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Minutes, Student Success Working Group 2018-10-09


Booking Module

An update on development was provided. BC Libraries Cooperative is waiting for the official go ahead to release the statement of work for. Once this has happened Christine Burns will post the proposed development.

BC Libraries Cooperative is currently in the process of setting up a test server so that their libraries can test the booking branches that are waiting for testing.

Evergreen 3.3 will have a brand new angular interface for administration. It looks similar to the new acquisitions admin interfaces. Jane Sandberg demoed the booking admin interfaces. They are all very similar, with lots of consistency. A thank you to Bill Erickson who did most of the work on the interfaces.


Jane reported that Treasure Valley Community College has just submitted a grant to develop a new reserves module for Evergreen. This will be different form other reserves modules. They are looking at a more general module so that it includes textbooks, online textbooks, open education, syllabi, etc. They are now waiting to hear back about the grant. We may want to discuss ERMs in future meetings in relation to this potential development.


  1. Disable Hold Notifications by Phone
    1. BC Libraries Cooperative/Sitka had a request from a library to remove the hold notifications by phone option in the OPAC. CW MARS and NOBLE don't display this option in the public opac for some of their libraries. It still shows in My Account and in the staff client. They believe it is done in the tt2.
  2. Include Time in Due Dates For Hourly Loans
    1. BC Libraries Cooperative/Sitka has libraries that would like the due date time to display for hourly loans (and not for daily loans). Linn Benton currently showing due date time for all loans in My Account. Ideally the due date time should display in the time zone of the library the item was checked out at. Linn Benton would also like the time to display just for hourly loans and not daily loans.
  3. Disable Email Editing in "My Account"
    1. BC Libraries Cooperative/Sitka has a post-sec that would like to prevent students from changing their email from their school email. Discussion the questions Galen asked in the bug. Conclusion is that in academics would likely find it useful to be able to restrict email editing by permission group while publics would find it useful to restrict on a per patron basis (ie. blocking a patron from editing their email if they keep re-entering an email addresses that is bouncing)
  4. New Payment Type - Debit
    1. BC Libraries Cooperative/Sitka has libraries that would like to distinguish between debit and cash as payment options. This is important for those libraries so they can issue refunds in the same method that was used for payment. Through discussion determined that this is likely of greater concern to libraries in Canada as debit is not used as commonly in the US libraries due to cost.
  5. MARC templates
    1. Lost of support for changing how MARC templates work. Rogan Hamby provided some technical insight - there are a lot of moving parts to the MARC templates so it would be a significant amount of work. The Cataloguing Working group is looking into this. They're starting by collecting a variety of templates so if you have templates send them to Jennifer Weston.

Question from about whether anyone is using Evergreen for managing e-resources. Discussion that costs of e-resources can be tracked by using direct charges on invoices in acquisitions.

Discussion about patron requests in acquisitions. Discussion that it is not widely used yet as there are some bugs and it doesn't currently have a way for patrons to directly make requests (ie. via the OPAC).

Evergreen Conference

Time has been blocked off for a Student Success Group meeting. Discussion about potentially having a remote option for joining for those not attending the conference this year.

student_success_working_group/minutes_2019-02-05.1549922941.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 (external edit)

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