Table of Contents
Meeting Agenda: February 17, 2021, 3pm ET
1. z39.50 Bug Review
Ruth has suggested that we take a look at this one:
Web Client: z39.50 "Record with TCN 249 marked for overlay." uses record ID, not TCN:
Please read through the comments on the bug so that we can discuss the best solution.
2. Launchpad Cleanup Tasks
There are around 2,500 bugs and wish list items in Launchpad, some going back as far as 2010. Around
We'll spend this month's session reviewing as many of these old bugs as we can to determine whether or not they are still valid:
Around 900 of the open bugs are marked New and have not been confirmed by anyone other than the reporter:
Meeting Notes
- z39.50 Bug: We identified four distinct issues on bug1731042. Jessica has volunteered to take the first crack at fixing them and will share her progress with the group.
- Launchpad Cleanup: We briefly went over launchpad cleanup tasks. Our goal is for every New Developers Group member to update at least 10 launchpad tickets before the March meeting. Updates could be:
- Confirming "New" bugs
- Updating existing bugs with additional information
- Adding "heat" to bugs (ie, marking that the bug also affects you)
- Marking old bugs that are no longer valid "Won't Fix" (if you don't think a bug is still valid in a newer version, but you are not 100% sure, just add a comment to the bug that you no longer see the bug in version "x" but don't mark it Won't Fix)
- Adding official tags to bugs
- Submitting a patch for review
- Testing a patch that someone else has submitted for review
- Etc!
newdevs/meetings/agenda-2021-02.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by