Table of Contents
Improve LC Call Number Displays & Behaviors
All examples and issues are derived from release 2.6.1
Examples & Definitions
LC Call number Fields
050 _0 = LC number assigned by Library of Congress
050 _4 = LC assigned by a library other than Library of Congress
090 _ _ = LC number assigned by a library other than Library of Congress
099 _ _ = Locally assigned call number
Example of a highly complex LC number
From MARC Record
050 _4 ‡aBS1154.2.B5‡bW6 Bd.14 T7.2
Default display in Call Number field of “Volume and Copy Creator”
BS1154.2.B5W6 Bd.14 T7.2
Display & Behavior Issues
Issue #1 Display in "Volume and Copy Creator"
Current display
BS1154.2.B5W6 Bd.14 T7.2
Prefer un-scrunched display
BS1154.2.B5 W6 Bd.14 T7.2
BS1154.2 .B5 W6 Bd.14 T7.2
Issue #2 Multiple Suffixes in Volume and Copy Creator
The suffix structure is not sufficiently complex to handle LC call numbers that include multiple suffixes such as volume 1, part 1, volume 1, part 2, etc. Currently, the only way to account for these exceptions is to simply include it as part of the text in the Call Number text box.
Issue #3 No provision for suffix import when using Vandelay
When importing MARC records that include a 9XX tag(s) no provision has been made to provide a "Holdings Subfield" in the Provider record to populate suffix values.
Issue #4 Printing of spine labels
Correct display for spine label printing
BS | Broad subject genre |
1154.2 | Specific subject |
.B5 | Cutter number further refining the subject |
W6 | Cutter number for author |
BD.14 | Volume number |
t.7.2 | Part number |
Current display for spine label printing
Issue #5 No entries found when doing "Bib Call Number" searches
Attempts to retrieve BT732.5‡b.A32 1927a
Advanced Search > Bib Call Number > Contains > BT732.5
Advanced Search > Bib Call Number > Contains > BT732.5 .A32 1927a
Advanced Search > Bib Call Number > Starts with > BT732.5
Advanced Search > Bib Call Number > Starts with > BT732.5.A32 1927a
Numeric Search > Bib Call number > Identifier: BT732.5
Numeric Search > Bib Call number > Identifier: BT732.5 .A32 1927a
Result: "Sorry, no entries found"
ACTION ITEM Issue #5: Listserv discussion seems to indicate broad consensus that the "Bib Call Number" search can/should be eliminated.
Issue #6 Dynamic indexing isn't working
When doing the following search
Numeric Search > Call Number (Shelf Browse) > Identifier: BT732.5
the Shelf Browser screen appears. The 5th entry begins the BT732.5 sequence. In our catalog this call number was incorrect. It was BT732.5 08 (zero 8) but it should have been BT732.5 O8 (Oh 8) After correcting the number on both the Bib record and the copy/item record, the call number continues to appear when the Call Number (Shelf browse) search is repeated.
Issue #7 Browse Indexing issue
With this search
Numeric Search > Call Number (Shelf Browse) > Identifier: BT732.5.A32
the Shelf Browser screen appears one screen beyond the correct call number.
When a space is included between the .5 and the .A32
Numeric Search > Call Number (Shelf Browse) > Identifier: BT732.5 .A32
the Shelf Browser screen appears with 5th entry displaying the correct call number.
Apparently the search algorithm is treating the “blank space” and the “decimal” as two separate filing indicators. Instead it should be treating them as a single “blank space”
Issue #8 Browse Index Display
The results screen of a Call Number (Shelf Browse) search deviate from look of all other results screens. This was originally done to create a logical display when the "Shelf Browser" bar in the Record Summary screen is activated. Consideration should be given to eliminating the Shelf Browser feature in favor of a Call Number hot link feature. Consideration should be given to providing an option for a display that conforms to the other results screens.
ACTION ITEM Issue #8: Listserv discussion seems to indicate strong, broad consensus for a Call Number (Shelf Browse) results screen with a “List View”
Issue #9 LC Call Numbers in Authority records
WISHLIST ITEM: The 053 tag in a subject authority record and a series authority record is used for call number values. In the case of a series such as Corpus scriptorum Christianorum Orientalium. Scriptores Armeniaci, the call number that we want to use is BR60.C5‡bA75 ending with a volume suffix such as "t.17". During the Vandelay import process the series authority record could be checked and if the call number didn't match what was in the authority record a warning or notice would be generated indicating that there might be a problem. That would be very cool.
Issue #10 Duplicate LC Call Numbers detection in MARC records
WISHLIST ITEM: Currently there is a duplicate call number check when copy/item records are created. It would be very helpful if the LC Call Number fields of MARC records could be checked when bib records enter the system via Vandelay and Z39.50. Library of Congress does not hold every book in the world, which means that local libraries must often create their own LC Call Numbers. It is not unusual for LC cataloged books to be added that duplicate a number already assigned in the local catalog. Preferably, the record would load, and a warning or notice generated indicating that a duplicate Call Number has entered the system.
Previous Discussions
Related Launchpad Bugs | Printing: LC Call number formatting | LC call numbers sort improperly in tabular displays (fixed?) | Advanced Search -> Numeric Search -> Call Number (Shelf Browse) does not honor opac visibility flags | Call number prefix and suffix interfaces do not always honor context ou | OPAC numeric search's call number search bug with LC call numbers | Call number based on MARC Fields does not separate subfields, which causes issues with the LC normalizer if catalogers don't manually add whitespace