHERE id = match_item; -- Fail if we couldn't find a copy IF item_object.id IS NULL THEN result.fail_part := 'no_item'; result.success := FALSE; done := TRUE; RETURN NEXT result; RETURN; END IF; SELECT INTO matchpoint_id action.find_hold_matrix_matchpoint(v_pickup_ou, v_request_ou, match_item, match_user, match_requestor); result.matchpoint := matchpoint_id; SELECT INTO ou_skip * FROM actor.org_unit_setting WHERE name = 'circ.holds.target_skip_me' AND org_unit = item_object.circ_lib; -- Fail if the circ_lib for the item has circ.holds.target_skip_me set to true IF ou_skip.id IS NOT NULL AND ou_skip.value = 'true' THEN result.fail_part := 'circ.holds.target_skip_me'; result.success := FALSE; done := TRUE; RETURN NEXT result; RETURN; END IF; -- Fail if user is barred IF user_object.barred IS TRUE THEN result.fail_part := 'actor.usr.barred'; result.success := FALSE; done := TRUE; RETURN NEXT result; RETURN; END IF; SELECT INTO item_cn_object * FROM asset.call_number WHERE id = item_object.call_number; SELECT INTO item_status_object * FROM config.copy_status WHERE id = item_object.status; SELECT INTO item_location_object * FROM asset.copy_location WHERE id = item_object.location; -- Fail if we couldn't find any matchpoint (requires a default) IF matchpoint_id IS NULL THEN result.fail_part := 'no_matchpoint'; result.success := FALSE; done := TRUE; RETURN NEXT result; RETURN; END IF; SELECT INTO hold_test * FROM config.hold_matrix_matchpoint WHERE id = matchpoint_id; IF hold_test.holdable IS FALSE THEN result.fail_part := 'config.hold_matrix_test.holdable'; result.success := FALSE; done := TRUE; RETURN NEXT result; END IF; IF item_object.holdable IS FALSE THEN result.fail_part := 'item.holdable'; result.success := FALSE; done := TRUE; RETURN NEXT result; END IF; IF item_status_object.holdable IS FALSE THEN result.fail_part := 'status.holdable'; result.success := FALSE; done := TRUE; RETURN NEXT result; END IF; IF item_location_object.holdable IS FALSE THEN result.fail_part := 'location.holdable'; result.success := FALSE; done := TRUE; RETURN NEXT result; END IF; IF hold_test.transit_range IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT INTO transit_range_ou_type * FROM actor.org_unit_type WHERE id = hold_test.transit_range; IF hold_test.distance_is_from_owner THEN SELECT INTO transit_source ou.* FROM actor.org_unit ou JOIN asset.call_number cn ON (cn.owning_lib = ou.id) WHERE cn.id = item_object.call_number; ELSE SELECT INTO transit_source * FROM actor.org_unit WHERE id = item_object.circ_lib; END IF; PERFORM * FROM actor.org_unit_descendants( transit_source.id, transit_range_ou_type.depth ) WHERE id = v_pickup_ou; IF NOT FOUND THEN result.fail_part := 'transit_range'; result.success := FALSE; done := TRUE; RETURN NEXT result; END IF; END IF; -- Proximity of user's home_ou to the pickup_lib to see if penalty should be ignored. SELECT INTO pickup_prox prox FROM actor.org_unit_proximity WHERE from_org = user_object.home_ou AND to_org = v_pickup_ou; -- Proximity of user's home_ou to the items' lib to see if penalty should be ignored. IF hold_test.distance_is_from_owner THEN SELECT INTO item_prox prox FROM actor.org_unit_proximity WHERE from_org = user_object.home_ou AND to_org = item_cn_object.owning_lib; ELSE SELECT INTO item_prox prox FROM actor.org_unit_proximity WHERE from_org = user_object.home_ou AND to_org = item_object.circ_lib; END IF; FOR standing_penalty IN SELECT DISTINCT csp.* FROM actor.usr_standing_penalty usp JOIN config.standing_penalty csp ON (csp.id = usp.standing_penalty) WHERE usr = match_user AND usp.org_unit IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest(context_org_list) ) AND (usp.stop_date IS NULL or usp.stop_date > NOW()) AND (csp.ignore_proximity IS NULL OR csp.ignore_proximity < item_prox OR csp.ignore_proximity < pickup_prox) AND csp.block_list LIKE '%' || hold_penalty || '%' LOOP result.fail_part := standing_penalty.name; result.success := FALSE; done := TRUE; RETURN NEXT result; END LOOP; IF hold_test.stop_blocked_user IS TRUE THEN FOR standing_penalty IN SELECT DISTINCT csp.* FROM actor.usr_standing_penalty usp JOIN config.standing_penalty csp ON (csp.id = usp.standing_penalty) WHERE usr = match_user AND usp.org_unit IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest(context_org_list) ) AND (usp.stop_date IS NULL or usp.stop_date > NOW()) AND csp.block_list LIKE '%CIRC%' LOOP result.fail_part := standing_penalty.name; result.success := FALSE; done := TRUE; RETURN NEXT result; END LOOP; END IF; IF hold_test.max_holds IS NOT NULL AND NOT retargetting THEN SELECT INTO hold_count COUNT(*) FROM action.hold_request WHERE usr = match_user AND fulfillment_time IS NULL AND cancel_time IS NULL AND CASE WHEN hold_test.include_frozen_holds THEN TRUE ELSE frozen IS FALSE END; IF hold_count >= hold_test.max_holds THEN result.fail_part := 'config.hold_matrix_test.max_holds'; result.success := FALSE; done := TRUE; RETURN NEXT result; END IF; END IF; IF item_object.age_protect IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT INTO age_protect_object * FROM config.rule_age_hold_protect WHERE id = item_object.age_protect; IF hold_test.distance_is_from_owner THEN SELECT INTO use_active_date value FROM actor.org_unit_ancestor_setting('circ.holds.age_protect.active_date', item_cn_object.owning_lib); ELSE SELECT INTO use_active_date value FROM actor.org_unit_ancestor_setting('circ.holds.age_protect.active_date', item_object.circ_lib); END IF; IF use_active_date = 'true' THEN age_protect_date := COALESCE(item_object.active_date, NOW()); ELSE age_protect_date := item_object.create_date; END IF; IF age_protect_date + age_protect_object.age > NOW() THEN SELECT INTO calc_age_prox * FROM actor.org_unit_setting WHERE name = 'circ.holds.calculated_age_proximity' AND org_unit = item_object.circ_lib; IF hold_test.distance_is_from_owner THEN prox_ou := item_cn_object.owning_lib; ELSE prox_ou := item_object.circ_lib; END IF; IF calc_age_prox.id IS NOT NULL AND calc_age_prox.value = 'true' THEN SELECT INTO hold_transit_prox action.copy_calculated_proximity( v_pickup_ou, v_request_ou, prox_ou, item_object.circ_modifier, item_cn_object.owning_lib, item_location_object.owning_lib ); ELSE SELECT INTO hold_transit_prox prox::NUMERIC FROM actor.org_unit_proximity WHERE from_org = prox_ou AND to_org = v_pickup_ou; END IF; IF hold_transit_prox > age_protect_object.prox::NUMERIC THEN result.fail_part := 'config.rule_age_hold_protect.prox'; result.success := FALSE; done := TRUE; RETURN NEXT result; END IF; END IF; END IF; IF NOT done THEN RETURN NEXT result; END IF; RETURN; END;
Function: action.hold_request_regen_copy_maps(copy_ids integer, hold_id integer[])
Returns: void
Language: SQL
DELETE FROM action.hold_copy_map WHERE hold = $1; INSERT INTO action.hold_copy_map (hold, target_copy) SELECT DISTINCT $1, UNNEST($2);
Function: action.hold_retarget_permit_test(match_requestor integer, match_user integer, match_item bigint, request_ou integer, pickup_ou integer)
Returns: SET OF matrix_test_result
Language: SQL
SELECT * FROM action.hold_request_permit_test( $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, TRUE );
Function: action.item_user_circ_test(integer, bigint, integer)
Returns: SET OF circ_matrix_test_result
Language: SQL
SELECT * FROM action.item_user_circ_test( $1, $2, $3, FALSE );
Function: action.item_user_circ_test(renewal integer, match_user bigint, match_item integer, circ_ou boolean)
Returns: SET OF circ_matrix_test_result
Language: PLPGSQL
DECLARE user_object actor.usr%ROWTYPE; standing_penalty config.standing_penalty%ROWTYPE; item_object asset.copy%ROWTYPE; item_status_object config.copy_status%ROWTYPE; item_location_object asset.copy_location%ROWTYPE; result action.circ_matrix_test_result; circ_test action.found_circ_matrix_matchpoint; circ_matchpoint config.circ_matrix_matchpoint%ROWTYPE; circ_limit_set config.circ_limit_set%ROWTYPE; hold_ratio action.hold_stats%ROWTYPE; penalty_type TEXT; items_out INT; context_org_list INT[]; permit_renew TEXT; done BOOL := FALSE; item_prox INT; home_prox INT; BEGIN -- Assume success unless we hit a failure condition result.success := TRUE; -- Need user info to look up matchpoints SELECT INTO user_object * FROM actor.usr WHERE id = match_user AND NOT deleted; -- (Insta)Fail if we couldn't find the user IF user_object.id IS NULL THEN result.fail_part := 'no_user'; result.success := FALSE; done := TRUE; RETURN NEXT result; RETURN; END IF; -- Need item info to look up matchpoints SELECT INTO item_object * FROM asset.copy WHERE id = match_item AND NOT deleted; -- (Insta)Fail if we couldn't find the item IF item_object.id IS NULL THEN result.fail_part := 'no_item'; result.success := FALSE; done := TRUE; RETURN NEXT result; RETURN; END IF; SELECT INTO circ_test * FROM action.find_circ_matrix_matchpoint(circ_ou, item_object, user_object, renewal); circ_matchpoint := circ_test.matchpoint; result.matchpoint := circ_matchpoint.id; result.circulate := circ_matchpoint.circulate; result.duration_rule := circ_matchpoint.duration_rule; result.recurring_fine_rule := circ_matchpoint.recurring_fine_rule; result.max_fine_rule := circ_matchpoint.max_fine_rule; result.hard_due_date := circ_matchpoint.hard_due_date; result.renewals := circ_matchpoint.renewals; result.grace_period := circ_matchpoint.grace_period; result.buildrows := circ_test.buildrows; -- (Insta)Fail if we couldn't find a matchpoint IF circ_test.success = false THEN result.fail_part := 'no_matchpoint'; result.success := FALSE; done := TRUE; RETURN NEXT result; RETURN; END IF; -- All failures before this point are non-recoverable -- Below this point are possibly overridable failures -- Fail if the user is barred IF user_object.barred IS TRUE THEN result.fail_part := 'actor.usr.barred'; result.success := FALSE; done := TRUE; RETURN NEXT result; END IF; -- Fail if the item can't circulate IF item_object.circulate IS FALSE THEN result.fail_part := 'asset.copy.circulate'; result.success := FALSE; done := TRUE; RETURN NEXT result; END IF; -- Fail if the item isn't in a circulateable status on a non-renewal IF NOT renewal AND item_object.status <> 8 AND item_object.status NOT IN ( (SELECT id FROM config.copy_status WHERE is_available) ) THEN result.fail_part := 'asset.copy.status'; result.success := FALSE; done := TRUE; RETURN NEXT result; -- Alternately, fail if the item isn't checked out on a renewal ELSIF renewal AND item_object.status <> 1 THEN result.fail_part := 'asset.copy.status'; result.success := FALSE; done := TRUE; RETURN NEXT result; END IF; -- Fail if the item can't circulate because of the shelving location SELECT INTO item_location_object * FROM asset.copy_location WHERE id = item_object.location; IF item_location_object.circulate IS FALSE THEN result.fail_part := 'asset.copy_location.circulate'; result.success := FALSE; done := TRUE; RETURN NEXT result; END IF; -- Use Circ OU for penalties and such SELECT INTO context_org_list ARRAY_AGG(id) FROM actor.org_unit_full_path( circ_ou ); -- Proximity of user's home_ou to circ_ou to see if penalties should be ignored. SELECT INTO home_prox prox FROM actor.org_unit_proximity WHERE from_org = user_object.home_ou AND to_org = circ_ou; -- Proximity of user's home_ou to item circ_lib to see if penalties should be ignored. SELECT INTO item_prox prox FROM actor.org_unit_proximity WHERE from_org = user_object.home_ou AND to_org = item_object.circ_lib; IF renewal THEN penalty_type = '%RENEW%'; ELSE penalty_type = '%CIRC%'; END IF; FOR standing_penalty IN SELECT DISTINCT csp.