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Meeting Agenda: August 16, 2022, 3pm ET


Michele Morgan has requested that we look at these related bugs:

  • #1821950 Web Client: Call Number Labels should not be required in the Copy Editor (AngularJS)
  • #1980409 Call Number Labels should not be required in the Angular Holdings Editor (Angular)

Note: The working branch for 1821950 adds an org unit setting to optionally allow blank call number labels, but needs work.

This issue is preventing some libraries from moving to the Angular editor.

Work in Progress

  1. Get value of new org unit setting in Angular interface (Done)
  2. Enable the Apply & Save buttons if the org unit setting is False and all other factors are okay
  3. Resolve the saving issue when the value is null (use coalesce?)
    • Note that this issue also needs to be resolved in AngularJS

Final Status After Follow-Up Meeting

New branch submitted that aims to resolve both Angular and AngularJS issues (needs testing):;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/user/mccanna/lp1980409_allow_empty_call_number_label

newdevs/meetings/agenda-2022-08.txt · Last modified: 2022/08/19 14:08 by tmccanna

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