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Booking Module Improvements

Existing bugs

Possible new features

Different views of existing bookings

Use case: the booking module is used for room reservations. At the start of the day, a staff member uses Evergreen to print out a list of a printable hourly view of room reservations

Enhancements to Creating a New Reservation including ability to list or show calendar of the resource availability when making the booking, ability to add a note field, make the ‘enter’ key work for the Next button, and ability to cut and paste the resource barcode.

Examples from other systems

Edit existing bookings


Add ability to manage existing reservations on a given resource (booked, captured, and out) including displaying all reservations for a given item, ability to edit the note, and ability to edit start and end day and time for each of the booked, captured and out statuses. This mode should also be accessible from the booking view from the patron record, when an individual reservation is chosen. If time and resources permit, it would be nice to include the ability to do the functions of create new, cancel, capture, pickup and return in this mode.

Allow patrons to place their own bookings

Standing reservations

Use case: the Library staff uses a particular study room for their weekly staff meeting. Using Evergreen, they create a standing reservation so that patrons can't book the study room at that time.

Confirmation emails

Use case: a patron goes to the desk and a Library worker books them a laptop for the next day. When the patron checks their email, they have an email confirming the reservation. The email contains a link that they can use to easily add a reminder of the reservation to their Google calendar.

Enhancements to the Pull List

Include better formatting for printing and better sorting options, particularly the ability to sort by day and time. Offer column picker to control order, width, and what columns can display.

Enhancements to Capture Process

Include ability to confirm capture and to optionally bypass capturing for non-catalogued items.

Ability to view reservations (reserved, captured, and out) in My Account in the OPAC

Better integration of Booking in the patron record in the staff client, using a tab instead of under ‘Other’

Better integration of Billing and Overdues with Booking

student_success_working_group/booking_improvements.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by

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