* FROM actor.usr_standing_penalty usp JOIN config.standing_penalty csp ON (csp.id = usp.standing_penalty) WHERE usr = match_user AND usp.org_unit IN ( SELECT * FROM unnest(context_org_list) ) AND (usp.stop_date IS NULL or usp.stop_date > NOW()) AND (csp.ignore_proximity IS NULL OR csp.ignore_proximity < home_prox OR csp.ignore_proximity < item_prox) AND csp.block_list LIKE penalty_type LOOP -- override PATRON_EXCEEDS_FINES penalty for renewals based on org setting IF renewal AND standing_penalty.name = 'PATRON_EXCEEDS_FINES' THEN SELECT INTO permit_renew value FROM actor.org_unit_ancestor_setting('circ.permit_renew_when_exceeds_fines', circ_ou); IF permit_renew IS NOT NULL AND permit_renew ILIKE 'true' THEN CONTINUE; END IF; END IF; result.fail_part := standing_penalty.name; result.success := FALSE; done := TRUE; RETURN NEXT result; END LOOP; -- Fail if the test is set to hard non-circulating IF circ_matchpoint.circulate IS FALSE THEN result.fail_part := 'config.circ_matrix_test.circulate'; result.success := FALSE; done := TRUE; RETURN NEXT result; END IF; -- Fail if the total copy-hold ratio is too low IF circ_matchpoint.total_copy_hold_ratio IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT INTO hold_ratio * FROM action.copy_related_hold_stats(match_item); IF hold_ratio.total_copy_ratio IS NOT NULL AND hold_ratio.total_copy_ratio < circ_matchpoint.total_copy_hold_ratio THEN result.fail_part := 'config.circ_matrix_test.total_copy_hold_ratio'; result.success := FALSE; done := TRUE; RETURN NEXT result; END IF; END IF; -- Fail if the available copy-hold ratio is too low IF circ_matchpoint.available_copy_hold_ratio IS NOT NULL THEN IF hold_ratio.hold_count IS NULL THEN SELECT INTO hold_ratio * FROM action.copy_related_hold_stats(match_item); END IF; IF hold_ratio.available_copy_ratio IS NOT NULL AND hold_ratio.available_copy_ratio < circ_matchpoint.available_copy_hold_ratio THEN result.fail_part := 'config.circ_matrix_test.available_copy_hold_ratio'; result.success := FALSE; done := TRUE; RETURN NEXT result; END IF; END IF; -- Fail if the user has too many items out by defined limit sets FOR circ_limit_set IN SELECT ccls.* FROM config.circ_limit_set ccls JOIN config.circ_matrix_limit_set_map ccmlsm ON ccmlsm.limit_set = ccls.id WHERE ccmlsm.active AND ( ccmlsm.matchpoint = circ_matchpoint.id OR ( ccmlsm.matchpoint IN (SELECT * FROM unnest(result.buildrows)) AND ccmlsm.fallthrough ) ) LOOP IF circ_limit_set.items_out > 0 AND NOT renewal THEN SELECT INTO context_org_list ARRAY_AGG(aou.id) FROM actor.org_unit_full_path( circ_ou ) aou JOIN actor.org_unit_type aout ON aou.ou_type = aout.id WHERE aout.depth >= circ_limit_set.depth; IF circ_limit_set.global THEN WITH RECURSIVE descendant_depth AS ( SELECT ou.id, ou.parent_ou FROM actor.org_unit ou WHERE ou.id IN (SELECT * FROM unnest(context_org_list)) UNION SELECT ou.id, ou.parent_ou FROM actor.org_unit ou JOIN descendant_depth ot ON (ot.id = ou.parent_ou) ) SELECT INTO context_org_list ARRAY_AGG(ou.id) FROM actor.org_unit ou JOIN descendant_depth USING (id); END IF; SELECT INTO items_out COUNT(DISTINCT circ.id) FROM action.circulation circ JOIN asset.copy copy ON (copy.id = circ.target_copy) LEFT JOIN action.circulation_limit_group_map aclgm ON (circ.id = aclgm.circ) WHERE circ.usr = match_user AND circ.circ_lib IN (SELECT * FROM unnest(context_org_list)) AND circ.checkin_time IS NULL AND circ.xact_finish IS NULL AND (circ.stop_fines IN ('MAXFINES','LONGOVERDUE') OR circ.stop_fines IS NULL) AND (copy.circ_modifier IN (SELECT circ_mod FROM config.circ_limit_set_circ_mod_map WHERE limit_set = circ_limit_set.id) OR copy.location IN (SELECT copy_loc FROM config.circ_limit_set_copy_loc_map WHERE limit_set = circ_limit_set.id) OR aclgm.limit_group IN (SELECT limit_group FROM config.circ_limit_set_group_map WHERE limit_set = circ_limit_set.id) ); IF items_out >= circ_limit_set.items_out THEN result.fail_part := 'config.circ_matrix_circ_mod_test'; result.success := FALSE; done := TRUE; RETURN NEXT result; END IF; END IF; SELECT INTO result.limit_groups result.limit_groups || ARRAY_AGG(limit_group) FROM config.circ_limit_set_group_map WHERE limit_set = circ_limit_set.id AND NOT check_only; END LOOP; -- If we passed everything, return the successful matchpoint IF NOT done THEN RETURN NEXT result; END IF; RETURN; END;
Function: action.item_user_renew_test(integer, bigint, integer)
Returns: SET OF circ_matrix_test_result
Language: SQL
SELECT * FROM action.item_user_circ_test( $1, $2, $3, TRUE );
Function: action.link_circ_limit_groups(bigint, integer[])
Returns: void
Language: SQL
INSERT INTO action.circulation_limit_group_map(circ, limit_group) SELECT $1, id FROM config.circ_limit_group WHERE id IN (SELECT * FROM UNNEST($2));
Function: action.maintain_usr_circ_history()
Returns: trigger
Language: PLPGSQL
DECLARE cur_circ BIGINT; first_circ BIGINT; BEGIN -- Any retention value signifies history is enabled. -- This assumes that clearing these values via external -- process deletes the action.usr_circ_history rows. -- TODO: replace these settings w/ a single bool setting? PERFORM 1 FROM actor.usr_setting WHERE usr = NEW.usr AND value IS NOT NULL AND name IN ( 'history.circ.retention_age', 'history.circ.retention_start' ); IF NOT FOUND THEN RETURN NEW; END IF; IF TG_OP = 'INSERT' AND NEW.parent_circ IS NULL THEN -- Starting a new circulation. Insert the history row. INSERT INTO action.usr_circ_history (usr, xact_start, target_copy, due_date, source_circ) VALUES ( NEW.usr, NEW.xact_start, NEW.target_copy, NEW.due_date, NEW.id ); RETURN NEW; END IF; -- find the first and last circs in the circ chain -- for the currently modified circ. FOR cur_circ IN SELECT id FROM action.circ_chain(NEW.id) LOOP IF first_circ IS NULL THEN first_circ := cur_circ; CONTINUE; END IF; -- Allow the loop to continue so that at as the loop -- completes cur_circ points to the final circulation. END LOOP; IF NEW.id <> cur_circ THEN -- Modifying an intermediate circ. Ignore it. RETURN NEW; END IF; -- Update the due_date/checkin_time on the history row if the current -- circ is the last circ in the chain and an update is warranted. UPDATE action.usr_circ_history SET due_date = NEW.due_date, checkin_time = NEW.checkin_time WHERE source_circ = first_circ AND ( due_date <> NEW.due_date OR ( (checkin_time IS NULL AND NEW.checkin_time IS NOT NULL) OR (checkin_time IS NOT NULL AND NEW.checkin_time IS NULL) OR (checkin_time <> NEW.checkin_time) ) ); RETURN NEW; END;
Function: action.purge_circulations()
Returns: integer
Language: PLPGSQL
DECLARE org_keep_age INTERVAL; org_use_last BOOL = false; org_age_is_min BOOL = false; org_keep_count INT; keep_age INTERVAL; target_acp RECORD; circ_chain_head action.circulation%ROWTYPE; circ_chain_tail action.circulation%ROWTYPE; count_purged INT; num_incomplete INT; last_finished TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE; BEGIN count_purged := 0; SELECT value::INTERVAL INTO org_keep_age FROM config.global_flag WHERE name = 'history.circ.retention_age' AND enabled; SELECT value::INT INTO org_keep_count FROM config.global_flag WHERE name = 'history.circ.retention_count' AND enabled; IF org_keep_count IS NULL THEN RETURN count_purged; -- Gimme a count to keep, or I keep them all, forever END IF; SELECT enabled INTO org_use_last FROM config.global_flag WHERE name = 'history.circ.retention_uses_last_finished'; SELECT enabled INTO org_age_is_min FROM config.global_flag WHERE name = 'history.circ.retention_age_is_min'; -- First, find copies with more than keep_count non-renewal circs FOR target_acp IN SELECT target_copy, COUNT(*) AS total_real_circs FROM action.circulation WHERE parent_circ IS NULL AND xact_finish IS NOT NULL GROUP BY target_copy HAVING COUNT(*) > org_keep_count LOOP -- And, for those, select circs that are finished and older than keep_age FOR circ_chain_head IN -- For reference, the subquery uses a window function to order the circs newest to oldest and number them -- The outer query then uses that information to skip the most recent set the library wants to keep -- End result is we don't care what order they come out in, as they are all potentials for deletion. SELECT ac.* FROM action.circulation ac JOIN ( SELECT rank() OVER (ORDER BY xact_start DESC), ac.id FROM action.circulation ac WHERE ac.target_copy = target_acp.target_copy AND ac.parent_circ IS NULL ORDER BY ac.xact_start ) ranked USING (id) WHERE ranked.rank > org_keep_count LOOP SELECT * INTO circ_chain_tail FROM action.circ_chain(circ_chain_head.id) ORDER BY xact_start DESC LIMIT 1; SELECT COUNT(CASE WHEN xact_finish IS NULL THEN 1 ELSE NULL END), MAX(xact_finish) INTO num_incomplete, last_finished FROM action.circ_chain(circ_chain_head.id); CONTINUE WHEN circ_chain_tail.xact_finish IS NULL OR num_incomplete > 0; IF NOT org_use_last THEN last_finished := circ_chain_tail.xact_finish; END IF; keep_age := COALESCE( org_keep_age, '2000 years'::INTERVAL ); IF org_age_is_min THEN keep_age := GREATEST( keep_age, org_keep_age ); END IF; CONTINUE WHEN AGE(NOW(), last_finished) < keep_age; -- We've passed the purging tests, purge the circ chain starting at the end -- A trigger should auto-purge the rest of the chain. DELETE FROM action.circulation WHERE id = circ_chain_tail.id; count_purged := count_purged + 1; END LOOP; END LOOP; return count_purged; END;
Function: action.purge_holds()
Returns: integer
Language: PLPGSQL
DECLARE current_hold RECORD; purged_holds INT; cgf_d INTERVAL; cgf_f INTERVAL; cgf_c INTERVAL; prev_usr INT; user_start TIMESTAMPTZ; user_age INTERVAL; user_count INT; BEGIN purged_holds := 0; SELECT INTO cgf_d value::INTERVAL FROM config.global_flag WHERE name = 'history.hold.retention_age' AND enabled; SELECT INTO cgf_f value::INTERVAL FROM config.global_flag WHERE name = 'history.hold.retention_age_fulfilled' AND enabled; SELECT INTO cgf_c value::INTERVAL FROM config.global_flag WHERE name = 'history.hold.retention_age_canceled' AND enabled; FOR current_hold IN SELECT rank() OVER (PARTITION BY usr ORDER BY COALESCE(fulfillment_time, cancel_time) DESC), cgf_cs.value::INTERVAL as cgf_cs, ahr.* FROM action.hold_request ahr LEFT JOIN config.global_flag cgf_cs ON (ahr.cancel_cause IS NOT NULL AND cgf_cs.name = 'history.hold.retention_age_canceled_' || ahr.cancel_cause AND cgf_cs.enabled) WHERE (fulfillment_time IS NOT NULL OR cancel_time IS NOT NULL) LOOP IF prev_usr IS NULL OR prev_usr != current_hold.usr THEN prev_usr := current_hold.usr; SELECT INTO user_start oils_json_to_text(value)::TIMESTAMPTZ FROM actor.usr_setting WHERE usr = prev_usr AND name = 'history.hold.retention_start'; SELECT INTO user_age oils_json_to_text(value)::INTERVAL FROM actor.usr_setting WHERE usr = prev_usr AND name = 'history.hold.retention_age'; SELECT INTO user_count oils_json_to_text(value)::INT FROM actor.usr_setting WHERE usr = prev_usr AND name = 'history.hold.retention_count'; IF user_start IS NOT NULL THEN user_age := LEAST(user_age, AGE(NOW(), user_start)); END IF; IF user_count IS NULL THEN user_count := 1000; -- Assumption based on the user visible holds routine END IF; END IF; -- Library keep age trumps user keep anything, for purposes of being able to hold on to things when staff canceled and such. IF current_hold.fulfillment_time IS NOT NULL AND current_hold.fulfillment_time > NOW() - COALESCE(cgf_f, cgf_d) THEN CONTINUE; END IF; IF current_hold.cancel_time IS NOT NULL AND current_hold.cancel_time > NOW() - COALESCE(current_hold.cgf_cs, cgf_c, cgf_d) THEN CONTINUE; END IF; -- User keep age needs combining with count. If too old AND within the count, keep! IF user_start IS NOT NULL AND COALESCE(current_hold.fulfillment_time, current_hold.cancel_time) > NOW() - user_age AND current_hold.rank <= user_count THEN CONTINUE; END IF; -- All checks should have passed, delete! DELETE FROM action.hold_request WHERE id = current_hold.id; purged_holds := purged_holds + 1; END LOOP; RETURN purged_holds; END;
Function: action.push_circ_due_time()
Returns: trigger
Language: PLPGSQL
DECLARE proper_tz TEXT := COALESCE( oils_json_to_text(( SELECT value FROM actor.org_unit_ancestor_setting('lib.timezone',NEW.circ_lib) LIMIT 1 )), CURRENT_SETTING('timezone') ); BEGIN IF (EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM NEW.duration)::INT % EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM '1 day'::INTERVAL)::INT) = 0 -- day-granular duration AND SUBSTRING((NEW.due_date AT TIME ZONE proper_tz)::TIME::TEXT FROM 1 FOR 8) <> '23:59:59' THEN -- has not yet been pushed NEW.due_date = ((NEW.due_date AT TIME ZONE proper_tz)::DATE + '1 day'::INTERVAL - '1 second'::INTERVAL) || ' ' || proper_tz; END IF; RETURN NEW; END;
Function: action.summarize_all_circ_chain(ctx_circ_id integer)
Returns: circ_chain_summary
Language: PLPGSQL
