Table of Contents
New Developers Working Group
Meeting Notes: May 15, 2019
- Terran McCanna - PINES, some basic front-end work (HTML, CSS, Template Toolkit, little bit of Java), hoping to learn more to be able to fix more bugs
- Aimee Joy Grillo - Parkland Community Library, minimal coding experience, no development environment access
- Becky Wanamaker - Parkland also, minimal coding experience
- Ian Sheddan (not present) - works with Aimee & Becky at Parkland
- Benjamin Murphy - NC Cardinal, Eastern, background in computer science, PHP / Java / C / HTML / CSS / Template Toolkit, wants to re-engage skills that haven’t used in a while - trying to get up a test server set up for NC Cardinal, but don’t have one yet
- Courtney Brown - NC Cardinal, Eastern - systems librarian, very limited coding, works with Benjamin
- Geoff Sams - North Texas Library consortium - technology officer & library manager, Central Time Zone, background is IT - javascript & visual basic back in high school, interested in testing - worked on testing hatch - no official access to a test environment, has utilized community test environment with
- Jane Sandberg - Linn Benton Community College - Pacific - half cataloging librarian, half systems librarian, core committer to Evergreen, interested in making Evergreen more accessible and more user friendly - Test environment: Blake from MOBIUS set up some docker images to install locally on laptop (needs strong memory and speed)
- Lynn Floyd - SC Lends - HTML / CSS / TT2 - Interested in user experience, access to test environment she set up herself - Bill Erickson did a script that runs through install
- NOBLE - 4 people - Michelle Morgan, Martha Driscoll, Suzanne Paterno, Christine Morgan - all of them have submitted code for bugs that have been accepted into core code - Martha maintains test servers with their own data
- Tiffany Little - Low to intermediate skill level, HTML / CSS in high school, Excel Macro code - interested in Acquisitions and everything else
- Development Wiki - Terran, Tiffany, Lynn
- Overview of the different elements - “The Landscape of Evergreen”
- Organize existing documentation that is in the Evergreen Wiki
- Add information from conference sessions, links to outside resources
- Accessibility Tagging - Jane is willing to be group lead
- Add descriptive documentation to existing code (ie, “This function does x”)
- Links out to documentation pages from staff interface
- Launchpad:
- Launchpad is the site where all Evergreen bugs / wish list items / new feature development is tracked for discussion and testing.
- Anyone can register for a launchpad account to be able to participate.
- Bug Squashing Week:
- Next week, May 20-24, 2019
- IRC (Evergreen chat channel):
- For people new to bug squashing, feel free to contact Terran. Terran is willing to do screensharing (via Google Meet) or help via email or in IRC.
Standard Meeting Time
Third Thursday of the month, 3pm Eastern
The Evergreen Community Calendar is at:
Mailing List
Not yet set up - will request:
Action Items
- Terran and Tiffany will set up framework for new development wiki, look at where existing development wiki pages are
- Terran will get the eg-newdevs mailing list set up and everyone in the meeting added to it
- Everyone in the group should register for a launchpad if they have not yet done so
- Terran will add the standing meeting to the Evergreen community calendar
- Terran will send meeting notes to the eg-newdevs
newdevs/meetings/notes-2019-05.txt · Last modified: 2022/02/10 13:34 by