DECLARE -- first circ in the chain circ_0 action.all_circulation_slim%ROWTYPE; -- last circ in the chain circ_n action.all_circulation_slim%ROWTYPE; -- circ chain under construction chain action.circ_chain_summary; tmp_circ action.all_circulation_slim%ROWTYPE; BEGIN chain.num_circs := 0; FOR tmp_circ IN SELECT * FROM action.all_circ_chain(ctx_circ_id) LOOP IF chain.num_circs = 0 THEN circ_0 := tmp_circ; END IF; chain.num_circs := chain.num_circs + 1; circ_n := tmp_circ; END LOOP; chain.start_time := circ_0.xact_start; chain.last_stop_fines := circ_n.stop_fines; chain.last_stop_fines_time := circ_n.stop_fines_time; chain.last_checkin_time := circ_n.checkin_time; chain.last_checkin_scan_time := circ_n.checkin_scan_time; SELECT INTO chain.checkout_workstation name FROM actor.workstation WHERE id = circ_0.workstation; SELECT INTO chain.last_checkin_workstation name FROM actor.workstation WHERE id = circ_n.checkin_workstation; IF chain.num_circs > 1 THEN chain.last_renewal_time := circ_n.xact_start; SELECT INTO chain.last_renewal_workstation name FROM actor.workstation WHERE id = circ_n.workstation; END IF; RETURN chain; END;
Function: action.summarize_circ_chain(ctx_circ_id bigint)
Returns: circ_chain_summary
Language: PLPGSQL
DECLARE -- first circ in the chain circ_0 action.circulation%ROWTYPE; -- last circ in the chain circ_n action.circulation%ROWTYPE; -- circ chain under construction chain action.circ_chain_summary; tmp_circ action.circulation%ROWTYPE; BEGIN chain.num_circs := 0; FOR tmp_circ IN SELECT * FROM action.circ_chain(ctx_circ_id) LOOP IF chain.num_circs = 0 THEN circ_0 := tmp_circ; END IF; chain.num_circs := chain.num_circs + 1; circ_n := tmp_circ; END LOOP; chain.start_time := circ_0.xact_start; chain.last_stop_fines := circ_n.stop_fines; chain.last_stop_fines_time := circ_n.stop_fines_time; chain.last_checkin_time := circ_n.checkin_time; chain.last_checkin_scan_time := circ_n.checkin_scan_time; SELECT INTO chain.checkout_workstation name FROM actor.workstation WHERE id = circ_0.workstation; SELECT INTO chain.last_checkin_workstation name FROM actor.workstation WHERE id = circ_n.checkin_workstation; IF chain.num_circs > 1 THEN chain.last_renewal_time := circ_n.xact_start; SELECT INTO chain.last_renewal_workstation name FROM actor.workstation WHERE id = circ_n.workstation; END IF; RETURN chain; END;
Function: action.survey_response_answer_date_fixup()
Returns: trigger
Language: PLPGSQL
BEGIN NEW.answer_date := NOW(); RETURN NEW; END;
Function: action.usr_visible_holds(usr_id integer)
Returns: SET OF hold_request
Language: PLPGSQL
DECLARE h action.hold_request%ROWTYPE; view_age INTERVAL; view_count INT; usr_view_count actor.usr_setting%ROWTYPE; usr_view_age actor.usr_setting%ROWTYPE; usr_view_start actor.usr_setting%ROWTYPE; BEGIN SELECT * INTO usr_view_count FROM actor.usr_setting WHERE usr = usr_id AND name = 'history.hold.retention_count'; SELECT * INTO usr_view_age FROM actor.usr_setting WHERE usr = usr_id AND name = 'history.hold.retention_age'; SELECT * INTO usr_view_start FROM actor.usr_setting WHERE usr = usr_id AND name = 'history.hold.retention_start'; FOR h IN SELECT * FROM action.hold_request WHERE usr = usr_id AND fulfillment_time IS NULL AND cancel_time IS NULL ORDER BY request_time DESC LOOP RETURN NEXT h; END LOOP; IF usr_view_start.value IS NULL THEN RETURN; END IF; IF usr_view_age.value IS NOT NULL THEN -- User opted in and supplied a retention age IF oils_json_to_text(usr_view_age.value)::INTERVAL > AGE(NOW(), oils_json_to_text(usr_view_start.value)::TIMESTAMPTZ) THEN view_age := AGE(NOW(), oils_json_to_text(usr_view_start.value)::TIMESTAMPTZ); ELSE view_age := oils_json_to_text(usr_view_age.value)::INTERVAL; END IF; ELSE -- User opted in view_age := AGE(NOW(), oils_json_to_text(usr_view_start.value)::TIMESTAMPTZ); END IF; IF usr_view_count.value IS NOT NULL THEN view_count := oils_json_to_text(usr_view_count.value)::INT; ELSE view_count := 1000; END IF; -- show some fulfilled/canceled holds FOR h IN SELECT * FROM action.hold_request WHERE usr = usr_id AND ( fulfillment_time IS NOT NULL OR cancel_time IS NOT NULL ) AND COALESCE(fulfillment_time, cancel_time) > NOW() - view_age ORDER BY COALESCE(fulfillment_time, cancel_time) DESC LIMIT view_count LOOP RETURN NEXT h; END LOOP; RETURN; END;
Schema action_trigger
Table: action_trigger.alternate_template
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | NOT NULL | |
action_trigger.event_definition.id | event_def | integer | UNIQUE#1 |
template | text | ||
active | boolean | DEFAULT true | |
config.i18n_locale.code | locale | text | UNIQUE#1 |
message_title | text | ||
message_template | text |
Table: action_trigger.cleanup
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
module | text | PRIMARY KEY | |
description | text |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Table: action_trigger.collector
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
module | text | PRIMARY KEY | |
description | text |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Table: action_trigger.environment
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
action_trigger.event_definition.id | event_def | integer | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
path | text | ||
action_trigger.collector.module | collector | text | |
label | text | UNIQUE#1 |
Name | Constraint |
environment_label_check | CHECK ((label <> ALL (ARRAY['result'::text, 'target'::text, 'event'::text]))) |
Table: action_trigger.event
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | bigserial | PRIMARY KEY | |
target | bigint | NOT NULL | |
action_trigger.event_definition.id | event_def | integer | |
add_time | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
run_time | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL | |
start_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
update_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
complete_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
update_process | integer | ||
state | text | NOT NULL DEFAULT 'pending'::text | |
user_data | text | ||
action_trigger.event_output.id | template_output | bigint | |
action_trigger.event_output.id | error_output | bigint | |
action_trigger.event_output.id | async_output | bigint | |
actor.usr.id | context_user | integer | |
actor.org_unit.id | context_library | integer | |
biblio.record_entry.id | context_bib | bigint | |
context_item | bigint |
Name | Constraint |
event_state_check | CHECK ((state = ANY (ARRAY['pending'::text, 'invalid'::text, 'found'::text, 'collecting'::text, 'collected'::text, 'validating'::text, 'valid'::text, 'reacting'::text, 'reacted'::text, 'cleaning'::text, 'complete'::text, 'error'::text]))) |
event_user_data_check | CHECK (((user_data IS NULL) OR is_json(user_data))) |
Table: action_trigger.event_def_group
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
actor.org_unit.id | owner | integer | NOT NULL |
action_trigger.hook.key | hook | text | NOT NULL |
active | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT true | |
name | text | NOT NULL |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Table: action_trigger.event_def_group_member
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
action_trigger.event_def_group.id | grp | integer | NOT NULL |
action_trigger.event_definition.id | event_def | integer | NOT NULL |
sortable | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT true | |
holdings | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
external | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
name | text | NOT NULL |
Table: action_trigger.event_definition
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
active | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT true | |
actor.org_unit.id | owner | integer | UNIQUE#2 UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
name | text | UNIQUE#2 NOT NULL | |
action_trigger.hook.key | hook | text | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
action_trigger.validator.module | validator | text | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
action_trigger.reactor.module | reactor | text | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
action_trigger.cleanup.module | cleanup_success | text | |
action_trigger.cleanup.module | cleanup_failure | text | |
delay | interval | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL DEFAULT '00:05:00'::interval | |
max_delay | interval | ||
repeat_delay | interval | ||
usr_field | text | ||
config.usr_setting_type.name | opt_in_setting | text | |
delay_field | text | UNIQUE#1 | |
group_field | text | ||
template | text | ||
granularity | text | ||
context_usr_path | text | ||
context_library_path | text | ||
context_bib_path | text | ||
context_item_path | text | ||
message_template | text | ||
message_usr_path | text | ||
message_library_path | text | ||
message_title | text | ||
retention_interval | interval |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Table: action_trigger.event_output
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | bigserial | PRIMARY KEY | |
create_time | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
is_error | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
data | text | NOT NULL | |
locale | text |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Table: action_trigger.event_params
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | bigserial | PRIMARY KEY | |
action_trigger.event_definition.id | event_def | integer | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
param | text | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL | |
value | text | NOT NULL |
Table: action_trigger.hook
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
key | text | PRIMARY KEY | |
core_type | text | NOT NULL | |
description | text | ||
passive | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Table: action_trigger.reactor
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
module | text | PRIMARY KEY | |
description | text |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Table: action_trigger.validator
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
module | text | PRIMARY KEY | |
description | text |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Function: action_trigger.check_valid_retention_interval()
Returns: trigger
Language: PLPGSQL
BEGIN /* * 1. Retention intervals are always allowed on active hooks. * 2. On passive hooks, retention intervals are only allowed * when the event definition has a max_delay value and the * retention_interval value is greater than the difference * beteween the delay and max_delay values. */ PERFORM TRUE FROM action_trigger.hook WHERE key = NEW.hook AND NOT passive; IF FOUND THEN RETURN NEW; END IF; IF NEW.max_delay IS NOT NULL THEN IF EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM NEW.retention_interval) > ABS(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM (NEW.max_delay - NEW.delay))) THEN RETURN NEW; -- all good ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION 'retention_interval is too short'; END IF; ELSE RAISE EXCEPTION 'retention_interval requires max_delay'; END IF; END;
Function: action_trigger.purge_events()
Returns: void
Language: PLPGSQL
/** * Deleting expired events without simultaneously deleting their outputs * creates orphaned outputs. Deleting their outputs and all of the events * linking back to them, plus any outputs those events link to is messy and * inefficient. It's simpler to handle them in 2 sweeping steps. * * 1. Delete expired events. * 2. Delete orphaned event outputs. * * This has the added benefit of removing outputs that may have been * orphaned by some other process. Such outputs are not usuable by * the system. * * This does not guarantee that all events within an event group are * purged at the same time. In such cases, the remaining events will * be purged with the next instance of the purge (or soon thereafter). * This is another nod toward efficiency over completeness of old * data that's circling the bit bucket anyway. */ BEGIN DELETE FROM action_trigger.event WHERE id IN ( SELECT evt.id FROM action_trigger.event evt JOIN action_trigger.event_definition def ON (def.id = evt.event_def) WHERE def.retention_interval IS NOT NULL AND evt.state <> 'pending' AND evt.update_time < (NOW() - def.retention_interval) ); WITH linked_outputs AS ( SELECT templates.id AS id FROM ( SELECT DISTINCT(template_output) AS id FROM action_trigger.event WHERE template_output IS NOT NULL UNION SELECT DISTINCT(error_output) AS id FROM action_trigger.event WHERE error_output IS NOT NULL UNION SELECT DISTINCT(async_output) AS id FROM action_trigger.event WHERE async_output IS NOT NULL ) templates ) DELETE FROM action_trigger.event_output WHERE id NOT IN (SELECT id FROM linked_outputs); END;
Schema actor
Holds all tables pertaining to users and libraries (org units).
Table: actor.address_alert
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
actor.org_unit.id | owner | integer | NOT NULL |
active | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT true | |
match_all | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT true | |
alert_message | text | NOT NULL | |
street1 | text | ||
street2 | text | ||
city | text | ||
county | text | ||
state | text | ||
country | text | ||
post_code | text | ||
mailing_address | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
billing_address | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false |
Table: actor.card
Library Cards Each User has one or more library cards. The current "main" card is linked to here from the actor.usr table, and it is up to the consortium policy whether more than one card can be active for any one user at a given time.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
actor.usr.id | usr | integer | NOT NULL |
barcode | text | UNIQUE NOT NULL | |
active | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT true |
Table: actor.copy_alert_suppress
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
actor.org_unit.id | org | integer | NOT NULL |
config.copy_alert_type.id | alert_type | integer | NOT NULL |
Table: actor.hours_of_operation
When does this org_unit usually open and close? (Variations are expressed in the actor.org_unit_closed table.)
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
actor.org_unit.id | id | integer | PRIMARY KEY |
dow_0_open | time without time zone |
DEFAULT '09:00:00'::time without time zone
When does this org_unit open on Monday? |
dow_0_close | time without time zone |
DEFAULT '17:00:00'::time without time zone
When does this org_unit close on Monday? |
dow_0_note | text | ||
dow_1_open | time without time zone |
DEFAULT '09:00:00'::time without time zone
When does this org_unit open on Tuesday? |
dow_1_close | time without time zone |
DEFAULT '17:00:00'::time without time zone
When does this org_unit close on Tuesday? |
dow_1_note | text | ||
dow_2_open | time without time zone |
DEFAULT '09:00:00'::time without time zone
When does this org_unit open on Wednesday? |
dow_2_close | time without time zone |
DEFAULT '17:00:00'::time without time zone
When does this org_unit close on Wednesday? |
dow_2_note | text | ||
dow_3_open | time without time zone |
DEFAULT '09:00:00'::time without time zone
When does this org_unit open on Thursday? |
dow_3_close | time without time zone |
DEFAULT '17:00:00'::time without time zone
When does this org_unit close on Thursday? |
dow_3_note | text | ||
dow_4_open | time without time zone |
DEFAULT '09:00:00'::time without time zone
When does this org_unit open on Friday? |
dow_4_close | time without time zone |
DEFAULT '17:00:00'::time without time zone
When does this org_unit close on Friday? |
dow_4_note | text | ||
dow_5_open | time without time zone |
DEFAULT '09:00:00'::time without time zone
When does this org_unit open on Saturday? |
dow_5_close | time without time zone |
DEFAULT '17:00:00'::time without time zone
When does this org_unit close on Saturday? |
dow_5_note | text | ||
dow_6_open | time without time zone |
DEFAULT '09:00:00'::time without time zone
When does this org_unit open on Sunday? |
dow_6_close | time without time zone |
DEFAULT '17:00:00'::time without time zone
When does this org_unit close on Sunday? |
dow_6_note | text |
Table: actor.org_address
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
valid | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT true | |
address_type | text | NOT NULL DEFAULT 'MAILING'::text | |
actor.org_unit.id | org_unit | integer | NOT NULL |
street1 | text | NOT NULL | |
street2 | text | ||
city | text | NOT NULL | |
county | text | ||
state | text | ||
country | text | NOT NULL | |
post_code | text | NOT NULL | |
san | text | ||
latitude | double precision | ||
longitude | double precision |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
actor_org_address_org_unit_idx org_unitTable: actor.org_lasso
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
name | text | UNIQUE | |
global | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Table: actor.org_lasso_map
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
actor.org_lasso.id | lasso | integer | NOT NULL |
actor.org_unit.id | org_unit | integer | NOT NULL |
Table: actor.org_unit
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
actor.org_unit.id | parent_ou | integer | |
actor.org_unit_type.id | ou_type | integer | NOT NULL |
actor.org_address.id | ill_address | integer | |
actor.org_address.id | holds_address | integer | |
actor.org_address.id | mailing_address | integer | |
actor.org_address.id | billing_address | integer | |
shortname | text | UNIQUE NOT NULL | |
name | text | UNIQUE NOT NULL | |
text | |||
phone | text | ||
opac_visible | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT true | |
acq.fiscal_calendar.id | fiscal_calendar | integer | NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
actor_org_unit_billing_address_idx billing_address actor_org_unit_holds_address_idx holds_address actor_org_unit_ill_address_idx ill_address actor_org_unit_mailing_address_idx mailing_address actor_org_unit_ou_type_idx ou_type actor_org_unit_parent_ou_idx parent_ouTable: actor.org_unit_closed
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
actor.org_unit.id | org_unit | integer | NOT NULL |
close_start | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL | |
close_end | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL | |
full_day | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
multi_day | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
reason | text | ||
action.emergency_closing.id | emergency_closing | integer |
Table: actor.org_unit_custom_tree
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
active | boolean | DEFAULT false | |
purpose | actor.org_unit_custom_tree_purpose | UNIQUE NOT NULL DEFAULT 'opac'::actor.org_unit_custom_tree_purpose |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Table: actor.org_unit_custom_tree_node
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
actor.org_unit_custom_tree.id | tree | integer | UNIQUE#1 |
actor.org_unit.id | org_unit | integer | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
actor.org_unit_custom_tree_node.id | parent_node | integer | |
sibling_order | integer | NOT NULL |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Table: actor.org_unit_proximity
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | bigserial | PRIMARY KEY | |
from_org | integer | ||
to_org | integer | ||
prox | integer |
Table: actor.org_unit_proximity_adjustment
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
actor.org_unit.id | item_circ_lib | integer | |
actor.org_unit.id | item_owning_lib | integer | |
asset.copy_location.id | copy_location | integer | |
actor.org_unit.id | hold_pickup_lib | integer | |
actor.org_unit.id | hold_request_lib | integer | |
pos | integer | NOT NULL | |
absolute_adjustment | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
prox_adjustment | numeric | ||
config.circ_modifier.code | circ_mod | text |
Name | Constraint |
prox_adj_criterium | CHECK ((COALESCE((item_circ_lib)::text, (item_owning_lib)::text, (copy_location)::text, (hold_pickup_lib)::text, (hold_request_lib)::text, circ_mod) IS NOT NULL)) |
Table: actor.org_unit_setting
Org Unit settings This table contains any arbitrary settings that a client program would like to save for an org unit.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | bigserial | PRIMARY KEY | |
actor.org_unit.id | org_unit | integer | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
config.org_unit_setting_type.name | name | text | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
value | text | NOT NULL |
Name | Constraint |
aous_must_be_json | CHECK (is_json(value)) |
Table: actor.org_unit_type
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
name | text | NOT NULL | |
opac_label | text | NOT NULL | |
depth | integer | NOT NULL | |
actor.org_unit_type.id | parent | integer | |
can_have_vols | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT true | |
can_have_users | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT true |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
actor_org_unit_type_parent_idx parentTable: actor.passwd
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
actor.usr.id | usr | integer | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
salt | text | ||
passwd | text | NOT NULL | |
actor.passwd_type.code | passwd_type | text | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
create_date | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
edit_date | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() |
Table: actor.passwd_type
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
code | text | PRIMARY KEY | |
name | text | UNIQUE NOT NULL | |
login | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
regex | text | ||
crypt_algo | text | ||
iter_count | integer |
Name | Constraint |
passwd_type_iter_count_check | CHECK (((iter_count IS NULL) OR (iter_count > 0))) |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Table: actor.search_filter_group
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
actor.org_unit.id | owner | integer | UNIQUE#2 UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
code | text | UNIQUE#2 NOT NULL | |
label | text | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL | |
create_date | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Table: actor.search_filter_group_entry
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
actor.search_filter_group.id | grp | integer | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
pos | integer | NOT NULL | |
actor.search_query.id | query | integer | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
Table: actor.search_query
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
label | text | NOT NULL | |
query_text | text | NOT NULL |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Table: actor.stat_cat
User Statistical Catagories Local data collected about Users is placed into a Statistical Catagory. Here's where those catagories are defined.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
actor.org_unit.id | owner | integer | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
name | text | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL | |
opac_visible | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
usr_summary | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
actor.stat_cat_sip_fields.field | sip_field | character(2) | |
sip_format | text | ||
checkout_archive | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
required | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
allow_freetext | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT true |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Table: actor.stat_cat_entry
User Statistical Catagory Entries Local data collected about Users is placed into a Statistical Catagory. Each library can create entries into any of its own stat_cats, its ancestors' stat_cats, or its descendants' stat_cats.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
actor.stat_cat.id | stat_cat | integer | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
actor.org_unit.id | owner | integer | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
value | text | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Table: actor.stat_cat_entry_default
User Statistical Category Default Entry A library may choose one of the stat_cat entries to be the default entry.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
actor.stat_cat_entry.id | stat_cat_entry | integer | NOT NULL |
actor.stat_cat.id | stat_cat | integer | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
actor.org_unit.id | owner | integer | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
Table: actor.stat_cat_entry_usr_map
Statistical Catagory Entry to User map Records the stat_cat entries for each user.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | bigserial | PRIMARY KEY | |
stat_cat_entry | text | NOT NULL | |
actor.stat_cat.id | stat_cat | integer | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
actor.usr.id | target_usr | integer | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
Table: actor.stat_cat_sip_fields
Actor Statistical Category SIP Fields Contains the list of valid SIP Field identifiers for Statistical Categories.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
field | character(2) | PRIMARY KEY | |
name | text | NOT NULL | |
one_only | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Table: actor.toolbar
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | bigserial | PRIMARY KEY | |
actor.workstation.id | ws | integer | |
actor.org_unit.id | org | integer | |
actor.usr.id | usr | integer | |
label | text | NOT NULL | |
layout | text | NOT NULL |
Name | Constraint |
layout_must_be_json | CHECK (is_json(layout)) |
only_one_type | CHECK ((((ws IS NOT NULL) AND (COALESCE(org, usr) IS NULL)) OR ((org IS NOT NULL) AND (COALESCE(ws, usr) IS NULL)) OR ((usr IS NOT NULL) AND (COALESCE(org, ws) IS NULL)))) |
Table: actor.usr
User objects This table contains the core User objects that describe both staff members and patrons. The difference between the two types of users is based on the user's permissions.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
card | integer | UNIQUE | |
permission.grp_tree.id | profile | integer | NOT NULL |
usrname | text | UNIQUE NOT NULL | |
text | |||
passwd | text | NOT NULL | |
config.standing.id | standing | integer | NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 |
config.identification_type.id | ident_type | integer | NOT NULL |
ident_value | text | ||
config.identification_type.id | ident_type2 | integer | |
ident_value2 | text | ||
config.net_access_level.id | net_access_level | integer | NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 |
photo_url | text | ||
prefix | text | ||
first_given_name | text | NOT NULL | |
second_given_name | text | ||
family_name | text | NOT NULL | |
suffix | text | ||
guardian | text | ||
pref_prefix | text | ||
pref_first_given_name | text | ||
pref_second_given_name | text | ||
pref_family_name | text | ||
pref_suffix | text | ||
name_keywords | text | ||
name_kw_tsvector | tsvector | ||
alias | text | ||
day_phone | text | ||
evening_phone | text | ||
other_phone | text | ||
actor.usr_address.id | mailing_address | integer | |
actor.usr_address.id | billing_address | integer | |
actor.org_unit.id | home_ou | integer | NOT NULL |
dob | date | ||
active | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT true | |
master_account | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
super_user | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
barred | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
deleted | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
juvenile | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
usrgroup | serial | NOT NULL | |
claims_returned_count | integer | NOT NULL | |
credit_forward_balance | numeric(6,2) | NOT NULL DEFAULT 0.00 | |
last_xact_id | text | NOT NULL DEFAULT 'none'::text | |
create_date | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
expire_date | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT (now() + '3 years'::interval) | |
claims_never_checked_out_count | integer | NOT NULL | |
last_update_time | timestamp with time zone | ||
config.i18n_locale.code | locale | text |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
actor_usr_billing_address_idx billing_address actor_usr_day_phone_idx lowercase(day_phone) actor_usr_day_phone_idx_numeric lowercase(regexp_replace(day_phone, '[^0-9]'::text, ''::text, 'g'::text)) actor_usr_email_idx lowercase(email) actor_usr_evening_phone_idx lowercase(evening_phone) actor_usr_evening_phone_idx_numeric lowercase(regexp_replace(evening_phone, '[^0-9]'::text, ''::text, 'g'::text)) actor_usr_family_name_idx lowercase(family_name) actor_usr_family_name_unaccent_idx unaccent_and_squash(family_name) actor_usr_first_given_name_idx lowercase(first_given_name) actor_usr_first_given_name_unaccent_idx unaccent_and_squash(first_given_name) actor_usr_guardian_idx lowercase(guardian) actor_usr_guardian_unaccent_idx unaccent_and_squash(guardian) actor_usr_home_ou_idx home_ou actor_usr_ident_value2_idx lowercase(ident_value2) actor_usr_ident_value_idx lowercase(ident_value) actor_usr_mailing_address_idx mailing_address actor_usr_other_phone_idx lowercase(other_phone) actor_usr_other_phone_idx_numeric lowercase(regexp_replace(other_phone, '[^0-9]'::text, ''::text, 'g'::text)) actor_usr_pref_family_name_idx lowercase(pref_family_name) actor_usr_pref_family_name_unaccent_idx unaccent_and_squash(pref_family_name) actor_usr_pref_first_given_name_idx lowercase(pref_first_given_name) actor_usr_pref_first_given_name_unaccent_idx unaccent_and_squash(pref_first_given_name) actor_usr_pref_second_given_name_idx lowercase(pref_second_given_name) actor_usr_pref_second_given_name_unaccent_idx unaccent_and_squash(pref_second_given_name) actor_usr_second_given_name_idx lowercase(second_given_name) actor_usr_second_given_name_unaccent_idx unaccent_and_squash(second_given_name) actor_usr_usrgroup_idx usrgroup actor_usr_usrname_idx lowercase(usrname) actor_usr_usrname_unaccent_idx unaccent_and_squash(usrname)Table: actor.usr_activity
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | bigserial | PRIMARY KEY | |
actor.usr.id | usr | integer | |
config.usr_activity_type.id | etype | integer | NOT NULL |
event_time | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() |
Table: actor.usr_address
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
valid | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT true | |
within_city_limits | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT true | |
address_type | text | NOT NULL DEFAULT 'MAILING'::text | |
actor.usr.id | usr | integer | NOT NULL |
street1 | text | NOT NULL | |
street2 | text | ||
city | text | NOT NULL | |
county | text | ||
state | text | ||
country | text | NOT NULL | |
post_code | text | NOT NULL | |
pending | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
actor.usr_address.id | replaces | integer |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
actor_usr_addr_city_idx lowercase(city) actor_usr_addr_post_code_idx lowercase(post_code) actor_usr_addr_state_idx lowercase(state) actor_usr_addr_street1_idx lowercase(street1) actor_usr_addr_street2_idx lowercase(street2) actor_usr_addr_usr_idx usrTable: actor.usr_message
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
actor.usr.id | usr | integer | NOT NULL |
title | text | ||
message | text | NOT NULL | |
create_date | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
deleted | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
read_date | timestamp with time zone | ||
actor.org_unit.id | sending_lib | integer | NOT NULL |
pub | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false | |
stop_date | timestamp with time zone | ||
actor.usr.id | editor | bigint | |
edit_date | timestamp with time zone |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
aum_editor editor aum_usr usrView: actor.usr_message_limited
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | integer | ||
usr | integer | ||
title | text | ||
message | text | ||
create_date | timestamp with time zone | ||
deleted | boolean | ||
read_date | timestamp with time zone | ||
sending_lib | integer | ||
pub | boolean | ||
stop_date | timestamp with time zone | ||
editor | bigint | ||
edit_date | timestamp with time zone |
SELECT usr_message.id , usr_message.usr , usr_message.title , usr_message.message , usr_message.create_date , usr_message.deleted , usr_message.read_date , usr_message.sending_lib , usr_message.pub , usr_message.stop_date , usr_message.editor , usr_message.edit_date FROM actor.usr_message WHERE (usr_message.pub AND (NOT usr_message.deleted) );
View: actor.usr_message_penalty
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | integer | ||
ausp_id | integer | ||
aum_id | integer | ||
org_unit | integer | ||
ausp_org_unit | integer | ||
aum_sending_lib | integer | ||
usr | integer | ||
ausp_usr | integer | ||
aum_usr | integer | ||
standing_penalty | integer | ||
staff | integer | ||
create_date | timestamp with time zone | ||
ausp_set_date | timestamp with time zone | ||
aum_create_date | timestamp with time zone | ||
stop_date | timestamp with time zone | ||
ausp_stop_date | timestamp with time zone | ||
aum_stop_date | timestamp with time zone | ||
ausp_usr_message | bigint | ||
title | text | ||
message | text | ||
deleted | boolean | ||
read_date | timestamp with time zone | ||
pub | boolean | ||
editor | bigint | ||
edit_date | timestamp with time zone |
SELECT ausp.id , ausp.id AS ausp_id , aum.id AS aum_id , ausp.org_unit , ausp.org_unit AS ausp_org_unit , aum.sending_lib AS aum_sending_lib , ausp.usr , ausp.usr AS ausp_usr , aum.usr AS aum_usr , ausp.standing_penalty , ausp.staff , ausp.set_date AS create_date , ausp.set_date AS ausp_set_date , aum.create_date AS aum_create_date , ausp.stop_date , ausp.stop_date AS ausp_stop_date , aum.stop_date AS aum_stop_date , ausp.usr_message AS ausp_usr_message , aum.title , aum.message , aum.deleted , aum.read_date , aum.pub , aum.editor , aum.edit_date FROM (actor.usr_standing_penalty ausp LEFT JOIN actor.usr_message aum ON ( (ausp.usr_message = aum.id) ) ) UNION ALL SELECT aum.id , NULL::integer AS ausp_id , aum.id AS aum_id , aum.sending_lib AS org_unit , NULL::integer AS ausp_org_unit , aum.sending_lib AS aum_sending_lib , aum.usr , NULL::integer AS ausp_usr , aum.usr AS aum_usr , NULL::integer AS standing_penalty , NULL::integer AS staff , aum.create_date , NULL::timestamp with time zone AS ausp_set_date , aum.create_date AS aum_create_date , aum.stop_date , NULL::timestamp with time zone AS ausp_stop_date , aum.stop_date AS aum_stop_date , NULL::integer AS ausp_usr_message , aum.title , aum.message , aum.deleted , aum.read_date , aum.pub , aum.editor , aum.edit_date FROM (actor.usr_message aum LEFT JOIN actor.usr_standing_penalty ausp ON ( (ausp.usr_message = aum.id) ) ) WHERE ( (NOT aum.deleted) AND (ausp.id IS NULL) );
Table: actor.usr_org_unit_opt_in
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
actor.org_unit.id | org_unit | integer | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
actor.usr.id | usr | integer | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
actor.usr.id | staff | integer | NOT NULL |
opt_in_ts | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
actor.workstation.id | opt_in_ws | integer | NOT NULL |
Table: actor.usr_password_reset
Self-serve password reset requests
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
uuid | text | NOT NULL | |
actor.usr.id | usr | bigint | NOT NULL |
request_time | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
has_been_reset | boolean | NOT NULL DEFAULT false |
Table: actor.usr_privacy_waiver
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | bigserial | PRIMARY KEY | |
actor.usr.id | usr | bigint | NOT NULL |
name | text | NOT NULL | |
place_holds | boolean | DEFAULT false | |
pickup_holds | boolean | DEFAULT false | |
view_history | boolean | DEFAULT false | |
checkout_items | boolean | DEFAULT false |
Table: actor.usr_saved_search
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
actor.usr.id | owner | integer | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
name | text | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL | |
create_date | timestamp with time zone | NOT NULL DEFAULT now() | |
query_text | text | NOT NULL | |
query_type | text | NOT NULL DEFAULT 'URL'::text | |
target | text | NOT NULL |
Name | Constraint |
valid_query_text | CHECK ((query_type = 'URL'::text)) |
valid_target | CHECK ((target = ANY (ARRAY['record'::text, 'metarecord'::text, 'callnumber'::text]))) |
Table: actor.usr_setting
User settings This table contains any arbitrary settings that a client program would like to save for a user.
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | bigserial | PRIMARY KEY | |
actor.usr.id | usr | integer | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
config.usr_setting_type.name | name | text | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
value | text | NOT NULL |
Table: actor.usr_standing_penalty
User standing penalties
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
actor.org_unit.id | org_unit | integer | NOT NULL |
actor.usr.id | usr | integer | NOT NULL |
config.standing_penalty.id | standing_penalty | integer | NOT NULL |
actor.usr.id | staff | integer | |
set_date | timestamp with time zone | DEFAULT now() | |
stop_date | timestamp with time zone | ||
actor.usr_message.id | usr_message | bigint |
Table: actor.workstation
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
name | text | UNIQUE NOT NULL | |
actor.org_unit.id | owning_lib | integer | NOT NULL |
Tables referencing this one via Foreign Key Constraints:
Table: actor.workstation_setting
F-Key | Name | Type | Description |
id | serial | PRIMARY KEY | |
actor.workstation.id | workstation | integer | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
config.workstation_setting_type.name | name | text | UNIQUE#1 NOT NULL |
value | json | NOT NULL |
Function: actor.address_alert_matches(billing_address integer, mailing_address text, post_code text, country text, state text, county text, city text, street2 text, street1 boolean, org_unit boolean)
Returns: SET OF address_alert
Language: SQL
SELECT * FROM actor.address_alert WHERE active AND owner IN (SELECT id FROM actor.org_unit_ancestors($1)) AND ( (NOT mailing_address AND NOT billing_address) OR (mailing_address AND $9) OR (billing_address AND $10) ) AND ( ( match_all AND COALESCE($2, '') ~* COALESCE(street1, '.*') AND COALESCE($3, '') ~* COALESCE(street2, '.*') AND COALESCE($4, '') ~* COALESCE(city, '.*') AND COALESCE($5, '') ~* COALESCE(county, '.*') AND COALESCE($6, '') ~* COALESCE(state, '.*') AND COALESCE($7, '') ~* COALESCE(country, '.*') AND COALESCE($8, '') ~* COALESCE(post_code, '.*') ) OR ( NOT match_all AND ( $2 ~* street1 OR $3 ~* street2 OR $4 ~* city OR $5 ~* county OR $6 ~* state OR $7 ~* country OR $8 ~* post_code ) ) ) ORDER BY actor.org_unit_proximity(owner, $1)
Function: actor.approve_pending_address(pending_id integer)
Returns: bigint
Language: PLPGSQL
Replaces an address with a pending address. This is done by giving the pending address the ID of the old address. The replaced address is retained with -id.
DECLARE old_id INT; BEGIN SELECT INTO old_id replaces FROM actor.usr_address where id = pending_id; IF old_id IS NULL THEN UPDATE actor.usr_address SET pending = 'f' WHERE id = pending_id; RETURN pending_id; END IF; -- address replaces an existing address DELETE FROM actor.usr_address WHERE id = -old_id; UPDATE actor.usr_address SET id = -id WHERE id = old_id; UPDATE actor.usr_address SET replaces = NULL, id = old_id, pending = 'f' WHERE id = pending_id; RETURN old_id; END
Function: actor.au_updated()
Returns: trigger
Language: PLPGSQL
BEGIN NEW.last_update_time := now(); RETURN NEW; END;
Function: actor.calculate_system_penalties(context_org integer, match_user integer)
Returns: SET OF usr_standing_penalty
Language: PLPGSQL
DECLARE user_object actor.usr%ROWTYPE; new_sp_row actor.usr_standing_penalty%ROWTYPE; existing_sp_row actor.usr_standing_penalty%ROWTYPE; collections_fines permission.grp_penalty_threshold%ROWTYPE; max_fines permission.grp_penalty_threshold%ROWTYPE; max_overdue permission.grp_penalty_threshold%ROWTYPE; max_items_out permission.grp_penalty_threshold%ROWTYPE; max_lost permission.grp_penalty_threshold%ROWTYPE; max_longoverdue permission.grp_penalty_threshold%ROWTYPE; tmp_grp INT; items_overdue INT; items_out INT; items_lost INT; items_longoverdue INT; context_org_list INT[]; current_fines NUMERIC(8,2) := 0.0; tmp_fines NUMERIC(8,2); tmp_groc RECORD; tmp_circ RECORD; tmp_org actor.org_unit%ROWTYPE; tmp_penalty config.standing_penalty%ROWTYPE; tmp_depth INTEGER; BEGIN SELECT INTO user_object * FROM actor.usr WHERE id = match_user; -- Max fines SELECT INTO tmp_org * FROM actor.org_unit WHERE id = context_org; -- Fail if the user has a high fine balance LOOP tmp_grp := user_object.profile; LOOP SELECT * INTO max_fines FROM permission.grp_penalty_threshold WHERE grp = tmp_grp AND penalty = 1 AND org_unit = tmp_org.id; IF max_fines.threshold IS NULL THEN SELECT parent INTO tmp_grp FROM permission.grp_tree WHERE id = tmp_grp; ELSE EXIT; END IF; IF tmp_grp IS NULL THEN EXIT; END IF; END LOOP; IF max_fines.threshold IS NOT NULL OR tmp_org.parent_ou IS NULL THEN EXIT; END IF; SELECT * INTO tmp_org FROM actor.org_unit WHERE id = tmp_org.parent_ou; END LOOP; IF max_fines.threshold IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN QUERY SELECT * FROM actor.usr_standing_penalty WHERE usr = match_user AND org_unit = max_fines.org_unit AND (stop_date IS NULL or stop_date > NOW()) AND standing_penalty = 1; SELECT INTO context_org_list ARRAY_AGG(id) FROM actor.org_unit_full_path( max_fines.org_unit ); SELECT SUM(f.balance_owed) INTO current_fines FROM money.materialized_billable_xact_summary f JOIN ( SELECT r.id FROM booking.reservation r WHERE r.usr = match_user AND r.pickup_lib IN (SELECT * FROM unnest(context_org_list)) AND xact_finish IS NULL UNION ALL SELECT g.id FROM money.grocery g WHERE g.usr = match_user AND g.billing_location IN (SELECT * FROM unnest(context_org_list)) AND xact_finish IS NULL UNION ALL SELECT circ.id FROM action.circulation circ WHERE circ.usr = match_user AND circ.circ_lib IN (SELECT * FROM unnest(context_org_list)) AND xact_finish IS NULL ) l USING (id); IF current_fines >= max_fines.threshold THEN new_sp_row.usr := match_user; new_sp_row.org_unit := max_fines.org_unit; new_sp_row.standing_penalty := 1; RETURN NEXT new_sp_row; END IF; END IF; -- Start over for max overdue SELECT INTO tmp_org * FROM actor.org_unit WHERE id = context_org; -- Fail if the user has too many overdue items LOOP tmp_grp := user_object.profile; LOOP SELECT * INTO max_overdue FROM permission.grp_penalty_threshold WHERE grp = tmp_grp AND penalty = 2 AND org_unit = tmp_org.id; IF max_overdue.threshold IS NULL THEN SELECT parent INTO tmp_grp FROM permission.grp_tree WHERE id = tmp_grp; ELSE EXIT; END IF; IF tmp_grp IS NULL THEN EXIT; END IF; END LOOP; IF max_overdue.threshold IS NOT NULL OR tmp_org.parent_ou IS NULL THEN EXIT; END IF; SELECT INTO tmp_org * FROM actor.org_unit WHERE id = tmp_org.parent_ou; END LOOP; IF max_overdue.threshold IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN QUERY SELECT * FROM actor.usr_standing_penalty WHERE usr = match_user AND org_unit = max_overdue.org_unit AND (stop_date IS NULL or stop_date > NOW()) AND standing_penalty = 2; SELECT INTO items_overdue COUNT(*) FROM action.circulation circ JOIN actor.org_unit_full_path( max_overdue.org_unit ) fp ON (circ.circ_lib = fp.id) WHERE circ.usr = match_user AND circ.checkin_time IS NULL AND circ.due_date < NOW() AND (circ.stop_fines = 'MAXFINES' OR circ.stop_fines IS NULL); IF items_overdue >= max_overdue.threshold::INT THEN new_sp_row.usr := match_user; new_sp_row.org_unit := max_overdue.org_unit; new_sp_row.standing_penalty := 2; RETURN NEXT new_sp_row; END IF; END IF; -- Start over for max out SELECT INTO tmp_org * FROM actor.org_unit WHERE id = context_org; -- Fail if the user has too many checked out items LOOP tmp_grp := user_object.profile; LOOP SELECT * INTO max_items_out FROM permission.grp_penalty_threshold WHERE grp = tmp_grp AND penalty = 3 AND org_unit = tmp_org.id; IF max_items_out.threshold IS NULL THEN SELECT parent INTO tmp_grp FROM permission.grp_tree WHERE id = tmp_grp; ELSE EXIT; END IF; IF tmp_grp IS NULL THEN EXIT; END IF; END LOOP; IF max_items_out.threshold IS NOT NULL OR tmp_org.parent_ou IS NULL THEN EXIT; END IF; SELECT INTO tmp_org * FROM actor.org_unit WHERE id = tmp_org.parent_ou; END LOOP; -- Fail if the user has too many items checked out IF max_items_out.threshold IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN QUERY SELECT * FROM actor.usr_standing_penalty WHERE usr = match_user AND org_unit = max_items_out.org_unit AND (stop_date IS NULL or stop_date > NOW()) AND standing_penalty = 3; SELECT INTO items_out COUNT(*) FROM action.circulation circ JOIN actor.org_unit_full_path( max_items_out.org_unit ) fp ON (circ.circ_lib = fp.id) WHERE circ.usr = match_user AND circ.checkin_time IS NULL AND (circ.stop_fines IN ( SELECT 'MAXFINES'::TEXT UNION ALL SELECT 'LONGOVERDUE'::TEXT UNION ALL SELECT 'LOST'::TEXT WHERE 'true' ILIKE ( SELECT CASE WHEN (SELECT value FROM actor.org_unit_ancestor_setting('circ.tally_lost', circ.circ_lib)) ILIKE 'true' THEN 'true' ELSE 'false' END ) UNION ALL SELECT 'CLAIMSRETURNED'::TEXT WHERE 'false' ILIKE ( SELECT CASE WHEN (SELECT value FROM actor.org_unit_ancestor_setting('circ.do_not_tally_claims_returned', circ.circ_lib)) ILIKE 'true' THEN 'true' ELSE 'false' END ) ) OR circ.stop_fines IS NULL) AND xact_finish IS NULL; IF items_out >= max_items_out.threshold::INT THEN new_sp_row.usr := match_user; new_sp_row.org_unit := max_items_out.org_unit; new_sp_row.standing_penalty := 3; RETURN NEXT new_sp_row; END IF; END IF; -- Start over for max lost SELECT INTO tmp_org * FROM actor.org_unit WHERE id = context_org; -- Fail if the user has too many lost items LOOP tmp_grp := user_object.profile; LOOP SELECT * INTO max_lost FROM permission.grp_penalty_threshold WHERE grp = tmp_grp AND penalty = 5 AND org_unit = tmp_org.id; IF max_lost.threshold IS NULL THEN SELECT parent INTO tmp_grp FROM permission.grp_tree WHERE id = tmp_grp; ELSE EXIT; END IF; IF tmp_grp IS NULL THEN EXIT; END IF; END LOOP; IF max_lost.threshold IS NOT NULL OR tmp_org.parent_ou IS NULL THEN EXIT; END IF; SELECT INTO tmp_org * FROM actor.org_unit WHERE id = tmp_org.parent_ou; END LOOP; IF max_lost.threshold IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN QUERY SELECT * FROM actor.usr_standing_penalty WHERE usr = match_user AND org_unit = max_lost.org_unit AND (stop_date IS NULL or stop_date > NOW()) AND standing_penalty = 5; SELECT INTO items_lost COUNT(*) FROM action.circulation circ JOIN actor.org_unit_full_path( max_lost.org_unit ) fp ON (circ.circ_lib = fp.id) WHERE circ.usr = match_user AND circ.checkin_time IS NULL AND (circ.stop_fines = 'LOST') AND xact_finish IS NULL; IF items_lost >= max_lost.threshold::INT AND 0 < max_lost.threshold::INT THEN new_sp_row.usr := match_user; new_sp_row.org_unit := max_lost.org_unit; new_sp_row.standing_penalty := 5; RETURN NEXT new_sp_row; END IF; END IF; -- Start over for max longoverdue SELECT INTO tmp_org * FROM actor.org_unit WHERE id = context_org; -- Fail if the user has too many longoverdue items LOOP tmp_grp := user_object.profile; LOOP SELECT * INTO max_longoverdue FROM permission.grp_penalty_threshold WHERE grp = tmp_grp AND penalty = 35 AND org_unit = tmp_org.id; IF max_longoverdue.threshold IS NULL THEN SELECT parent INTO tmp_grp FROM permission.grp_tree WHERE id = tmp_grp; ELSE EXIT; END IF; IF tmp_grp IS NULL THEN EXIT; END IF; END LOOP; IF max_longoverdue.threshold IS NOT NULL OR tmp_org.parent_ou IS NULL THEN EXIT; END IF; SELECT INTO tmp_org * FROM actor.org_unit WHERE id = tmp_org.parent_ou; END LOOP; IF max_longoverdue.threshold IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN QUERY SELECT * FROM actor.usr_standing_penalty WHERE usr = match_user AND org_unit = max_longoverdue.org_unit AND (stop_date IS NULL or stop_date > NOW()) AND standing_penalty = 35; SELECT INTO items_longoverdue COUNT(*) FROM action.circulation circ JOIN actor.org_unit_full_path( max_longoverdue.org_unit ) fp ON (circ.circ_lib = fp.id) WHERE circ.usr = match_user AND circ.checkin_time IS NULL AND (circ.stop_fines = 'LONGOVERDUE') AND xact_finish IS NULL; IF items_longoverdue >= max_longoverdue.threshold::INT AND 0 < max_longoverdue.threshold::INT THEN new_sp_row.usr := match_user; new_sp_row.org_unit := max_longoverdue.org_unit; new_sp_row.standing_penalty := 35; RETURN NEXT new_sp_row; END IF; END IF; -- Start over for collections warning SELECT INTO tmp_org * FROM actor.org_unit WHERE id = context_org; -- Fail if the user has a collections-level fine balance LOOP tmp_grp := user_object.profile; LOOP SELECT * INTO max_fines FROM permission.grp_penalty_threshold WHERE grp = tmp_grp AND penalty = 4 AND org_unit = tmp_org.id; IF max_fines.threshold IS NULL THEN SELECT parent INTO tmp_grp FROM permission.grp_tree WHERE id = tmp_grp; ELSE EXIT; END IF; IF tmp_grp IS NULL THEN EXIT; END IF; END LOOP; IF max_fines.threshold IS NOT NULL OR tmp_org.parent_ou IS NULL THEN EXIT; END IF; SELECT * INTO tmp_org FROM actor.org_unit WHERE id = tmp_org.parent_ou; END LOOP; IF max_fines.threshold IS NOT NULL THEN RETURN QUERY SELECT * FROM actor.usr_standing_penalty WHERE usr = match_user AND org_unit = max_fines.org_unit AND (stop_date IS NULL or stop_date > NOW()) AND standing_penalty = 4; SELECT INTO context_org_list ARRAY_AGG(id) FROM actor.org_unit_full_path( max_fines.org_unit ); SELECT SUM(f.balance_owed) INTO current_fines FROM money.materialized_billable_xact_summary f JOIN ( SELECT r.id FROM booking.reservation r WHERE r.usr = match_user AND r.pickup_lib IN (SELECT * FROM unnest(context_org_list)) AND r.xact_finish IS NULL UNION ALL SELECT g.id FROM money.grocery g WHERE g.usr = match_user AND g.billing_location IN (SELECT * FROM unnest(context_org_list)) AND g.xact_finish IS NULL UNION ALL SELECT circ.id FROM action.circulation circ WHERE circ.usr = match_user AND circ.circ_lib IN (SELECT * FROM unnest(context_org_list)) AND circ.xact_finish IS NULL ) l USING (id); IF current_fines >= max_fines.threshold THEN new_sp_row.usr := match_user; new_sp_row.org_unit := max_fines.org_unit; new_sp_row.standing_penalty := 4; RETURN NEXT new_sp_row; END IF; END IF; -- Start over for in collections SELECT INTO tmp_org * FROM actor.org_unit WHERE id = context_org; -- Remove the in-collections penalty if the user has paid down enough -- This penalty is different, because this code is not responsible for creating -- new in-collections penalties, only for removing them LOOP tmp_grp := user_object.profile; LOOP SELECT * INTO max_fines FROM permission.grp_penalty_threshold WHERE grp = tmp_grp AND penalty = 30 AND org_unit = tmp_org.id; IF max_fines.threshold IS NULL THEN SELECT parent INTO tmp_grp FROM permission.grp_tree WHERE id = tmp_grp; ELSE EXIT; END IF; IF tmp_grp IS NULL THEN EXIT; END IF; END LOOP; IF max_fines.threshold IS NOT NULL OR tmp_org.parent_ou IS NULL THEN EXIT; END IF; SELECT * INTO tmp_org FROM actor.org_unit WHERE id = tmp_org.parent_ou; END LOOP; IF max_fines.threshold IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT INTO context_org_list ARRAY_AGG(id) FROM actor.org_unit_full_path( max_fines.org_unit ); -- first, see if the user had paid down to the threshold SELECT SUM(f.balance_owed) INTO current_fines FROM money.materialized_billable_xact_summary f JOIN ( SELECT r.id FROM booking.reservation r WHERE r.usr = match_user AND r.pickup_lib IN (SELECT * FROM unnest(context_org_list)) AND r.xact_finish IS NULL UNION ALL SELECT g.id FROM money.grocery g WHERE g.usr = match_user AND g.billing_location IN (SELECT * FROM unnest(context_org_list)) AND g.xact_finish IS NULL UNION ALL SELECT circ.id FROM action.circulation circ WHERE circ.usr = match_user AND circ.circ_lib IN (SELECT * FROM unnest(context_org_list)) AND circ.xact_finish IS NULL ) l USING (id); IF current_fines IS NULL OR current_fines <= max_fines.threshold THEN -- patron has paid down enough SELECT INTO tmp_penalty * FROM config.standing_penalty WHERE id = 30; IF tmp_penalty.org_depth IS NOT NULL THEN -- since this code is not responsible for applying the penalty, it can't -- guarantee the current context org will match the org at which the penalty --- was applied. search up the org tree until we hit the configured penalty depth SELECT INTO tmp_org * FROM actor.org_unit WHERE id = context_org; SELECT INTO tmp_depth depth FROM actor.org_unit_type WHERE id = tmp_org.ou_type; WHILE tmp_depth >= tmp_penalty.org_depth LOOP RETURN QUERY SELECT * FROM actor.usr_standing_penalty WHERE usr = match_user AND org_unit = tmp_org.id AND (stop_date IS NULL or stop_date > NOW()) AND standing_penalty = 30; IF tmp_org.parent_ou IS NULL THEN EXIT; END IF; SELECT * INTO tmp_org FROM actor.org_unit WHERE id = tmp_org.parent_ou; SELECT INTO tmp_depth depth FROM actor.org_unit_type WHERE id = tmp_org.ou_type; END LOOP; ELSE -- no penalty depth is defined, look for exact matches RETURN QUERY SELECT * FROM actor.usr_standing_penalty WHERE usr = match_user AND org_unit = max_fines.org_unit AND (stop_date IS NULL or stop_date > NOW()) AND standing_penalty = 30; END IF; END IF; END IF; RETURN; END;
Function: actor.change_password(pw_type integer, new_pw text, user_id text)
Returns: void
Language: PLPGSQL
Allows setting a salted password for a user by passing actor.usr id and the text of the password.
DECLARE new_salt TEXT; BEGIN SELECT actor.create_salt(pw_type) INTO new_salt; IF pw_type = 'main' THEN -- Only 'main' passwords are required to have -- the extra layer of MD5 hashing. PERFORM actor.set_passwd( user_id, pw_type, md5(new_salt || md5(new_pw)), new_salt ); ELSE PERFORM actor.set_passwd(user_id, pw_type, new_pw, new_salt); END IF; END;
Function: actor.create_salt(pw_type text)
Returns: text
Language: PLPGSQL
DECLARE type_row actor.passwd_type%ROWTYPE; BEGIN /* Returns a new salt based on the passwd_type encryption settings. * Returns NULL If the password type is not crypt()'ed. */ SELECT INTO type_row * FROM actor.passwd_type WHERE code = pw_type; IF NOT FOUND THEN RETURN EXCEPTION 'No such password type: %', pw_type; END IF; IF type_row.iter_count IS NULL THEN -- This password type is unsalted. That's OK. RETURN NULL; END IF; RETURN gen_salt(type_row.crypt_algo, type_row.iter_count); END;
Function: actor.crypt_pw_insert()
Returns: trigger
Language: PLPGSQL
BEGIN NEW.passwd = MD5( NEW.passwd ); RETURN NEW; END;
Function: actor.crypt_pw_update()
Returns: trigger
Language: PLPGSQL
BEGIN IF NEW.passwd <> OLD.passwd THEN NEW.passwd = MD5( NEW.passwd ); END IF; RETURN NEW; END;
Function: actor.get_cascade_setting(workstation_id text, user_id integer, org_id integer, setting_name integer)
Returns: cascade_setting_summary
Language: PLPGSQL
DECLARE setting_value JSON; summary actor.cascade_setting_summary; org_setting_type config.org_unit_setting_type%ROWTYPE; BEGIN summary.name := setting_name; -- Collect the org setting type status first in case we exit early. -- The existance of an org setting type is not considered -- privileged information. SELECT INTO org_setting_type * FROM config.org_unit_setting_type WHERE name = setting_name; IF FOUND THEN summary.has_org_setting := TRUE; ELSE summary.has_org_setting := FALSE; END IF; -- User and workstation settings have the same priority. -- Start with user settings since that's the simplest code path. -- The workstation_id is ignored if no user_id is provided. IF user_id IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT INTO summary.value value FROM actor.usr_setting WHERE usr = user_id AND name = setting_name; IF FOUND THEN -- if we have a value, we have a setting type summary.has_user_setting := TRUE; IF workstation_id IS NOT NULL THEN -- Only inform the caller about the workstation -- setting type disposition when a workstation id is -- provided. Otherwise, it's NULL to indicate UNKNOWN. summary.has_workstation_setting := FALSE; END IF; RETURN summary; END IF; -- no user setting value, but a setting type may exist SELECT INTO summary.has_user_setting EXISTS ( SELECT TRUE FROM config.usr_setting_type WHERE name = setting_name ); IF workstation_id IS NOT NULL THEN IF NOT summary.has_user_setting THEN -- A workstation setting type may only exist when a user -- setting type does not. SELECT INTO summary.value value FROM actor.workstation_setting WHERE workstation = workstation_id AND name = setting_name; IF FOUND THEN -- if we have a value, we have a setting type summary.has_workstation_setting := TRUE; RETURN summary; END IF; -- no value, but a setting type may exist SELECT INTO summary.has_workstation_setting EXISTS ( SELECT TRUE FROM config.workstation_setting_type WHERE name = setting_name ); END IF; -- Finally make use of the workstation to determine the org -- unit if none is provided. IF org_id IS NULL AND summary.has_org_setting THEN SELECT INTO org_id owning_lib FROM actor.workstation WHERE id = workstation_id; END IF; END IF; END IF; -- Some org unit settings are protected by a view permission. -- First see if we have any data that needs protecting, then -- check the permission if needed. IF NOT summary.has_org_setting THEN RETURN summary; END IF; -- avoid putting the value into the summary until we confirm -- the value should be visible to the caller. SELECT INTO setting_value value FROM actor.org_unit_ancestor_setting(setting_name, org_id); IF NOT FOUND THEN -- No value found -- perm check is irrelevant. RETURN summary; END IF; IF org_setting_type.view_perm IS NOT NULL THEN IF user_id IS NULL THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Perm check required but no user_id provided'; RETURN summary; END IF; IF NOT permission.usr_has_perm( user_id, (SELECT code FROM permission.perm_list WHERE id = org_setting_type.view_perm), org_id) THEN RAISE NOTICE 'Perm check failed for user % on %', user_id, org_setting_type.view_perm; RETURN summary; END IF; END IF; -- Perm check succeeded or was not necessary. summary.value := setting_value; RETURN summary; END;
Function: actor.get_cascade_setting_batch(workstation_id text[], user_id integer, org_id integer, setting_names integer)
Returns: SET OF cascade_setting_summary
Language: PLPGSQL
-- Returns a row per setting matching the setting name order. If no -- value is applied, NULL is returned to retain name-response ordering. DECLARE setting_name TEXT; summary actor.cascade_setting_summary; BEGIN FOREACH setting_name IN ARRAY setting_names LOOP SELECT INTO summary * FROM actor.get_cascade_setting( setting_Name, org_id, user_id, workstation_id); RETURN NEXT summary; END LOOP; END;
Function: actor.get_salt(pw_type integer, pw_usr text)
Returns: text
Language: PLPGSQL
DECLARE pw_salt TEXT; type_row actor.passwd_type%ROWTYPE; BEGIN /* Returns the salt for the requested user + type. If the password * type of "main" is requested and no password exists in actor.passwd, * the user's existing password is migrated and the new salt is returned. * Returns NULL if the password type is not crypt'ed (iter_count is NULL). */ SELECT INTO pw_salt salt FROM actor.passwd WHERE usr = pw_usr AND passwd_type = pw_type; IF FOUND THEN RETURN pw_salt; END IF; IF pw_type = 'main' THEN -- Main password has not yet been migrated. -- Do it now and return the newly created salt. RETURN actor.migrate_passwd(pw_usr); END IF; -- We have no salt to return. actor.create_salt() needed. RETURN NULL; END;
Function: actor.insert_usr_activity(ehow integer, ewhat text, ewho text, usr text)
Returns: SET OF usr_activity
Language: PLPGSQL
DECLARE new_row actor.usr_activity%ROWTYPE; BEGIN SELECT id INTO new_row.etype FROM actor.usr_activity_get_type(ewho, ewhat, ehow); IF FOUND THEN new_row.usr := usr; INSERT INTO actor.usr_activity (usr, etype) VALUES (usr, new_row.etype) RETURNING * INTO new_row; RETURN NEXT new_row; END IF; END;
Function: actor.migrate_passwd(pw_usr integer)
Returns: text
Language: PLPGSQL
DECLARE pw_salt TEXT; usr_row actor.usr%ROWTYPE; BEGIN /* Migrates legacy actor.usr.passwd value to actor.passwd with * a password type 'main' and returns the new salt. For backwards * compatibility with existing CHAP-style API's, we perform a * layer of intermediate MD5(MD5()) hashing. This is intermediate * hashing is not required of other passwords. */ -- Avoid calling get_salt() here, because it may result in a -- migrate_passwd() call, creating a loop. SELECT INTO pw_salt salt FROM actor.passwd WHERE usr = pw_usr AND passwd_type = 'main'; -- Only migrate passwords that have not already been migrated. IF FOUND THEN RETURN pw_salt; END IF; SELECT INTO usr_row * FROM actor.usr WHERE id = pw_usr; pw_salt := actor.create_salt('main'); PERFORM actor.set_passwd( pw_usr, 'main', MD5(pw_salt || usr_row.passwd), pw_salt); -- clear the existing password UPDATE actor.usr SET passwd = '' WHERE id = usr_row.id; RETURN pw_salt; END;
Function: actor.org_unit_ancestor_at_depth(integer, integer)
Returns: org_unit
Language: SQL
SELECT a.* FROM actor.org_unit a WHERE id = ( SELECT FIRST(x.id) FROM actor.org_unit_ancestors($1) x JOIN actor.org_unit_type y ON x.ou_type = y.id AND y.depth = $2);
Function: actor.org_unit_ancestor_setting(org_id text, setting_name integer)
Returns: SET OF org_unit_setting
Language: PLPGSQL
Search "up" the org_unit tree until we find the first occurrence of an org_unit_setting with the given name.
DECLARE setting RECORD; cur_org INT; BEGIN cur_org := org_id; LOOP SELECT INTO setting * FROM actor.org_unit_setting WHERE org_unit = cur_org AND name = setting_name; IF FOUND THEN RETURN NEXT setting; EXIT; END IF; SELECT INTO cur_org parent_ou FROM actor.org_unit WHERE id = cur_org; EXIT WHEN cur_org IS NULL; END LOOP; RETURN; END;
Function: actor.org_unit_ancestor_setting_batch(setting_names integer, org_id text[])
Returns: SET OF org_unit_setting
Language: PLPGSQL
For each setting name passed, search "up" the org_unit tree until we find the first occurrence of an org_unit_setting with the given name.
DECLARE setting RECORD; setting_name TEXT; cur_org INT; BEGIN FOREACH setting_name IN ARRAY setting_names LOOP cur_org := org_id; LOOP SELECT INTO setting * FROM actor.org_unit_setting WHERE org_unit = cur_org AND name = setting_name; IF FOUND THEN RETURN NEXT setting; EXIT; END IF; SELECT INTO cur_org parent_ou FROM actor.org_unit WHERE id = cur_org; EXIT WHEN cur_org IS NULL; END LOOP; END LOOP; RETURN; END;
Function: actor.org_unit_ancestor_setting_batch_by_org(org_ids text, setting_name integer[])
Returns: SET OF org_unit_setting
Language: PLPGSQL
DECLARE setting RECORD; org_id INTEGER; BEGIN /* Returns one actor.org_unit_setting row per org unit ID provided. When no setting exists for a given org unit, the setting row will contain all empty values. */ FOREACH org_id IN ARRAY org_ids LOOP SELECT INTO setting * FROM actor.org_unit_ancestor_setting(setting_name, org_id); RETURN NEXT setting; END LOOP; RETURN; END;
Function: actor.org_unit_ancestors(integer)
Returns: SET OF org_unit
Language: SQL
WITH RECURSIVE org_unit_ancestors_distance(id, distance) AS ( SELECT $1, 0 UNION SELECT ou.parent_ou, ouad.distance+1 FROM actor.org_unit ou JOIN org_unit_ancestors_distance ouad ON (ou.id = ouad.id) WHERE ou.parent_ou IS NOT NULL ) SELECT ou.* FROM actor.org_unit ou JOIN org_unit_ancestors_distance ouad USING (id) ORDER BY ouad.distance DESC;
Function: actor.org_unit_ancestors_distance(distance integer)
Returns: SET OF record
Language: SQL
WITH RECURSIVE org_unit_ancestors_distance(id, distance) AS ( SELECT $1, 0 UNION SELECT ou.parent_ou, ouad.distance+1 FROM actor.org_unit ou JOIN org_unit_ancestors_distance ouad ON (ou.id = ouad.id) WHERE ou.parent_ou IS NOT NULL ) SELECT * FROM org_unit_ancestors_distance;
Function: actor.org_unit_combined_ancestors(integer, integer)
Returns: SET OF org_unit
Language: SQL
SELECT * FROM actor.org_unit_ancestors($1) UNION SELECT * FROM actor.org_unit_ancestors($2);
Function: actor.org_unit_common_ancestors(integer, integer)
Returns: SET OF org_unit
Language: SQL
SELECT * FROM actor.org_unit_ancestors($1) INTERSECT SELECT * FROM actor.org_unit_ancestors($2);
Function: actor.org_unit_descendants(integer)
Returns: SET OF org_unit
Language: SQL
WITH RECURSIVE descendant_depth AS ( SELECT ou.id, ou.parent_ou, out.depth FROM actor.org_unit ou JOIN actor.org_unit_type out ON (out.id = ou.ou_type) WHERE ou.id = $1 UNION ALL SELECT ou.id, ou.parent_ou, out.depth FROM actor.org_unit ou JOIN actor.org_unit_type out ON (out.id = ou.ou_type) JOIN descendant_depth ot ON (ot.id = ou.parent_ou) ) SELECT ou.* FROM actor.org_unit ou JOIN descendant_depth USING (id);
Function: actor.org_unit_descendants(integer, integer)
Returns: SET OF org_unit
Language: SQL
WITH RECURSIVE descendant_depth AS ( SELECT ou.id, ou.parent_ou, out.depth FROM actor.org_unit ou JOIN actor.org_unit_type out ON (out.id = ou.ou_type) JOIN anscestor_depth ad ON (ad.id = ou.id) WHERE ad.depth = $2 UNION ALL SELECT ou.id, ou.parent_ou, out.depth FROM actor.org_unit ou JOIN actor.org_unit_type out ON (out.id = ou.ou_type) JOIN descendant_depth ot ON (ot.id = ou.parent_ou) ), anscestor_depth AS ( SELECT ou.id, ou.parent_ou, out.depth FROM actor.org_unit ou JOIN actor.org_unit_type out ON (out.id = ou.ou_type) WHERE ou.id = $1 UNION ALL SELECT ou.id, ou.parent_ou, out.depth FROM actor.org_unit ou JOIN actor.org_unit_type out ON (out.id = ou.ou_type) JOIN anscestor_depth ot ON (ot.parent_ou = ou.id) ) SELECT ou.* FROM actor.org_unit ou JOIN descendant_depth USING (id);
Function: actor.org_unit_descendants_distance(distance integer)
Returns: SET OF record
Language: SQL
WITH RECURSIVE org_unit_descendants_distance(id, distance) AS ( SELECT $1, 0 UNION SELECT ou.id, oudd.distance+1 FROM actor.org_unit ou JOIN org_unit_descendants_distance oudd ON (ou.parent_ou = oudd.id) ) SELECT * FROM org_unit_descendants_distance;
Function: actor.org_unit_full_path(integer)
Returns: SET OF org_unit
Language: SQL
SELECT aou.* FROM actor.org_unit AS aou JOIN ( (SELECT au.id, t.depth FROM actor.org_unit_ancestors($1) AS au JOIN actor.org_unit_type t ON (au.ou_type = t.id)) UNION (SELECT au.id, t.depth FROM actor.org_unit_descendants($1) AS au JOIN actor.org_unit_type t ON (au.ou_type = t.id)) ) AS ad ON (aou.id=ad.id) ORDER BY ad.depth;
Function: actor.org_unit_full_path(integer, integer)
Returns: SET OF org_unit
Language: SQL
SELECT * FROM actor.org_unit_full_path((actor.org_unit_ancestor_at_depth($1, $2)).id)
Function: actor.org_unit_parent_protect()
Returns: trigger
Language: PLPGSQL
DECLARE current_aou actor.org_unit%ROWTYPE; seen_ous INT[]; depth_count INT; BEGIN current_aou := NEW; depth_count := 0; seen_ous := ARRAY[NEW.id]; IF (TG_OP = 'UPDATE') THEN IF (NEW.parent_ou IS NOT DISTINCT FROM OLD.parent_ou) THEN RETURN NEW; -- Doing an UPDATE with no change, just return it END IF; END IF; LOOP IF current_aou.parent_ou IS NULL THEN -- Top of the org tree? RETURN NEW; -- No loop. Carry on. END IF; IF current_aou.parent_ou = ANY(seen_ous) THEN -- Parent is one we have seen? RAISE 'OU LOOP: Saw % twice', current_aou.parent_ou; -- LOOP! ABORT! END IF; -- Get the next one! SELECT INTO current_aou * FROM actor.org_unit WHERE id = current_aou.parent_ou; seen_ous := seen_ous || current_aou.id; depth_count := depth_count + 1; IF depth_count = 100 THEN RAISE 'OU CHECK TOO DEEP'; END IF; END LOOP; RETURN NEW; END;
Function: actor.org_unit_prox_update()
Returns: trigger
Language: PLPGSQL
BEGIN IF TG_OP = 'DELETE' THEN DELETE FROM actor.org_unit_proximity WHERE (from_org = OLD.id or to_org= OLD.id); END IF; IF TG_OP = 'UPDATE' THEN IF NEW.parent_ou <> OLD.parent_ou THEN DELETE FROM actor.org_unit_proximity WHERE (from_org = OLD.id or to_org= OLD.id); INSERT INTO actor.org_unit_proximity (from_org, to_org, prox) SELECT l.id, r.id, actor.org_unit_proximity(l.id,r.id) FROM actor.org_unit l, actor.org_unit r WHERE (l.id = NEW.id or r.id = NEW.id); END IF; END IF; IF TG_OP = 'INSERT' THEN INSERT INTO actor.org_unit_proximity (from_org, to_org, prox) SELECT l.id, r.id, actor.org_unit_proximity(l.id,r.id) FROM actor.org_unit l, actor.org_unit r WHERE (l.id = NEW.id or r.id = NEW.id); END IF; RETURN null; END;
Function: actor.org_unit_proximity(integer, integer)
Returns: integer
Language: SQL
SELECT COUNT(id)::INT FROM ( SELECT id FROM actor.org_unit_combined_ancestors($1, $2) EXCEPT SELECT id FROM actor.org_unit_common_ancestors($1, $2) ) z;
Function: actor.org_unit_simple_path(integer, integer)
Returns: integer[]
Language: SQL
WITH RECURSIVE descendant_depth(id, path) AS ( SELECT aou.id, ARRAY[aou.id] FROM actor.org_unit aou JOIN actor.org_unit_type aout ON (aout.id = aou.ou_type) WHERE aou.id = $2 UNION ALL SELECT aou.id, dd.path || ARRAY[aou.id] FROM actor.org_unit aou JOIN actor.org_unit_type aout ON (aout.id = aou.ou_type) JOIN descendant_depth dd ON (dd.id = aou.parent_ou) ) SELECT dd.path FROM actor.org_unit aou JOIN descendant_depth dd USING (id) WHERE aou.id = $1 ORDER BY dd.path;
Function: actor.permit_remoteauth(userid text, profile_name bigint)
Returns: text
Language: PLPGSQL
DECLARE usr actor.usr%ROWTYPE; profile config.remoteauth_profile%ROWTYPE; perm TEXT; context_org_list INT[]; home_prox INT; block TEXT; penalty_count INT; BEGIN SELECT INTO usr * FROM actor.usr WHERE id = userid AND NOT deleted; IF usr IS NULL THEN RETURN 'not_found'; END IF; IF usr.barred IS TRUE THEN RETURN 'blocked'; END IF; SELECT INTO profile * FROM config.remoteauth_profile WHERE name = profile_name; SELECT INTO context_org_list ARRAY_AGG(id) FROM actor.org_unit_full_path( profile.context_org ); -- user's home library must be within the context org IF profile.restrict_to_org IS TRUE AND usr.home_ou NOT IN (SELECT * FROM UNNEST(context_org_list)) THEN RETURN 'not_found'; END IF; SELECT INTO perm code FROM permission.perm_list WHERE id = profile.perm; IF permission.usr_has_perm(usr.id, perm, profile.context_org) IS FALSE THEN RETURN 'not_found'; END IF; IF usr.expire_date < NOW() AND profile.allow_expired IS FALSE THEN RETURN 'expired'; END IF; IF usr.active IS FALSE AND profile.allow_inactive IS FALSE THEN RETURN 'blocked'; END IF; -- Proximity of user's home_ou to context_org to see if penalties should be ignored. SELECT INTO home_prox prox FROM actor.org_unit_proximity WHERE from_org = usr.home_ou AND to_org = profile.context_org; -- Loop through the block list to see if the user has any matching penalties. IF profile.block_list IS NOT NULL THEN FOR block IN SELECT UNNEST(STRING_TO_ARRAY(profile.block_list, '|')) LOOP SELECT INTO penalty_count COUNT(DISTINCT csp.*) FROM actor.usr_standing_penalty usp JOIN config.standing_penalty csp ON (csp.id = usp.standing_penalty) WHERE usp.usr = usr.id AND usp.org_unit IN ( SELECT * FROM UNNEST(context_org_list) ) AND ( usp.stop_date IS NULL or usp.stop_date > NOW() ) AND ( csp.ignore_proximity IS NULL OR csp.ignore_proximity < home_prox ) AND csp.block_list ~ block; IF penalty_count > 0 THEN -- User has penalties that match this block, so auth is not permitted. -- Don't bother testing the rest of the block list. RETURN 'blocked'; END IF; END LOOP; END IF; -- User has passed all tests. RETURN 'success'; END;
Function: actor.purge_usr_activity_by_type(act_type integer)
Returns: void
Language: PLPGSQL
DECLARE cur_usr INTEGER; BEGIN FOR cur_usr IN SELECT DISTINCT(usr) FROM actor.usr_activity WHERE etype = act_type LOOP DELETE FROM actor.usr_activity WHERE id IN ( SELECT id FROM actor.usr_activity WHERE usr = cur_usr AND etype = act_type ORDER BY event_time DESC OFFSET 1 ); END LOOP; END
Function: actor.restrict_usr_message_limited()
Returns: trigger
Language: PLPGSQL
BEGIN IF TG_OP = 'UPDATE' THEN UPDATE actor.usr_message SET read_date = NEW.read_date, deleted = NEW.deleted WHERE id = NEW.id; RETURN NEW; END IF; RETURN NULL; END;
Function: actor.set_passwd(new_salt integer, new_pass text, pw_type text, pw_usr text)
Returns: boolean
Language: PLPGSQL
DECLARE pw_salt TEXT; pw_text TEXT; BEGIN /* Sets the password value, creating a new actor.passwd row if needed. * If the password type supports it, the new_pass value is crypt()'ed. * For crypt'ed passwords, the salt comes from one of 3 places in order: * new_salt (if present), existing salt (if present), newly created * salt. */ IF new_salt IS NOT NULL THEN pw_salt := new_salt; ELSE pw_salt := actor.get_salt(pw_usr, pw_type); IF pw_salt IS NULL THEN /* We have no salt for this user + type. Assume they want a * new salt. If this type is unsalted, create_salt() will * return NULL. */ pw_salt := actor.create_salt(pw_type); END IF; END IF; IF pw_salt IS NULL THEN pw_text := new_pass; -- unsalted, use as-is. ELSE pw_text := CRYPT(new_pass, pw_salt); END IF; UPDATE actor.passwd SET passwd = pw_text, salt = pw_salt, edit_date = NOW() WHERE usr = pw_usr AND passwd_type = pw_type; IF NOT FOUND THEN -- no password row exists for this user + type. Create one. INSERT INTO actor.passwd (usr, passwd_type, salt, passwd) VALUES (pw_usr, pw_type, pw_salt, pw_text); END IF; RETURN TRUE; END;
Function: actor.stat_cat_check()
Returns: trigger
Language: PLPGSQL
DECLARE sipfield actor.stat_cat_sip_fields%ROWTYPE; use_count INT; BEGIN IF NEW.sip_field IS NOT NULL THEN SELECT INTO sipfield * FROM actor.stat_cat_sip_fields WHERE field = NEW.sip_field; IF sipfield.one_only THEN SELECT INTO use_count count(id) FROM actor.stat_cat WHERE sip_field = NEW.sip_field AND id != NEW.id; IF use_count > 0 THEN RAISE EXCEPTION 'Sip field cannot be used twice'; END IF; END IF; END IF; RETURN NEW; END;
Function: actor.user_ingest_name_keywords()
Returns: trigger
Language: PLPGSQL
BEGIN NEW.name_kw_tsvector := TO_TSVECTOR( COALESCE(NEW.prefix, '') || ' ' || COALESCE(NEW.first_given_name, '') || ' ' || COALESCE(evergreen.unaccent_and_squash(NEW.first_given_name), '') || ' ' || COALESCE(NEW.second_given_name, '') || ' ' || COALESCE(evergreen.unaccent_and_squash(NEW.second_given_name), '') || ' ' || COALESCE(NEW.family_name, '') || ' ' || COALESCE(evergreen.unaccent_and_squash(NEW.family_name), '') || ' ' || COALESCE(NEW.suffix, '') || ' ' || COALESCE(NEW.pref_prefix, '') || ' ' || COALESCE(NEW.pref_first_given_name, '') || ' ' || COALESCE(evergreen.unaccent_and_squash(NEW.pref_first_given_name), '') || ' ' || COALESCE(NEW.pref_second_given_name, '') || ' ' || COALESCE(evergreen.unaccent_and_squash(NEW.pref_second_given_name), '') || ' ' || COALESCE(NEW.pref_family_name, '') || ' ' || COALESCE(evergreen.unaccent_and_squash(NEW.pref_family_name), '') || ' ' || COALESCE(NEW.pref_suffix, '') || ' ' || COALESCE(NEW.name_keywords, '') ); RETURN NEW; END;
Function: actor.usr_activity_get_type(ehow text, ewhat text, ewho text)
Returns: SET OF usr_activity_type
Language: SQL
SELECT * FROM config.usr_activity_type WHERE enabled AND (ewho IS NULL OR ewho = $1) AND (ewha